D&D General Respeckt Mah Authoritah: Understanding High Trust and the Division of Authority

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Morkus from Orkus
This is only true for the Modern World......roughly after 2000.

If you were not there........back in the Time Before Time. And disclaimer: Yes some people in the past were not only millionaires but lived right next to a RPG Mart and they automatically got every single RPG and related item as they lived in a RPG Paradise. For everyone else:

RPG were a bit hard to find from 1973 to 1995 ish.
Perhaps for you, but here in Los Angeles they were quite literally all over the place. I started playing in 1983 and had multiple groups through 2000 when 3e came out. We had game stores with people who played there, groups looking for players at said game stores for home games, conventions with many games and gamers, etc. Virtually every player read the rules in both the DMG and PHB. There were a few who couldn't be bothered that I encountered at convention games, but not one in my personal groups.
So it was QUITE common for one person....often, but not always the DM in a 'group' to even HAVE a rule book...let alone a couple. The vast majority of players did not own any rule books...even a Players Handbook. The DM just told them the rules they needed. A LOT of players did not even have dice: plenty of games just had ONE set of dice that everyone had to share.
That sounds like a small town issue.


Perhaps for you, but here in Los Angeles they were quite literally all over the place. I started playing in 1983 and had multiple groups through 2000 when 3e came out. We had game stores with people who played there, groups looking for players at said game stores for home games, conventions with many games and gamers, etc. Virtually every player read the rules in both the DMG and PHB. There were a few who couldn't be bothered that I encountered at convention games, but not one in my personal groups.

That sounds like a small town issue.

Just thinking back...

Rockford IL was metro area of around 200k in the wilds to the west of Chicago metro in the late-70s to early 90s. A hobby store with new games, a comic store with new games (iirc), a comic store with old games, a comic store with no games, and 0-2 other comic stores depending on the year... and the Walden Books and Kroch's and Brentano's and mall toy store I'm blocking on the name of had D&D for most of that time (iirc). RPG players were found in my elementary, middle, and high school and scout summer camp. But of course Rockford shows up on maps of TSR land and one of those stores' owner co-wrote Chainmail.

In mid to late 80s anyway Kankakee IL (well Bradley-Bourbonais) in the wilds south of Chicago suburb land was much smaller and had a game store.

Mt. Prospect, IL is right in Chicago suburb land and it (or whichever suburb was adjacent that direction) had one in mid to late 80s too.

Late 80s Champaign IL was a college town (c 124k?) that had a comic+game store, and added another comic store in the early 90s.
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Guest 7042500

Gonna step in and point out that Lanefan's core group have been playing more or less weekly for something like 40+ years, so I don't think quality of friendship is an issue. I'm lucky if people can abide me for 40+ minutes.
I'm not going to put up with a damn argument every time I open my yap.

Thomas Shey

Someone takes even a couple seconds to complain about a ruling and I will just say "stop, or go home". They continue: they are gone.

I'll be pretty blunt: someone with that hair a trigger for that, my reaction would be "Well, thanks for saving me the trouble of taking a walk." Because someone who can't stand to be challenged even that much is a GM I don't want to be within a country mile of as a player.

Voidrunner's Codex

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