Right now the weapon table looks little bit chaotic with some weapons having little sense in their traits and their damage.
For this I will take for base from 3.5e simple 1Handed weapon that has d8 damage and critical of 20/×2(the default and only weapon crit range in 5E)
as 5E does not have 1+1/2 str bonus for 2Handed melee attack, Versatile property is non-value, that is it's free for all non-finesse, non-light, non-thrown weapons
thrown property is little buffed and universal at 40/120 ft range
if you feel that because of some "legacy" theme some light weapons that do not have thrown property but should have some, give them 20/40 thrown property for free.
to have all properties used, table will have both simple and martial weapon damage in same row.
make your own examples for weapons, these are just placeholder names.
Weapon traits | Simple weapon damage | example | Martial weapon damage | example |
1Handed, Versatile | d8(d10) | mace | d10(d12) | longsword |
1Handed, Thrown | d6 | javelin | d8 | trident |
1Handed, finesse | d6 | long knife | d8 | rapier |
1Handed, light | d6 | club | d8 | arming sword |
1Handed, reach, Versatile | d6 (d8) | spear | d8(d10) | partisan |
1Handed, finesse, light | d4 | dagger | d6 | shorsword |
1Handed, finesse, reach | d4 | whip | d6 | dagger whip |
1Handed, finesse, thrown | d4 | dart | d6 | throwing hammer |
1Handed, light, thrown | d4 | pillum | d6 | throwing axe |
1Handed, finesse, light, thrown | d3 | throwing knife | d4 | chakram |
2Handed, heavy | 2d6 | warmace | 2d8 | greatsword |
2Handed | d12 | greatclub | 2d6 | claymore |
2Handed, heavy, reach | d12 | pike | 2d6 | pole-ax |
2Handed, reach | d10 | longspear | d12 | glaive |
2Handed, finesse | d10 | bo staff | d12 | elven courtblade |
2Handed, finesse, reach | d8 | elven spear | d10 | spiked chain |