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Response to Russ' Front Page Letter.


First Post
Hey Russ,

I'm not really sure how to respond. Part of me wants to thank you, another part wants to apologize to you, another makes me want to help you realize how EN world is more then a hobby to everyone, not just you.
If it wasnt for you (and a great many others), ENworld would not be here as we know it, nor would it be what it is today. Your hard work and dedication to this site, to this hobby, to the people, is is what helped it grow to its current incarnation.

If you feel its time to step back, and breath, look at it from the eyes of someone new and fresh, to not worry about this and that anymore. We understand. You've done more then enough for all of us.

I should note however, as I mentioned above that ENworld is more then just a hobby. People dont just come here for news or updates. ENworld has become not only a professional community, but a family too.

Some people come here looking for friends, some come looking for reviews on what to buy, some just read the front page for intresting stuff, some come for OT conversations in general, some come to find work and professional contacts in the d20world. We all have our reasons, but I think Enworld is more then a hobby. For us all.

You have good mods, and good rules (well almost...granny can be a bit too strict :D ). The news flows by itself thanks to Newhounds (something I myself did for a long while). Yea...you no longer need to micromanage. This community has supported you. Thats fine. Nobody has complained. You're our friend and we are yours.

If you ever need help. With the site, with life, with anything. Let us know and we'll be there. You've given us the greatest gift of all and we cant even begin to start giving back to you. For the first time in the 2 or 3 generations D&D has been with us, there is one large central community that someone new can turn too and be a part of. You (and eric) are the parents of that community.

Thanks 'Rus. I Hope you enjoy being just a fan again!

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First Post

I'd like to says thanks for all of your hard work and devotion in making ENworld the loving, nurturing Internet community it has become, as well as the most fun and interesting site on the web.

You deserve a chance to have fun, and let D&D be a hobby again, rather than a job.

As long as the site stays up, I'm happy. Here's hoping you're happy, too.


Exploring Ptolus

Thanks for all of the work you have done for, and with, ENWorld. It was because of this hard work, that I have been able to terrorize MEG Hal for the last year. :D


Upon reading the first few lines of his letter, I thought to myself, "This can't be, he just changed the boards, he can't be shutting it down now". I was genuinely scared that my favorite place on the net was going to abandon me. By the end of the letter I was pleased that Morrus is going to let some of the joy back in his life, and we would still be able to enjoy the gift that these boards are. I have logged a lot of hours here, as a lurker, and then as member of the ubiquitous Hivemind, and have always enjoyed my time here. There is no other experience quite like it on the net, and I would want it no other way.

Thank you Morrus, Eric, your Granny, Dread Piratecate, his Hand and Eye, the most august Mod, and every poster here for all the good times had on this site. I hope now you'll be able to enjoy it yourself.


First Post
I'll add my voice to the chorus of thanks. This is a great site, and with the fantastic job all the moderators and admins and so forth are doing, I'm sure you can devote more time to actually playing.

Heh, maybe now you'll get a chance to actually use all those books you have lying around in the flat!


Princess of Florin
I can fully understand how a site like this would become a chore if one *had* to be here every day, and how that feeling might leak into one's enjoyment of D&D in general.

So Morrus, I'm glad you're trying to get the joy of our hobby back into your life. But if you find that it still isn't enough, please don't shut this place down without asking for help from our community first, ok?

Morrus --

Thanks for everything you and Eric have done for D&D fans with this site over the years. I hope that you can recapture the fun and excitement of being a fan again, and not have the life sucked out of your hobby because it is also your business.

Good luck with your "real world" job, too!

Voidrunner's Codex

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