D&D 5E Red Hand of Doom

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I will be running this in 5e when I am finished with City of the Spider Queen. I think RHoD will probably run better in 5e due to bounded accuracy (lower level Hobgoblins and such will still have a role to play), and also it won't be too hard to convert.

I ran this back in 3.5, but only made it through part 1 & 2 before real life called.


First Post
When you get to the big dungeon, there are a lot of superflous fights and encounters. Things in rooms that don't really add to the story or tone but exist to make sure that the PCs get the right xp and treasure. It's not a big deal in 5e with quicker encounters, but when you're blowing an entire thirty minutes on a room it had better be important.
Yeah, I only DM-ed the first 4/5's of the module and skipped the dungeon crawl because I really didn't see the point. I thought it was even more redudant than you and skipped the whole thing. ;)


First Post
Just wanted to add-in that this adventure is excellent and was one of the best of the 3.5 era for sure. It has a solid mix of wilderness/battle encounters and some fun small-dungeons. I also really enjoyed the "metagame" of managing Campaign "Victory Points" acquired for accomplishing objectives across the Nentir Vale.

Just a quick clarification: Red Hand of Doom is set in the Elsir Vale. The Nentir Vale is the basic sandbox of D&D 4e, and the setting of *another* Rich Baker-written adventure where Victory Points are used (Reavers of Harkenwold, which came with the Essentials DM's Kit).


5ever, or until 2024
Reading this, for some reason, makes me wonder:

How many times can you blow up the Deathstar...

...before you need to come up with another ending.


I'm working on a 5e conversion, and will be running the first session this week.
Current party is 5 lvl 5 pcs, but one of the PCs can't be there for the first session (the mage). I'm actually a bit worried that the first encounter I've created will now be a TPK without some arcane AOE support. We'll see how it goes.

So far for a conversion, many of the monsters are a simple drag-n-drop from the MM or online basic rules. It is a bit more difficult with the levelled humanoids, as I don't want to scale them up too much by just adding full character levels. I'm also trying to reduce the number of magic items, as many of the opponents have +X weapons/armor/etc. But on the whole, the conversion isn't too bad.


I'm working on a 5e conversion, and will be running the first session this week.
Current party is 5 lvl 5 pcs, but one of the PCs can't be there for the first session (the mage). I'm actually a bit worried that the first encounter I've created will now be a TPK without some arcane AOE support. We'll see how it goes.

So far for a conversion, many of the monsters are a simple drag-n-drop from the MM or online basic rules. It is a bit more difficult with the levelled humanoids, as I don't want to scale them up too much by just adding full character levels. I'm also trying to reduce the number of magic items, as many of the opponents have +X weapons/armor/etc. But on the whole, the conversion isn't too bad.

For City of the Spider Queen I used the DMG rules (monster creation rules) for creating combat NPCs instead of using PHB rules, as PHB rules lead to wonky CRs like BBEGs with 80 hit points who get one shotted round 1.
I removed ALL magic items and just kept magic items rolled on the hoard treasure tables at the end of each section, and also gave important named NPCs a magic item or two.

RHOD is insane with its magic items. 5e doesn't need them as much, especially that one particular item at the beginning, since 5e PC's can get access to revivify at level 5.


I'm working on a 5e conversion, and will be running the first session this week.
Current party is 5 lvl 5 pcs, but one of the PCs can't be there for the first session (the mage). I'm actually a bit worried that the first encounter I've created will now be a TPK without some arcane AOE support. We'll see how it goes.

So far for a conversion, many of the monsters are a simple drag-n-drop from the MM or online basic rules. It is a bit more difficult with the levelled humanoids, as I don't want to scale them up too much by just adding full character levels. I'm also trying to reduce the number of magic items, as many of the opponents have +X weapons/armor/etc. But on the whole, the conversion isn't too bad.

Love to see your notes when your done.

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