RPG Print News – Free League, SoulMuppet, and More

Free League, SoulMuppet, Power Rangers RPG, Mothership, Shadowrun, D&D5E, and Pathfinder 2E all have new releases this week.

Free League has yet another fantasy RPG available and SoulMuppet has two more new RPGs. Power Rangers RPG goes into space and Mothership, which is already in space, gets a music zine. Shadowrun gets Runner advice. Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition gets adventures, a new setting, and spell cards. Finally, Pathfinder (Second Edition) gets miniatures from the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix adventure path.

Note: RPG Print News covers new RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are only available directly to customers only through kickstarter or as print on demand.

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Dragonbane RPG Core Set by Free League Publishing
  • SYSTEM: d20 roll under (earlier editions based on Basic Roleplaying)
  • PRODUCT TYPE: box set including softcovers, maps, dice, and standees
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99
  • OTHER RPG NEWS: Dragonbane: An Interview with Tomas Härenstam
  • DESCRIPTION: PCs adventure through a setting full of magic, mystery, and adventure. In ancient days, the world was ruled by dragons and demons, opposing principles that made the world complete. Law and order versus chaos and madness. Today the ruins and magic left from that time beckon the PCs to risk their lives exploring to gain treasure. Dragonbane is a translation of Drakar och Demoner, Scandinavia's first tabletop RPG, originally launched in 1982.
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Gangs of Titan City | Backpack & Dream Collection by SoulMuppet Publishing
  • SYSTEM: unique
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover core rulebook/collection of pamphlet games
  • RETAIL PRICE: $50/$34
  • DESCRIPTION: In Gangs of Titan City PCs are desperate gutterscum who will either dominate the underworld as crimelords or end up riddled with bullets. They must navigate a grimdark nightmare supercity that wants them dead. The PCs start out as a small fish in a very big and murky pond and steadily wrestle control of more of the city away from gangland rivals, but also from institutions that want to crush them. Uses 2d6 to resolve outcomes and comes with a toolbox of gang archetypes, gang member playbooks, rules for arcane and unknowable tech, sector hexmap generation tools, and a rogue’s gallery. Backpack & Dream encourages PCs to explore, build connections with people, and managed resources with an OSR feel. This print bundle also includes: Jetpack & Dream (takes the base game into space), Spiral (run base game as a large open world), Devil Grinder (rage-propelled inline punk city setting), and The Signbearer (provides additional character options).
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Across the Stars by Renegade Game Studios
  • SYSTEM: Power Rangers RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • DESCRIPTION: Includes rules for space travel and foes from the Machine Empire, Troobian Empire, Pirate Queen Divatox's marauders, and the forces of the United Alliance of Evil. Classic villains include Astronema, General Automon, Scorpius, and Dark Specter. Enemies range from new bounty hunters like Darkonda and Dayne to fearsome Psycho Rangers. Features: three advanced Role (team defending Gold, Grid-bending Silver, and time-hopping Phantom Ranger), seven new Origins and six Influences for Rangers not from Earth (from Aquitar, Sirius, Triforia, and other planets), and new interstellar Zords, vehicles, equipment, perks, and powers.
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Analog Survey #1 by Exalted Funeral
  • SYSTEM: Mothership
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover 12-page zine
  • DESCRIPTION: A catalog of the rarest and most righteous mixtapes in the galaxy. For the inaugural edition of the zine a deep dig sourced cassettes that were previously only a part of the Void Church's archives and high clearance corporate clean-ups. The librarians of the Analog Survey are dedicated to the liberation of the auditory landscape through dissemination, preservation, and occasionally direct action [yeah, that was them at Oviedo Station].Their concern is aural deliverance. The zine was made using scissors, glue, and a dash of blood, sweat, and tears and ranges from the long enduring Ghost Dance series to a classified artifact simply known as "Peyter's Tape." Use as inspiration when planning out a session or hand it out to players so they can immerse themselves in some interstellar music knowledge.
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Shoot Straight by Catalyst Game Labs
  • SYSTEM: Shadowrun - Sixth World
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Provides runner-to-runner advice in a range of areas, from covert ops to con games to making sure the PCs don’t blow their big score all in one place. Any PC who wants to survive and thrive in the shadows will benefit from the included advice and plot ideas.
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The Sundering - The Nation Beneath Our Feet by Unlikely Heroes Studios
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover adventure trilogy
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.95
  • DESCRIPTION: The dimension-shaking nature of The Sundering moves the PCs the Zwari Nation. The Zwari Nation is located in the middle of an unknown ocean. It could be an all-new world or could exist in the wider worlds the PCs already know. New: subclasses like the Battle Ma’jai, races like the Vhengi, natural predators called Combacats and threats like the Zyca.
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Hunter's Full Moon Trilogy by Midnight Tower
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover adventure trilogy
  • DESCRIPTION: Three adventures designed for characters of level 1 to 3, but include scalable encounters to suit any level from 1 to 20. Also includes the compendium Gudrun Åskdottri’s Guide to the Wild. The remote village of Buckbridge is surrounded by untamed wilderness that is filled with ferocious beasts like frost wolves and is under threat. The PCs must enter the wild and search for Queen Freja Swiftsteel’s long-lost tomb and uncover ancient dwarven secrets.
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Deck of Many Animated Spells, Level 8 Volume 1 by Hit Point Press
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: deck of 30 spell cards
  • RETAIL PRICE: $29.99
  • DESCRIPTION: 16 level 8 spell cards and 14 custom cards. Example spell cards: Antimagic Field, Clone, Control Weather, Demiplane, Dominate Monster, Feeblemind, Power Word Stun, Sunburst, and more.
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Danger Island Denizens (Pre-Painted) | Syndara the Sculptor Final Form (Pre-Painted) by WizKids
  • SYSTEM: Pathfinder (Second Edition) Fists of the Ruby Phoenix
  • PRODUCT TYPE: prepainted miniatures (six/one)
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99/$44.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Danger Island Denizens includes: Ran-To the frost goblin wrestler, Manananggal, Brartork known as Golarion’s Finest, an enforcer warrior, Blue Viper (Lighthouse Form), and a mud wretch. Syndara the Sculptor, Final Form is one fearsome creature in miniature form. Some assembly may be required.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Von Ether

