[Recruiting (CLOSED)]Heroes of the Middle Reaches[4E : Wandering Star]

I would like to throw my hat in and post a warlock.

I'm a bit unsure about race (dwarf or tiefling).

The tiefling would be the hire of an infernal bloodline with many infernal warlocks in it. He abhors this self-induced slavery and searched for other means of powers. Finally he succeeded in finding an obscure text about astronomy and astrology, not teaching only how to navigate a ship, but also shows the method how to make a pact with the creatures that live in the void between the stars. He gladly made the pact, requiering some strange oaths, but not the kind of servitude most infernal pacts require.
One of his oaths brings him in just the company of the other members of the soon to be formed adventuring group.

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Dwarf Warlock (Infernal Pact)
Ardon Shieldbreaker grew up as most dwarves in Coopershold, listening to tales of honor and valor as his dwarven ancestors reclaimed Coopershold from the monstrosities that poured forth from the Borehole and displaced the dwarves for a year. Ask any dwarf and he will tell you how he is related to one of the heroes that fought back the horde of darkness and won Coopershold for the dwarves again. Ardon was always mesmerized by tales of his grandfather, Kurok Shieldbreaker. Kurok was credited for leading the initial charge back into Coopershold, and though he lost his life in that charge his heroism paved the way for the soldiers behind him to win a pivotal battle and establish a foothold in Cooperstown. Ardon wasn’t satisfied with merely listening to tales of glory of others, he dreamed of having others pen tales of his exploits and began to gather around him like-minded dwarves with visions of glory. They trained and fantasized of how it would be when the ventured into the Borehole and returned with trophies of dead abominations and magic from the underdark, they made a plan to venture into the underdark on the anniversary of the fall of Coopershold. That day approached sooner than Ardon and his friends anticipated. However, a dwarf is loath to break his word, and they would not betray their vow to exact vengeance on the denizens of the deep and claim their glory. On that day Ardon and his friends snuck into the borehole, they would not return. Shortly after entering the Borehole Ardon stumbled upon a scouting party of goblins, he and his team made short work of them but their fighting awakened a sinister spirit, an ancient devil that betrayed the gods millennia ago, Ardon didn’t stand a chance against such a malevolent force. Instantly his friends were incinerated, but Ardon was spared. The devil gave him a choice, “Serve me or suffer your friends’ fates.” Ardon immediately fell at the devil’s feet and promised undying loyalty and servitude. With those words Ardon sealed his fate, as the devil faded into mist it surged through Ardon, taking a piece of Ardon’s essence and leaving a fragment of itself behind.

Ardon awoke remembering little of what happened only that he felt different. The first thing he saw was his hands withered and grayed; rushing to the body of his fallen friend he saw his reflection in the scorched armor, his skin was withered and pockmarked, his eyes were pitch black and dotted with crimson pupils, “By Moradin’s beard” he exclaimed, but his normally strong voice was replaced by a harsh rasp. It was then Ardon remembered his oath to the devil, and unleashing a scream of rage, pain, and misery he shot a bolt of pure hatred out of his hands. A small voice whispered in the back of his mind “I have marked you as my servant, but I will not leave you defenseless. The power of the Nine Hells is at your disposal.” Ardon returned to Coopershold only to be seen as a monster, castigated for breaking the seal, blamed for the death of his companions, and shunned for the oath he swore to the devil. Ardon left Coopershold never to return. Over the years Ardon became forgotten to his family and the town of Coopershold, then he became forgotten to the world, finally he simply became Forgotten. Forgotten fled to the town of Helen’s Reach and now spends his time traveling the Middle Reach, both trying to escape his past and memories, and trying to find some way of absolving himself of the oath he swore in haste.[/sblock]
[sblock=Personality]Forgotten is scarred, both physically and mentally from his encounter with the devil in the Borehole. His broken body is a constant reminder of the oath he swore, and he hides it under heavy cloaks; as much for others as for himself. His voice always causes him to remember the moment in which he discovered he was damned and speaks rarely because of that. Forgotten struggles between embracing the years of isolation and wanting to bond with his traveling companions. Those he travels find him to be aloof and seemingly uncaring, but that is due to his fear of being rejected again, as by his family. His skills are useful, however, so most travelers tolerate him despite being unnerved by his appearance and mannerisms. The marks on his body are obvious, but it is the mark left on his mind that never lets Forgotten escape his oath. A small voice on the edge of his consciousness the voice of the devil that cursed him all those years ago, offering him knowledge of events unknown and promises of power, he wars against this presence trying to find ways to rid himself of it yet also relishing the power it bestows.[/sblock]
Character sheet

Hm, a second warlock (with my alternative race)...

