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Recommend a good fantasy boardgame?


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hi gang. i've been thinking about picking up a good fantasy boardgame to play on those nights the whole group can't make the game. i have talisman 3rd edition and love it (why are those expansions so hard to find and so expensive??), and was hoping to find something similar yet different. :)

any good recommendations? older games are fine too, as i'll most likely try to pick something up on ebay.

thanks a lot!


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You could try looking for Hero Quest or Dragon Strike.

Hero Quest was successful enough that it spawned some expansion sets while Dragon Strike only had the original release although it did come with a really cheezy 30 minute instructional video.


First Post
Try Dungeoneer.... granted, it's technically a card game, but it's NON-collectable (there are two versions you can get and combine if you wish). Plus, it plays like a board game, the cards create the board.


I would recommend Lord of the Rings, a cooperative board game that is good! (and the artist actually did some storyboard art for the movie! Some of the "character" cards look like the relevant actors!) One expansion set, Friends and Foes, is also good. The other expansion set, Sauron, is technically good, but ruins the cooperative idea by having one person play Sauron. I guess that is technically closer to D&D, or the Buffy board game for that matter.

An old Board game called Dungeonquest was pretty good, but requires a lot of set up (lots of decks of cards to shuffle -- they have a random coffin pile, a random corpse pile, etc.).

John Crichton

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It's not fantasy but Settlers of Catan is a classic and one of the best games ever created. That's what my group plays when not RP-ing.
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First Post
John Crichton said:
It's not fantasy but Settlers of Cattan is a classic and one of the best games ever created. That's what my group plays when not RP-ing.

Great game. I love Catan. I second this.


Lord of the Rings is still available, and I am pretty sure Settlers of Cataan is (and it has a LOT of expansion sets). Don't know about DungeonQuest or any of the others mentioned so far.

Oh, you know one old old boardgame that is cheezy but fun would be Dungeon! Each character is in a race to get treasure from rooms, and each room has one monster (or trap) and one treasure. Powerful characters need more treasure. The dungeon has 6 colour coded levels of difficulty, so weak characters go in the easy rooms and powerful characters try the harder rooms.

Another fun cheezy board game is Wiz-War. You play individual wizards trying to kill each other and steal each others' treasure chests (which will also kill the other wizards). Lots of spells in your hands.

I don't think Dungeon! is printed anymore, and I am not sure about Wiz-War.


i've love to check out the new Heroscape, but I keep forgetting to go read reviews.

Settlers of Catan is close enough to being fantasy, and one of the best games ever. I know that I'm calling my homebrew world Catan just to make my players annoyed :D

There's also a relatively new boardgame based on George RR Martins Game of Thrones that got good reviews when it came out and should take up a whole session. (Although, again, I havent played it)

Tikal has the exploring theme, but the game doesnt rate more than an OK from me.

If you have the room, and dont mind playing like a kid, Crossbows and Catapults is the best fantasy game ever. One day, I will own this again. Although its not exactly a BOARD game

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