I'm looking forward to Dragonbane. I'm used to roll under on a d20 thanks to Pendragon, another "BRP but uses d20" game. With BRPs flatter advancement rate and streamlined character build, I plan to use it as a regular FLGS ttrpg open table gaming demo. No real need for pregens or trying to update a pregen AND a player new to ttrpgs to how play and build 4th or 5th level PCs.
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I'm looking forward to Dragonbane. I'm used to roll under on a d20

I got Dragonsbane. The adventure looks solid. A Regional Sandbox my favorite. Plus I feel all new games should be half adventure. Show me what makes the system great.

But......I am not a roll low person. Natural ones are to be feared. Wanting one goes against 40 years of training.

"Roll High Till I Die"

Paragon Lost

Terminally Lost
I got Dragonsbane. The adventure looks solid. A Regional Sandbox my favorite. Plus I feel all new games should be half adventure. Show me what makes the system great.

But......I am not a roll low person. Natural ones are to be feared. Wanting one goes against 40 years of training.

"Roll High Till I Die"

Von Ether

I got Dragonsbane. The adventure looks solid. A Regional Sandbox my favorite. Plus I feel all new games should be half adventure. Show me what makes the system great.

But......I am not a roll low person. Natural ones are to be feared. Wanting one goes against 40 years of training.

"Roll High Till I Die"
A common house rule for games that roll low, like d100/BRP RPGs, is rolling "blackjack" style. Ones become fumbles and your crit hit is the skill number itself. so if your skill is a 12, then you roll a crit on a 12.

Now natural ones can be feared again!
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