Speaking about niche protection ;)

I will finalize my post in the next week, as the game is said to start in august, I will take my time.

A swashbuckling themed campaign?

You had me at 'swash.'

Count me as WAY interested. Off to read the campaign info!
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Nice maps! What software do you use, helium3?


Pip (Male Halfling, Class very flexible)
She’s an angel. I first saw her hunched over the corpse of a small rodent smeared in its blood. She was spitting it on a stick to roast over the cookfire whose smoke drew me to her. My destiny. Those eyes, so wide and sweet. Her hair, well, it was a bit of a mess at the time… an adorable mess.

Charlotte. Even her name is music. Charlotte. Dear Charlie.

I don’t think it’s connected, but the Captain says that all the misfortunes we suffered after we put ashore to collect Charlie are her fault. We sailors are a suspicious lot. But I don’t believe it. I think it has more to do with the new moon and the mysterious cargo we were carrying. I don’t know what it was, but one of Lendyl Oberlee’s own overseers was assigned to our ship for the duration of our foray to and from Pyrefox. Why he would need to oversee a shipment of sweet-root, I really can’t say. But then, I’m just a simple sailor.

But the Captain wouldn’t see sense. When we arrived in Helen’s Reach, he put me ashore on extended leave. As much as I long for the deck of a ship beneath my feet, to be with Charlotte, I’d have left on my own.

NOTE: Charlotte is Mirza from The Digger's proposal.


Ranver Swilch (Male Human, Class very flexible)
I've lived in Helen's Reach all my life. Swam in her stinking lagoon, climbed the facade of the Vault of Years to eat clams in the shadow of the golden dome when it was the only one we had. Nobody really much notices a guy like me until I do something that gets me noticed. That’s why, when I ran afoul of the Guard Watch (I mean, really... I have relatives to honor in the catacombs like anyone else, why do I have to visit them during daylight hours? The shades don’t know any different, it’s dark down there.) and they put me to hard labor constructing the Shining Redoubt, I caught the attention of the foreman.

Even straight, stand up guys need a man on the inside from time to time. I swore the vows, right, but the way I see it, they’re open to interpretation.

NOTE: If the class needed by the group doesn’t give Streetwise and Stealth, then I’ll take two Skill Training feats to get them so Ranver’s skills match his background.


[More to come]

Who is that little runt who seems to be followin' me around? How can a gal earn an honest (?) livin' if'n someone's eyes are always burnin' a hole in the back of her neck?

I was kicking around some more concepts... since we have some time yet. Would anyone (4 or 5 of you :) ) be interested in making a shared concept. Like, not a pre-built adventuring party, but a pre-built group of some kind.


Childhood friends: We didn't all choose the same paths, but we started out together and through the years we've kept in touch. I'm thinking Stand By Me, but less sad. We'd need to choose races with similar lifespans.

Shipmates: We're all members of a crew that plies the waters of the Middle Reaches. We'd need to pick if we were a military force, merchants... probably not pirates, but maybe smugglers. It'd be easier to be mundane and choose whether to be part of Berstrom Trading or the Heirata.

Temple Custodians: Whether because we're devoted to the god the temple honors or because we just need the work, we're all affiliated with one church or another.

Regulars at a bar: Whatever our daily lives, at least a couple nights a week we head down to the pub to hoist a pint before heading home (or to work :) ). Over time we've gotten to know eachother. We'd need to all be residents (or frequently residents) of Helen's Reach, possibly a similar neighborhood, to do this one. We'd also need to pick our pub. I'm partial to Gullafar's Spirit House, because of the back room. :D

Cool idea, Sparky. I would love to do this. Both my warlock's and wizard's backgrounds are flexible enough to contribute to a shared background. :)

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