Because it doesn't track.Yes, I do think it is the cause. And you heard it right here from a guy working at Amazon who said 1) that's how it works, and 2) that he thinks that is the reason. I mean, why are you doubting him?
"Working for Amazon" and having inside knowledge on the sales delay of PF2 Core book are two different things.
On the one hand it is possible that people are simply buying a lot less gaming books due to the pandemic.
On the other hand the sales could be right where they were but hundreds (?) of orders are backlogged while they get other things out the door.
In the meantime I ordered a pair of headphones and got them in 4 days instead of 2, then I ordered a hanger for them and got that in three days. I'm still ordering things and nothing has taken more than 5 days to arrive.
I'll buy that books sold are being delayed a few days. But this has been ongoing for more than a month.
The claim that the sales ranking has dropped over a timeframe of weeks because sales are maybe being sat on for a couple days doesn't match any available evidence.