Romance of the River Kingdoms II


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Annika shrugs, brushing off the notion that it was 'strange.'

"There were a pair of orphans, living as best they could in the jungle," she replies. "They needed care, and a home. The Vashti agreed to shelter them, as she might do for any child who has no one else in the world. So it is true, yes...though I have not heard what strangenesses color the accounts one may hear of it."

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Dr Simon

"A truly charitable act," says the Magister with a poilte bow towards the Vashti. "You do a credit to your position, Vashti. I had heard that the girls were possessed by evil spirits, but I suppose this is just hearsay. I'm sure the Vashti would never condone anything as irresponsible as bringing evil spirits into the town."

"I would say that there is a big difference between helping an innocent child who is the victim of malice, and the deliberate raising of Netherworld creatures, wouldn't you, Magister?" asks the Vashti blandly.

"Forgive me, Vashti, I am just a humble servant of the law," replies the Magister.

A clerk approaches the Magister and mutters something to him. Just before he leaves he gives a brief nod of recognition to Growling Ape and Annika, who recognise him as the clerk who officiated at the Vashti's funeral. The Magister dismisses him, but he is quickly replaced by a tall woman in an expensive lashong robe.

"Are you going to introduce me, Magister?" she asks in a rich voice.

"Mistress Kumika Feloung, of the Merchants League," says the Magister. "I'd like you to meet our young Vashti, Aru Leng, and her guests, a Mistress Annika, Mistress Shakou, Master Grolwing Ape and Master.. where did he go? Ah, Master Mystal Mar."

"Honoured," says Kumika. "Are you the ones who visited the mines at Tigerskin Gorge recently? I was hoping to meet you to discuss a business proposition."

OOC: Rolled some Perception and Sense Motive checks, results below.
[sblock=Growling Ape]
Ape is able to overhear the clerk say "Will you excuse me Magister? There is something I must attend to."
Shortly afterwards he feels hostile eyes glaring at him, and feels a sudden inexplicable surge of anger that he manages to fight down. Someone or something in the room is trying to influence him.

Mystal is able to overhear the clerk say "Will you excuse me Magister? There is something I must attend to."
Unobserved, Mystal is able to assess the Magister more closely than the others. Although the Magister comes across as if he knows more than he is saying, there is something else about his manner, something slightly false and unnatural, as if he is under the influence of someone else.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Mystal uses the question targeted at his fellows to slip back again and whispers, VERY careful not be overheard, to Vashti (using Ape's back if needed to get higher or motioning her shortly down) .

"You know him better then I do, but I think he's possessed or magicked somehow. He's not himself anyhow. I sense wrongness about him."

Dr Simon

The Vashti gives Mystal a slight nod to show that she's heard, but doesn't look down at the salsham'ai, and keeps her expression neutral.

Annika feels a brief flash of inexplicable anger, then it passes.


First Post
Annika's eyes widen slightly, and she has to work to keep a straight face.


She closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating to heighten her sensitivity to the spirit realms of sorcery, then opened them again and scanned the crowds, hoping to catch someone red-handed.

(Casting Detect Magic. Since it is a cantrip, it's cast as a Spell-Like Ability, so no verbal or somatic components are needed.)

Dr Simon

Annika scans the room. The Magister and the woman from the Merchant's League have spells on them; an abjuration spell in the case of Mistress Kumiko but Annika isn't sure what is on the Magister.

However, what is more interesting is the presence of some kind of spirit creature, like a large rat with blood-red fur and an ugly humanoid face. It swims through the air like an otter, and, as Annika watches, lands delicately on Shakou's head - and vanishes! Annika doesn't know enough spirit-lore to recognise what kind of creature it is.

Shakou's face suddenly twists in anger as she draws a hidden dagger and stabs it into the Vashti's back in one swift movement. The Vashti drops to her knees with a look of surprise. Somebody drops a glass and it shatters on the floor. Magister Ten and Mistress Kumiko step back from Shakou with a look of horror on their faces.

Surprise round where only Shakou and Annika can act.

Shakou gets initiative and attacks the Vashti, as above.

Next, Annika.

The rest of you can roll initiative if you like and I'll roll for any who haven't when I next resolve actions.
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First Post
"An evil spirit has taken him!" Annika says sharply, "Everyone keep back!"

(OOC - I thought I had Protection from Evil, but it seems I haven't taken it yet after all...oops! Did we have any spirit-effecting magic items?)

Walking Dad

First Post
AC 15 (T15, FF13), HP 43/43, F +6,R+3,W+7 (Spells: 1:5/5, 2:4/4)
Ape Form (AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14)

Ape conjures the spirit magic of his tortoise shell token, trying to rid Shakou of spirit influence.


Casting Protection from Spirits on Shakou. Should give her another save with a +2 morale bonus.

Spells (CL: 4, DC: 13+spell level)
infinite/Day Level 0: Stabilize, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
5/Day Level 1: Produce Lightning, Shillelagh, Lesser Vigor, Detect Spirits, Summon Nature's Ally I.
4/Day Level 2: Summon Nature's Ally II, Protection from Spirits, Ball Lightning

Baboon Traits:
AC: 18, Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 14
Fort: +7
Refl: +5
Will: +7
Move: 40', cimb 40'
Init: +4
Perception: +10
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Dr Simon

OOC: Shakou's a she. I had a check back through my notes; you have a tortoiseshell token that is, in game terms, a scroll of protection from spirits.

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