D&D (2024) Rebalancing melee weapons for 5.5E

Personally, IMHO the weapons are not terrible, but there are some odd things going on with some. Is there any reason to use a blowgun at all? Anyone ever used one? and fix nets to at least be usable. I don't think a strength requirement will fly. If you're proficient with a weapon and using it ineffectively that's a reflection of your low strength having lower damage and you could just describe a weapon of the right size and weight for you. I'd also like to see better explained standardized damage for different size weapons.

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Ranged weapons:

I'm baffled by having crossbows and bows in both simple and martial category.

I've shot bows, crossbows, slings and guns.

and from the lot, sling is most difficult to learn to aim.
then bows, then crossbows, and easiest guns.

all crossbows should be simple weapons, all bows should be martial. together with the sling.

also crossbows should have reload of an Action.
Yes, it may be bad for fluidity of gameplay, but it can be compensated with large damage and decent range and being a simple weapon used by all.

Hand crossbow, simple
1Handed, light
damage: 1d8 P
range: 40/120
loading Bonus action
cost: 50GP

light crossbow, simple
damage: 2d6 P
range: 60/240
loading Action
cost: 75GP

heavy crossbow, simple
2Handed, heavy
damage: 2d8 P
range: 80/320
loading Action
cost: 100GP

crossbow expert feat reduces loading time from Action to Bonus action and on hand crossbow from Bonus action to free action.
you still need two hands to reload a hand crossbow.
remove bonus action attack from the feat and add +1 DEX.

shortbow, martial
damage: 1d6 P
range: 120/480
cost: 25GP

longbow, martial
damage: 1d8 P
range: 150/600
cost: 50GP

sling, martial
damage: 1d6
range: 40/120
cost: 1GP
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I think 4e got weapons largely right.
Yeah I didnt play 4e but recently looked up 4e Weapon groups and I really like how they were done, the range of weapon properties and how each weapon group had its own ‘feats’ to emphasise its use.

It really emphasized that the Players talent with a weapon was important to the weapons they chose, rather than tying the bonuses to the wepons themselves.

bring it back and give melee types free weapon expertise in their chosen group

The only thing 4e weapons got wrong is the accuracy difference (weapons with +2 to hit Vs weapons with +3) because accuracy was king and a small damage bump was never worth a -1 to hit.

As for OP’s weapon table, it’s designed well, but I doubt WotC would be willing to have weapons with d3 or 2d8 damage nowadays.

The only thing 4e weapons got wrong is the accuracy difference, because accuracy was king and a small damage bump was never worth a -1 to hit.

As for OP’s weapon table, it’s designed well, but I doubt WotC would be willing to have weapons with d3 or 2d8 damage nowadays.
It was based on powers that dealt ×2, ×3, ×4 or more base weapon damage

3d10 with -1 attack was probably worth more than 3d8.

It was based on powers that dealt ×2, ×3, ×4 or more base weapon damage

3d10 with -1 attack was probably worth more than 3d8.
Ad someone who played and DMed the crap out of 4e, and engaged in the CharOp forums, no, it never was.
The best 4e powers generally had powerful rider effects on them on hit, and a couple points of damage were never worth a -5% chance of applying those riders.

I would start with.

Simple Weapon = 1d6 base damage
Martial Weapon = 1d8 base damage

Then modify damage and effects at the cost of comparable tradeoffs. Note, Versatile is equivalent to Twohanded except optionally usable onehanded. Something like.

Die Sizes
1 (minimum) › 1d4 › 1d6 › 1d8 › 1d10 › 1d12 › 2d6 (maximum)

Ammunition (Dexterity only): decrease die size twice
Finesse (Dexterity): decrease die size once
Light (offhand): decrease die size once
Loading: if ammunition, increase die size once
Heavy (medium size only): increase die size once
Reach: decrease die size once
Reach Only (disadvantage within 5 ft): no change
Throw: decrease die size once
Twohanded or versatile: increase die size twice


Blowgun 1 pierce: ammunition, light, loading
Dart (weighted throw arrow) 1d4 pierce: ammunition, heavy
Light Crossbow 1d8 (!) pierce: ammunition, loading, twohanded
Shortbow 1d6 pierce: ammunition, twohanded
Sling 1d4 bludgeon: ammunition, loading
Hatchet 1d6 slash: −
Knife (!) 1d4 pierce: light
Machete 1d6 slash: −
Baton 1d4 bludgeon: finesse
Cane 1d4 bludgeon: light
Club 1d6 bludgeon: −
Greatclub 1d6 bludgeon: versatile (1d10)
Staff 1d4 (!) bludgeon: finesse, versatile (1d8)
Javelin 1d4 pierce: throw
Shortspear 1d4 pierce: light
Spear 1d6 pierce: heavy (!), throw, versatile (1d10)

Handbow 1d4 (!) pierce: ammunition, light, loading
Heavy Crossbow 1d12 (!) pierce: ammunition, heavy, loading, twohanded
Longbow 1d10 pierce: ammunition, heavy, twohanded
Shuriken 1d4 pierce: ammunition
Throwing Axe 1d6 slash: throw
Battleaxe 1d8 slash: versatile (1d12)
Greataxe 2d6 slash: heavy, twohanded
Dagger 1d4 pierce: finesse, light
Greatsword 2d6 slash: heavy, twohanded
Katana 1d6 slash: finesse (!), versatile (1d10)
Longsword 1d8 slash: versatile (1d12)
Rapier 1d6 (!) pierce: finesse
Scimitar 1d6 slash: light (no finesse!)
Seax 1d6 slash: light
Shortsword 1d6 slash/pierce: finesse
Spatha 1d8 slash: −
Sword 1d8 slash/pierce: finesse, heavy (!)
Throwing Knife 1d4 pierce: finesse, throw
Mace 1d8 bludgeon: versatile (1d12)
Nunchaku 1d10 bludgeon: finesse, twohanded
Throwstick 1d6 bludgeon: throw
Lance 1d8 pierce: heavy, mount (1d12), reach, versatile (1d12)
Longspear 1d8 pierce: heavy, throw, versatile (1d12)
Pike 1d12 pierce: reach only, twohanded
Trident 1d6 pierce: throw, versatile (1d10)
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