Rise of Tiamat - Intro

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
"A matter of global importance and you look for a lone woman and, by association, us?" Robyn retorts. "Half the people we meet, Dumos, speak in riddles and portent and less in plain speech."
He sighs. "So what is it you would have Ana do, Shelterweight? Find these marauders or travel to Waterdeep to try to settle a matter of global importance?"


"A matter of global importance and you look for a lone woman and, by association, us?" Robyn retorts. "Half the people we meet, Dumos, speak in riddles and portent and less in plain speech."
He sighs. "So what is it you would have Ana do, Shelterweight? Find these marauders or travel to Waterdeep to try to settle a matter of global importance?"

"The latter," Shel says promptly. "I wasn't sure at first, but I was told to look for certain things, and you lot appear to fit the profile I was given. The Enclave as a whole will go digging around to try and figure out where this army melted away to, but in the meantime, we need to get in touch with our representatives in the big city, and since we can't spare one of our delegates from the current operation, your arrival is fortuitous. I can give you a letter of recommendation which will put our 'Dhavian agents in a cooperative mood when you meet with them."

Ana returns to the circle at the end of that. "So first we're irresponsible sots whom you doubt are completely innocent and now you need us to do something important?" Ana says, looking a Shel expectantly, but deep down not expecting an apology.


Ana returns to the circle at the end of that. "So first we're irresponsible sots whom you doubt are completely innocent and now you need us to do something important?" Ana says, looking a Shel expectantly, but deep down not expecting an apology.

"You read far too much into my demeanor, ma'am. I regarded you with no more contempt than I would display toward any civilian."


"I would hope that someone in your position wouldn't hold anyone in contempt," Ashur sighs and rubs his chin. "Be that as it may though, and despite your demeanour to those you ask for aid; I think we have bigger issues than civility towards one another."

"So if you can't be polite, at least be professional!"

"Waste of time, Ashur. She has no empathy for people she deems beneath her, such as her own men. She risks her life as a soldier so she can feel superior to the little people," Ana says to Ashur. To the red-eyed man she says, "I did not get your name, sir. As soon as we have the message we are to deliver to Waterdeep, we will depart."


OOC: Anyone who has seen Star Trek: the Next Generation should picture Shel as having rather the general attitude of Worf. Lack of empathy is certainly a reasonable impression to come away with; she does have other virtues beneath the surface, but they aren't coming out in circumstances like this.

Red eyes gives his name as Killian. There isn't a specific message to be delivered, more of a general indication that you should check in with this "Council of Waterdeep", and if nobody else is cooperative, you can at least give them proof that you've been authorized by the Enclave to respond to the Council's issues. The group doesn't have a lot of specifics, but the dragon cult is clearly part of a larger problem, and the Council is an organized effort across multiple power groups, intended to address the rising threat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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