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Red, Taran, Orim you're up[IC -D&D 4e: Forgotten Realms-] A Paid Trip to Spellhold


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Orim steps forward immediately, wanting to end this so he can get back to his true mission.

My name is Orm Tyudek, I have in Amn since my most recent reincarnation but I do not believe that makes me a citizen and I was birthed at Torm's feet deep within the Astral sea.

My only allegiance lies with Torm, and with my sacred duty. He tilts his head slightly towards Red. I do not have a profession, I am merely an extension of Torm's wrath, smiting those who prey on the helpless and bathing Faerun in their blood. I know little about spellhold beyond what the average citizen knows, it is a prison for insane practitioners of wizardry, holding some of your countries most dangerous criminals.

My only skills lie in the realm of pain. If an enemy stands in the way of my holy duty, it's blood will pour from it's body like the dead pour onto the fugue plains, a neverending torrent until all life is gone. As for arcane prowess I have no need for magic when I am bolstered by Torm's divine might.

I carry no remarkable items, least none you would find remarkable. And as for payment, my needs are simple. A weapon with which to administer Torm's will. Perhaps you could offer something in that way, as your coins have little meaning to me.

Having spoken more in the last 2 minutes then he has in months, Orim looks drained. Stepping back, he stands protectively behind and to the side of Red, his hand always ready to rip his Full Blade out of its scabbard should a threat appear.

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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Immarael (Male Eldarin Sorcerer 1) HP:26 Def: 12 - 12/12/16

Immarael steels himself before speaking and knowing that he will not really lie to the Wizard as that would be foolish, but to tell the truth from his perspective, hoping that his carefully selected words will be enough to buy him some leniency.

"I am Immarael of the Autumn Court. I was born and was a member of the Autumn Court of Evermeet, and due to that fact I am not a citizen of Amn. I have just arrived today here by caravan from the Dalelands and I carry no items of significance. My allegiance is to myself a lone and to those who are vowed to protect the weak. I am a proficient swordsman with some ability of stealth, and I can find my way around cities well. I, as many of my brethren, have studied the arcane and I know much about it. I enjoy the study of antiquities and was able to tell the boss there about the specific triggers of the bomb. I know nothing of this Spellhold.

For payment I wish membership in the Cowled Wizards.

With that being said he nervously bows and stands back for someone else to speak, fully expecting the Wizard to freak out and incinerate him where he stands, even though he has not lied to the Wizard, but has specifically not mentioned his ability to manifest the latent magic that boils in his blood. =O

Voda Vosa

First Post
The wizard stop witting, raises an eyebrow to Immarael final statement, and leaves his feather pen a side, but says nothing. He takes his feather again and writes it up.-

OOC: I'll be out of town until Thursday or Friday due to the seasonal sampling campaigns. Hopefully that'll buy some time to the rest to get a post.


I aim to misbehave
"Red" - Female Elven Invoker

Red glanced to the Deva after he made his speech, a hint of worry in her eyes. She had talked with Torm . . . well, not really talked with him, but it was close enough . . . and he had told her that she was a 'test of devotion and loyalty, nothing more.' Maybe Torm told the Deva something different . . . considering she had met him on the street today for the first time, that had to be the answer.

Red didn't want to talk about herself. 'How can I talk about myself when I barely know myself?' the elven woman wondered. 'Honesty would be the best policy, especially if he's really got a spell that tells the truth.'

"Ummm . . . I've been called 'Red' so far, probably because of these curls," Red offered, running her hand through a mass of auburn curls that cascaded past her shoulders. "I can't really tell you if I'm an amnish citizen or not, nor where I was born, as I really don't remember. I do know that I'm an invoker of Torm . . . or at least I think so . . . and that I have no allegiances, at least in the sense that you are asking. I don't remember anything about Spellhold, or much of anything really. I think I can read people pretty good, and I'm just as comfortable in town as in the wilds. I don't think I have anything remarkable," she offered glancing at her gear, "most of it are castoffs and lost and found goodies."

