Roll20 RPG Usage Stats: Growth Everywhere During Pandemic!

Roll20 has posted its latest Industry Report, revealing that the first quarter of 2020 shows growth for almost every game on its platform during the pandemic. D&D, of course, remains by far the most popular (up from 50% to 53% after a dip last year), with Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder coming in behind. Call of Cthulhu has seen a bit of a drop from 12% to 8.5%, while Pathfinder is...

Roll20 has posted its latest Industry Report, revealing that the first quarter of 2020 shows growth for almost every game on its platform during the pandemic. D&D, of course, remains by far the most popular (up from 50% to 53% after a dip last year), with Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder coming in behind. Call of Cthulhu has seen a bit of a drop from 12% to 8.5%, while Pathfinder is approximately steady.

(See the Quarter 1 2020 report here).



Cyberpunk Red saw high growth of over 100%, as did Tormenta, City of Mist, and the Year Zero Engine.


Here's the full list!








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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Wonder what the total user numbers are. If the total users have grown, or are games kinda sharing the same users from quarter to quarter, sort of snuggling like puppies.
I think they stopped reporting user numbers a year or two back.


Always wonder about these stats, they seem more anecdotal then a true view of the industry. A good view of one VTT's player base I guess but not much more then that


Always wonder about these stats, they seem more anecdotal then a true view of the industry. A good view of one VTT's player base I guess but not much more then that
Yes. The products available on that service and more heavily promoted are going to appeal to players on that platform. PF2, which I do play on there, has a character builder that's not nearly as good as 5E (essentially a form fillable PDF), the compendium hardly works at all, and the first Adventure Path hasn't even been put on.


I think they stopped reporting user numbers a year or two back.

I believe you're right. Shame. It was an interesting window into how much the hobby was growing. As a VTT player from a long time ago, I'm very curious how much VTT play is shaping the hobby. Once upon a time, VTT play was the red headed stepchild of gaming. But, now, with the numbers that we have seen in the past, I'd say that VTT players are making up a very solid base for the industry. At least, that's my gut feeling.

It's always been a shame IMO, that WotC abandoned it's VTT. I think they really could have made for one hell of a business model.

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