Spoilers Rebel Moon-my spoiler review

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Now I'm stuck between watching it, just to see how bad bad can get and not watching it, because I don't want to encourage this kind of crap.
here's the issue. Its not bad in that funny way when something is so bad there is an entertainment aspect to it.

Its just bad in that boring this sucks why am I watching this way. Its just a waste of your time, let it go I say!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
If you like long n slow motion montages of wheat being harvested I highly recommend part two
This is accurate.

Also if you like lightsabers.

Slow-mo harvest with mournful choirs in the background plus slo-mo lightsabers with mournful choirs in the background.

For the subset of people who adore slow-mo harvests with mournful choirs in the background plus slo-mo lightsabers with mournful choirs in the background, this movie is perfection.


here's the issue. Its not bad in that funny way when something is so bad there is an entertainment aspect to it.

Its just bad in that boring this sucks why am I watching this way. Its just a waste of your time, let it go I say!
So "ponderously bad" rather than "ridiculously bad." Got it.


A suffusion of yellow
Finally had nothing better to do so watched part 2, and it was extremely boring, it really was a single village life montage scene and a single battle sequence spread over excrutiating hours, the only entertaining bit was the lightsabre fight while sliding down the deck of an exploding ship,

Dunno why they bothered with ressurecting the bad guy or the team backstories that should have been in part one or manual callibration of guns on a starship or or the whole rebel fleet innspitfires or the purpose of antler wearing CP3O or …

Voidrunner's Codex

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