[Recruiting] Star Wars Saga Edition - KOTOR - "Into the Infinite Flames"

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Return of the GM

Sorry 'bout the long absence. I've returned, and we're entering the final stages of preparation.

Blackrat..."Scrap" is approved, though keep in mind that, as a 1st degree droid, you are NOT ALLOWED to harm sentients or allow harm to come to sentients. As such, the blaster you carry is only capable of stun damage, and you should only use it in the most dire of circumstances.

Also, keep in mind that you are also bound to "follow the orders of your rightful owner", though this doesn't mean much for an independent droid.

As for everyone else, I'm going to make my decision on the final initial member of the group by tomorrow evening, so feel free to submit until then.

The Flames are coming!


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Sorry 'bout the long absence. I've returned, and we're entering the final stages of preparation.

Blackrat..."Scrap" is approved, though keep in mind that, as a 1st degree droid, you are NOT ALLOWED to harm sentients or allow harm to come to sentients. As such, the blaster you carry is only capable of stun damage, and you should only use it in the most dire of circumstances.
Yeah, he uses only stun and only to protect his owner from harm. Just need to pick owner for him :D.

Voidrunner's Codex

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