I declare, every time they publish a UA, it has a different filename standard. How am I supposed to keep them in order? @WotC !!!* #uafilebroke......
I know, right? I hate that they can't just choose a coding system. Of course, if they did, it would be easier to guess the URL, and then you get fiascos like that Valentine's surprise…
I took to renaming each UA file as it's published, using an EN5ider style of just numbering them by release. I also put the year and the month. So my UA file folder looks like this:
UA 01 (2015 02) – Eberron Update v1.1
UA 02 (2015 03) – When Armies Clash
UA 33 (2017 03) – Psionics & The Mystic, Take 3
UA 66 (2019 11) – Variant Class Features
UA 67 (2019 11) – Psionics (Fighter, Rogue, Wizard)
UA 68 (2020 01) – Subclasses, P1 (Barb., Monk, Paladin, Warlock)
UA 69 (2020 02) – Subclasses, P2 (Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer)
UA 70 (2020 02) – Subclasses, P3 (Artificer, Druid, Ranger)
UA 71 (2020 03) – New Spells & Tatoo Magic
UA 72 (2020 04) – Psionics, Revisted (Fighter, Rogue, Sorcerer)
UA 73 (2020 05) – Subclasses, Revisited (Rogue, Warlock, Wizard)
I'm not going to write out the rest for love of time and digital ink space, but you get the idea.