Revised Monk clarification

Karma Guard

First Post
I really like the Revised classes so far (Especially the 'all the way to level 40' approach, even if I'll probably never go past 20), but the Revised Monk needs some clarification.

Fast Movement: The text of Fast Movement says 'This benefit only applies when he is wearing no armor, light armor or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load.', while the text in his proficiencies says 'When wearing armor, carrying a shield or carrying a medium or heavy load the monk loses his Fast Movement'. Which one is right?

Ki Defense & Strike: How often can you change the duplication of the armor/shield/weapon Special Abilities, and how much does it cost, if at all?

Still Mind & Purity of Body: Do these require the monk to use Meditation(as in, the ability) to work? (I assume yes?)

Empty Soul: Does this blow the Monk's usages of Still Mind & Purity of Body? I assume yes.

Master of Spring: Its text is exactly the same as Master of Flowers. (At 36th/20th-level, the monk is effectively immortal in that they no longer age, and will not die from old age.)

Thanks :3

Edit: Derp. I should include a link to the article-thingy. :B Article
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Hello there Karma Guard! :)

Karma Guard said:
I really like the Revised classes so far (Especially the 'all the way to level 40' approach, even if I'll probably never go past 20),

Glad you like them! :)

Karma Guard said:
but the Revised Monk needs some clarification.

Yes, I spotted a few mistakes myself, I just haven't corrected them, but I will in a moment.

Karma Guard said:
Fast Movement: The text of Fast Movement says 'This benefit only applies when he is wearing no armor, light armor or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load.', while the text in his proficiencies says 'When wearing armor, carrying a shield or carrying a medium or heavy load the monk loses his Fast Movement'. Which one is right?

The one from the players handbook.

Karma Guard said:
Ki Defense & Strike: How often can you change the duplication of the armor/shield/weapon Special Abilities, and how much does it cost, if at all?

You learn one new technique everytime you gain a new point of Ki Strike or Ki Defense.

Karma Guard said:
Still Mind & Purity of Body: Do these require the monk to use Meditation (as in, the ability) to work? (I assume yes?)

Yes, they are full round actions.

One of the reasons for these is trying to eliminate absolutes/immunities. The other is that I felt it worked better that the monk had to concentrate to expel poison (or whatever ailment) from their mind/body. I have seen a lot of hong kong martial arts movies and anime, and I think this is closer to duplicating those types of movies.

Karma Guard said:
Empty Soul: Does this blow the Monk's usages of Still Mind & Purity of Body? I assume yes.


These powers are not a matter of usages, they are a matter of targeting specific ailments.

So if you get poisoned you can try the purity of body once per day. But if you get infected by a disease the same day you can try once to purify yourself of that disease. So you can use it multiple times but it has to be with a different ailment or effect each time.

Karma Guard said:
Master of Spring: Its text is exactly the same as Master of Flowers. (At 36th/20th-level, the monk is effectively immortal in that they no longer age, and will not die from old age.)

Yes my mistake, someone already emailed me on this (thanks to you both for bringing this to my attention). :)

Karma Guard said:
Thanks :3

My pleasure.

Karma Guard said:
Edit: Derp. I should include a link to the article-thingy. :B Article

If you have any more questions feel free to ask. :D

Karma Guard

First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Hello there Karma Guard! :)
The one from the players handbook.

Gotcha :D

Upper_Krust said:
You learn one new technique everytime you gain a new point of Ki Strike or Ki Defense.
And, say, could you 'trade' them out, so you could go from Flaming (+1) to Flaming Burst (+2) when you pick up the +2 Ki Strike? (I'd rule sure, but hey :V)

Comedy option: Dancing fists.

Upper_Krust said:
Yes, they are full round actions.


These powers are not a matter of usages, they are a matter of targeting specific ailments.

Derp! Turns out I misread it. :B

I think that's it :D I'll definitely look forward to talking my DM into using these. X3

Hey Karma Guard! :)

Karma Guard said:
And, say, could you 'trade' them out, so you could go from Flaming (+1) to Flaming Burst (+2) when you pick up the +2 Ki Strike? (I'd rule sure, but hey :V)

+1: Pick any +1 Market Mod special.
+2: Pick another special of +1 to +2.
+3: Pick another special of +1 to +3.
+4: Pick another special of +1 to +4.
+5: Pick another special of +1 to +5.

At any given time you can only use powers totalling up to your bonus.

Karma Guard said:
Comedy option: Dancing fists.

There is a power in Ascension that lets you seperate body parts so you could actually have dancing fists! :D

Karma Guard said:
Derp! Turns out I misread it. :B

Its a complicated explanation, I should really rewrite it and try and simplify it.

Karma Guard said:
I think that's it :D I'll definitely look forward to talking my DM into using these. X3

Okay. :)


First Post
what does diamond soul offer, I would give it spell resistance but diamond mind has already occupied that position?

Hello there lade! :)

lade said:
what does diamond soul offer, I would give it spell resistance but diamond mind has already occupied that position?

I'm not totally sure yet.

Mind is some sort of mental defence, body is some sort of physical defence, while soul is something that can project onto others (such as the ability to transfer energy to them).

Perhaps Diamond Soul could be the ability to transfer ability scores or levels to others...just brainstorming out loud though. If I wasn't so stumped I'd have it determmined by now, but I am sure I will think of something eventally.


What's ur take on Gestalt classes. How would they be doable from a realistic standpoint.

For example...I have a Gestalt (Monk/Erudite). What kind of level adjustment would that be???

Or...would you just make the player pay double experience. The price one could feasibly pay for having such a class.


People usually say gestalt is worth LA+2 or so, but I have no idea if that holds up into epic levels, and it only works as long as the two sides COMPLIMENT each other, as opposed to augment. That is to say, War Hulk and Barbarian couldn't be stuck together, because the strength bonus AUGMENTS the Barbarian's shtick of hitting things hard. I don't know what Erudite is, but if it makes the Monk -better- at what it does, than +2 LA doesn't work. If it gives the Monk MORE and DIFFERENT abilities, it's probably (emphasis on probably) fine.

Do -not- halve XP. The 3.x XP system doesn't work at all like the 2e XP system. In the 2e system, halving XP is actually equivalent to a fixed LA in 3e (albeit slightly irregularly), but in 3.x, halving XP would send you PLUMMETING behind.
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First Post
Erudite is essentially the psionic version of a Wizard. It can learn any number of powers, but has to choose a subset of the total to "make ready" each day. So when it actually spends power points, it can only manifest powers that are "ready." I haven't seen much commentary on how the class balances with other psionic classes (or even non-psionic ones); it was originally a class introduced in Dragon as a follow-up to the 3.0 Psionics Handbook but didn't get an update to 3.5 until the recent Complete Psionic (where it's in an appendix).


What about 3 way gestalting. In our campaigns we allow 2 or 3 way gestalting. Primarily because it mimics the only multiclass rules of 2nd Edition, preventing characters from reach extraordinary levels, while still allowing them to be a fighter/wizard/rogue, or other such fun.

Voidrunner's Codex

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