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Rich beyond dreams (El Jefe Judging)


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Phoenix- F. Elan Soulknife 3 (AC: 15, HP: 31/31, PP: 6/6)

Phoenix lets out a shout of fury as she releases her pent up rage and channels it into her mindblade. Slashing at the creature, she gets blocked by one of its writhing heads and her attack goes astray. The extra charge quickly fades from her weapon and with it goes her best hope for finishing this creature quickly...

Rnd 3: Phoenix flanking attack vs. Hydra body with Mindblade, Psychic Strike, and Psionic Weapon. (1d20+10=12, 1d6+5+1d8+2d6=22) :(
I assumed flanking for this hit and probably didn't need to roll extremely high. Unfortunately I rolled a 2. Grrrr. That 22 points of damage would sure have been nice. And no good way to get my psionic focus back without taking a round off from fighting. Not real likely at this point. Frak.

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Lookspring nervously fires 2 shots both hitting the huge body of the creature for 11pts.

hunter2 hits solidly

hunter1 hits but not as deeply.

hydra three of the heads hit hunter15 devouring him in one round. Hunter 2 goes down as his wounds become too much for him. Hunter 11 is hit by two heads and is torn apart. Phoenix is struck by the final head for 10 pts damage. The creatures foul breath reeks as its teeth tear through armor and flesh.

Phoenix tries to hit the creature but her mindblade goes astray as the creatures teef rip into her.

hunter5 misses.

hunter 12 hits (critical hit) for 10 pts damage.

Staggering the creature barely stands but as you think it might go down some of the wounds heal before your eyes. Although severely injured the creature remains standing and threatening with its 7 heads snaking about ready to attack.


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Phoenix- F Elan Soulknife 3 (AC: 15, HP: 31/31, PP: 1/6)

Her anger surges within her as her flesh rips and tears in one of the creatures mouths. It burns so hot that her wounds are instantly seared closed by the power of her mind. Lookspring standing behind her sees the blood itself seem to catch fire as the wounds burn completely closed.

Focusing again for a moment, and realizing that her last chance is fast approaching, she strikes out again at the creatures body, hoping to strike true and finally bring the beast down... "Why.. won't.. you.. just... DIE!!" she shouts while plunging through the swirl of heads to attack.

Rnd 4: Phoenix uses her Resilience power to spend 5 PP and instantly heal the 10 damage she took. Phoenix flanking mindblade attack with Psychic strike. (1d20+10=20, 1d6+5+1d8=13)


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The beast begins a wild thrashing attack as it charges through and at Lookspring.

Lookspring calmly buries 2 arrows into the beasts body and watches it collapse before it can hurt anyone further.

Phoenix strikes the beast with fury to ensure it does not get up again.

One of the hunters hits it as well with a handaxe from the dwarves.

Finally the beast lies unmoving.

ooc:had the beast not been downed by Lookspring you would have lost 2 more of the hunters (one being the leader), Phx would have taken 16pts damage from 2 heads and Lookspring would have taken 6pts damage. And the leader missed his attack, so if Lookspring did not hit well it could have been real interesting next round.


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"By the gods! That was too close. Nice shooting, Lookspring! But further congratulations will have to wait. All these hunters...so much blood...hurry and help me check if there are any we can save still. Use the wand if you have to..." Phoenix runs the gamit of emotions starting with excitement that they survived down to fear for all those who may not have that are lying around them. She does what she can for any that are not beyond help. As for those that are already gone, she whispers a silent prayer over each and declares them all worthy hunting mates.

After all that can be done for the wounded is finished, she walks over to the beast and starts to carve into its chest until she is able to extract its heart. With her fingers covered in gore, she uses the heart-blood to paint crimson tears down her face below her eyes as a sign of sadness for those who have fallen this day. Then she gives the heart to the leader of the hunters. After that, she moves to the heads of the beast and begins carving out many teeth. "I fancy making a necklace of these to remember this beast by. What do you think, Lookspring?" she asks her companion.


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Putting away the bow, Lookspring draws the wand and moves from body to body. He half-heartedly checks each hunter to see if any of them are still breathing. The ones that are he jabs with the wand and uses a single charge. Once his rounds are complete and the hunters are either stabilized or conscious, he moves over to the Hydra.
"A necklace of bloody teeth eh? That will be pretty intimidating. I like it. You should add the bears claws, or maybe its ears. I'm going to carve off a pair of heads and see if I can get them preserved. Do you think this thing is good for eating? It smells a bit fishy. He starts examining the beast from all sides now that it is no longer moving.


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"Hmmm, the bear claws. I hadn't thought about those." Phoenix says as she carves her trophies out of the beast. "They are probably the same size as this things teeth!" she jokes half heartedly. "I don't think I'll be trying to eat it, unless the villagers vouch for it and it gets cooked up real nice. So I'm guessing the hunt is over now. But I wonder...do ya think this thing could have a lair nearby? Not likely to have alot of value stashed, but you never know what this thing could have eaten and left behind as unedible... Do any of you want to try and backtrack it's trail to a lair before heading back to the village? Or is that too risky? I wouldn't want to meet up with this things mate or anything." Phoenix asks the hunt leader, "Are beasts such as this common in these parts? Have you ever seen anything like this before?"


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"Tracking something that big back to its lair should be a cinch, but we're a bit short on tribesmen now if we run into another one. I for one don't want to try to outrun one of these things. Maybe if we can sneak up on the lair before we go in, that way we can bolt if we find signs of more of them."


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ooc: I apologize for the delay. The last 5 days have been very busy. Back to business....640 exp (hydra) and 100 exp (bear) each for Phoenix and Lookspring. I thought about what difficulty level would be enough for the hydra (5,6,or 7 heads) Oh well, the dice were with you on who was hit.

The beast is down. The conscious hunters are trying to administer first aid to those unconscious but alive. The hunters leader gives a look of thanks to Phoenix and Lookspring for helping the wounded. Many of the wounded are saved from sure death as Lookspring spends a charge on them. Some even are able to get up and help with others. He watches as she cuts out the beasts heart paints the tears and offers it to him. He accepts the heart and welcomes her to the hunters. He then sends an uninjured hunter to the village. The elder will send help to carve the beast and carry it back. It will feed us until the next hunt. Hydra are a treat as they are a difficult game to hunt. There are many such beasts on the island and some worse than the hydra, which is a small one at that. The village is kept safe by the tar fields. We will stand watch until others come to retrieve the beast and bear. If you wish to find the lair you will be on your own, but be very cautious. The blood may attract more beasts to the area.

Voidrunner's Codex

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