Also, Sherlock Hulmes is running some Ironsworn on his channel. It starts here:
I have recently found Ironsworn and would like to throw my hat in here (also getting back into PbP after a long work induced hiatus).
Okay, here's the bare outlines. I've left off any setting flavoring, so there's no name, background bonds, or vows, but just the mechanics:
Sounds like I'll have to do some reading on ancient Greece.
So this is kind of what I'm thinking.
NAME was part of a unit sent to defend something/attack something (could be another faction or a beast/horror) but the unit was wiped out. NAME is likely the only survivor and has sworn a vow to avenge the deaths (could be to retrieve a standard)
Spear and Shield. Classic Hoplite.Assets:
- Skirmisher (if you wield a spear)
- When you Face Danger by holding a foe at bay using your spear's reach, roll + iron or +edge. If you score a hit you may...
- Iron: Strike (if you have initiative) or Clash now, add+1.
- Edge: Take +1 Momentum
- Shield-bearer(If you wield a shield)
- When you Face Danger using yout shield as cover, add +1. When you Clash in close quarters, take +1 momentum on a strong hit.
- Loyalist
- When you Aid Your Ally, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. This is in addition to benifits taken by your ally.
Also, Sherlock Hulmes is running some Ironsworn on his channel. It starts here: ...
Some questions it raised for me:
- Managing multiple vows, especially with multiple characters.
- Managing Perilous Journeys, especially the incorporation of Way Points.
This will be a fairly loose analogue of Ancient Greece. If you have seen Troy and the Clash of the Titan movies, you would have enough to get by.
Like this, or even WikipediaI will put a little Setting Info shortly. Most of it is cribbed directly from Sean K Reynolds's The New Argonauts, in particular Chapter 4: Culture. You can get it for free at DriveThruRPG: The New Argonauts.
NAME could originally be from Gamma, a member of a family that supported alliance with Alpha, part of the phalanx that was slaughtered. His Background vow could be something alone the lines of restore his family to power in Gamma? discover what happened to his family? Get revenge of those who betrayed his family?
Feel free to mess around with the ideas if you want, elaborate, adapt. You don't have to use the scenario for your character.
There is a pod cast called “Ask the Oracle” which is the game designer and another guy playing the game. That might shed some light on it for you. ...
Multiple vows is just several tracks for the character to keep track of. I believe they can intersect and overlap. i.e, completing one vow may be a milestone for another vow. PCs don’t have to have the same vows either.
As for journeys, I read somewhere that you can work backwards and think about what waypoints you envision and use that as a way to inform the difficulty. So if you can only think of 2 or 3 waypoints then the journey should be troublesome; 5 or 6 - dangerous, etc. If you can’t picture at least 2 waypoints then the journey should just be narrated. I’ll have to look about to try and find where I read that.
I use "some reading" loosely. Just something to set my frame of mind.
[NAME] is very combat focus at the moment, so if that isn't where you see this game going, let me know. It won't take a huge shift in character concept or mechanics (probably just one asset) to make him more social or a traveler.
Just what I was aiming for. I like how the second option of Skirmisher seems to synergise with Shield bearer.