"I really don't know much about the arcane arts . . . nor much of anything about what my desires are beyond normal payment. Then again, I really don't know what 'normal payment' is either so I really can't say if I want something else more. I mean, if normal payment was a vast fortune of riches, then what would be better, or maybe it could be an estate in town, or a really big chocolate cake. I really like cake and chocolate might be my favorite, but I've only had two cakes so that's not really much of a selection. I guess I could have more cakes to de-"
Red paused, realizing that her mouth was starting to carry on again. ". . . I really don't know . . . I should probably just be quiet now."


First Post
Soveliss would follow the man into the building. After a bit the crisis outside seemed to be averted as the mage came back in. When called Soveliss would answer the question as they were asked.

"My name is Soveliss and I am not a citizen of Amn. I grew up in a small farming village I can point out it's general location out on a map since it’s not listed probably, not sure where I was actually born... never asked. My allegainces are none but I’ll probably side with the just in a conflict. For professions I've apprenticed under my uncle as a Blacksmith mostly repair work and forging farm equipment and done work as a cook and bartending at my aunt's bar/inn. I've done guard duty here in town to pay my expenses. Apart from what the thugs told us and general knowledge of Spellhold none. It's not remarkable but I'm a student of combat and historical tactics of battle and war so I'm good with a sword and shield, spear, or most martial weapons. Standard setting up of make shift defense for small to medium sized villages to infiltration and scouting before and during conflicts. I'm not skilled with the Arcane Arts really. I’d still like a bit of money for the job to pay my expenses but I’d like to find out any old acquaintances/contacts or information on a man named Perkiss who use to be on the city guard that had his house burned down and his family killed off recently and has turned up missing since then. Also access to the city’s historical records would be nice I think if it can be given. I’ll find Roman Sars and set up a way to ask him things on my own accord."

With that he would step back and wait to see what else they would want.


First Post
Grendel being in toe with Soveliss would answer next....

"I ask not for much I ask mainly to have connections here within the city.. through myself of course my good chap... that way my nomadic tribe has ways of... procuring what is needed for travel and survival.... I would also note that I have sworn to help my friend Soveliss here in his endeavors so where he goes.. I go... and more than likely we motley crew will all be aiding one another as well.. I see no reason not to... if I could make a name for myself I would be the first of my tribe to do so within a city.. that might also be nice.. and of course any monetary goodies would also be acceptable.... I believe that covers my needs.... next?" the shifter speaks so eloquently before silencing and letting the next state their terms...

Voda Vosa

First Post
When all of you finished exposing, Ferrmach pointed to the two still silent men. "Your turn" he states boldly.
"Y-yes sir!" one of them stood up, apparently nervous. He seemed to be manipulating something. "My name is Jhon Smith..." in that moment, the cowled wizard raised an eyebrow and looked at the guy. He was already holding a vial of black liquid over his head. In less than a second, the man threw the bottle to the ground, and the room filled with smoke! In the moment each of you grabbed your weapons and stood up, you head Ferrmach's scream, and the noise of broken glass.
As the smoke dissipates and your vision clears, you see Ferrmach holding his stomach, from where blood flows abundantly. "They... have the map...I..." and the man topples over his desk, unconscious.
"Silvia! Tend to the wizard's wounds! Slim, take these five to hunt those bastards and retrieve that damn map! You three, stay with us here, the Shadow thieves may attempt a second assault" Galdan shouted. The woman, halfling and elf remained with him and Silvia.
As you peer throw the broken glass you can see the two assassins running away.

Roll initiative!

Sorry for the delay guys


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Orim unsheathes his sword, preparing himself for the battle, assessing the two assasins to determine what threat they may pose to Red.

What can you do against the fury of Torm's Justice?

[sblock=Initiative]Initiative (1d20=19)
Also as a side note Voda, I'd be fine with you rolling initiative for everyone. We're going to start doing it that way in the game I DM and I think it could really speed things up.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: Very well, lets see what everyone else thinks. I often do that, but in this occasion I want everyone to get a post with their initiatives before the battle begins. Just to see if everyone's around.

Voidrunner's Codex

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