D&D (2024) Rebalancing melee weapons for 5.5E

Would you agree to do the same with spells? Remove spell damage, base spell damage on magic training?
Isn’t spell training a class feature, the same way martial training is a class feature? Those without spellcasting feature can’t cast spells while those who have it can. Seems pretty straightforward. Unless you are suggesting full casters get access to more powerful versions of spells. I’ve seen that in systems before.

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Isn’t spell training a class feature, the same way martial training is a class feature? Those without spellcasting feature can’t cast spells while those who have it can. Seems pretty straightforward. Unless you are suggesting full casters get access to more powerful versions of spells. I’ve seen that in systems before.
It's called up-casting.


Probably not. Anyone, even a wizard, can pick up a sword and try to use it. Same can't be said for spells. You either can, or you can't.
Yeah, I'm not changing the way classes have access to simple/martial weapons or spells, my question was regarding damage calculation mechanics. You suggested that, for those who can pick up a weapon (everyone), damage could be based on martial training, my question was analogous: for those who can pick up spells, would you like spell damage to be based on spellcasting training? Let's say we could have 3 levels of martial/spellcasting training and weapon/spell damage could be damage dice multiplied by this training level. Do you think this is a good approach or do you think it is only good for martial training?


Right now the weapon table looks little bit chaotic with some weapons having little sense in their traits and their damage.

For this I will take for base from 3.5e simple 1Handed weapon that has d8 damage and critical of 20/×2(the default and only weapon crit range in 5E)
as 5E does not have 1+1/2 str bonus for 2Handed melee attack, Versatile property is non-value, that is it's free for all non-finesse, non-light, non-thrown weapons

thrown property is little buffed and universal at 40/120 ft range
if you feel that because of some "legacy" theme some light weapons that do not have thrown property but should have some, give them 20/40 thrown property for free.

to have all properties used, table will have both simple and martial weapon damage in same row.
make your own examples for weapons, these are just placeholder names.

Weapon traitsSimple weapon damageexampleMartial weapon damageexample
1Handed, Versatiled8(d10)maced10(d12)longsword
1Handed, Thrownd6javelind8trident
1Handed, finessed6long knifed8rapier
1Handed, lightd6clubd8arming sword
1Handed, reach, Versatiled6 (d8)speard8(d10)partisan
1Handed, finesse, lightd4daggerd6shorsword
1Handed, finesse, reachd4whipd6dagger whip
1Handed, finesse, thrownd4dartd6throwing hammer
1Handed, light, thrownd4pillumd6throwing axe
1Handed, finesse, light, thrownd3throwing knifed4chakram
2Handed, heavy2d6warmace2d8greatsword
2Handed, heavy, reachd12pike2d6pole-ax
2Handed, reachd10longspeard12glaive
2Handed, finessed10bo staffd12elven courtblade
2Handed, finesse, reachd8elven speard10spiked chain

I like the current set up and this is just about as chaotic as the current table but less thematic.

IMO if you go this route the damage on a lot of the weapons should be lower. I would change the following:
1handed reach - 1d2 simple, 1d4 martial
2handed heavy - 1d8 simple, 1d12 martial
2handed heavy, reach - 1d3 simple, 1d10 martial
2handed reach - 1d3 simple, 1d8 martial
2handed finesse - 1d6 simple, 1d8 martial
2 handed, finesse, reach - 1d4 simple, 1d6 martial

A better system if we want to simplify is to put this on the character instead of the weapon - if you have proficiency in simple weapons you do 1d6 if you use strength, 1d4 if you use dexterity. If you have Martial Weapons proficiency these are 1d8 and 1d6 respectively. Do away with all the other properties.

I would have tk check the balance, but my inclination wluld be to have set damage for the weapon (the average) no str/dex mod, and instead use the hit die of your main class and add to that.

So a fighter wielding a dagger would do 1d10+3, while a wizard with same would only do 1d6+3


I would have tk check the balance, but my inclination wluld be to have set damage for the weapon (the average) no str/dex mod, and instead use the hit die of your main class and add to that.

So a fighter wielding a dagger would do 1d10+3, while a wizard with same would only do 1d6+3
this is some 13th age/D&D hybrid.

I like it.

same trait values:

find some base damage,

let's say 5. Nice number.

martial: +1 damage
2Handed: +2 damage
heavy: +1 damage
light: -1 damage
finesse: -1 damage
reach: -1 damage for 2Handed, -2 for 1Handed
thrown(40/120): -1 damage
2 damage types: -1 damage
Versatile: +1 damage when used 2Handed
ranged: loading, Action +0 damage
ranged: loading, Bonus action, -1 damage
ranged: loading free, -2 damage
ranged: range 40/120: +0 damage
ranged: range 80/320: -1 damage
ranged: range 150/600: -2 damage

They should crib from PF and have properties that trigger if you hit by 10+. Disarm with flails, knockdown with hammers, ongoing bleeds, etc. Siloing any degree of complexity to spells and spells alone is poor design.

As it stands, a 1 or 2 point difference in damage by weapon type is dull. I'd rather see mechanics matter in an interesting tactical way rather than a minor math bump.
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