Roll20 RPG Usage Stats: Growth Everywhere During Pandemic!

Roll20 has posted its latest Industry Report, revealing that the first quarter of 2020 shows growth for almost every game on its platform during the pandemic. D&D, of course, remains by far the most popular (up from 50% to 53% after a dip last year), with Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder coming in behind. Call of Cthulhu has seen a bit of a drop from 12% to 8.5%, while Pathfinder is approximately steady.

(See the Quarter 1 2020 report here).



Cyberpunk Red saw high growth of over 100%, as did Tormenta, City of Mist, and the Year Zero Engine.


Here's the full list!








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It always seems a little odd when people categorize D&D as "not an RPG" when it is literally the Ur RPG ...

I have one friend who suggests that D&D be the first game every new player does or they will miss out on the "Rosetta stone" of gamer language. (More so that they will be judged or not brought up to speed by the uncaring gamer masses i.e. see how "tt" has been added to the original RPG hobby when it should be "CRPGs" for Computer RPGs instead - like they were back in the early days. )

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I have one friend who suggests that D&D be the first game every new player does or they will miss out on the "Rosetta stone" of gamer language. (More so that they will be judged or not brought up to speed by the uncaring gamer masses i.e. see how "tt" has been added to the original RPG hobby when it should be "CRPGs" for Computer RPGs instead - like they were back in the early days. )
Given the prevalence of streaming as a vector into the hobby, my guess is that most folks have some idea of the basic structure of play and terminology. Instead of your older cousins and his friends, it's Matt Mercer and his friends you watch...

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