Walking Dad
First Post
I would like to throw my hat in and post a warlock.
I'm a bit unsure about race (dwarf or tiefling).
The tiefling would be the hire of an infernal bloodline with many infernal warlocks in it. He abhors this self-induced slavery and searched for other means of powers. Finally he succeeded in finding an obscure text about astronomy and astrology, not teaching only how to navigate a ship, but also shows the method how to make a pact with the creatures that live in the void between the stars. He gladly made the pact, requiering some strange oaths, but not the kind of servitude most infernal pacts require.
One of his oaths brings him in just the company of the other members of the soon to be formed adventuring group.
I'm a bit unsure about race (dwarf or tiefling).
The tiefling would be the hire of an infernal bloodline with many infernal warlocks in it. He abhors this self-induced slavery and searched for other means of powers. Finally he succeeded in finding an obscure text about astronomy and astrology, not teaching only how to navigate a ship, but also shows the method how to make a pact with the creatures that live in the void between the stars. He gladly made the pact, requiering some strange oaths, but not the kind of servitude most infernal pacts require.
One of his oaths brings him in just the company of the other members of the soon to be formed adventuring group.