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RPM: Beta features update

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In RPM, the classes you don't qualify for are marked in red. That's good and well. However, there's a class that it let me take when I didn't qualify: the aristocrat. Qualification rules:

If characterLevel > 0 And aristocratLevel = 0 Then aristocratQualify = false Else aristocratQualify = true

more or less. You can only take levels in Aristocrat if it was your first class...


The evolving beta

CRGreathouse said:
Any news? It's been a few days, and I want to know about your progress; are you still polishing, or is something up?
Hey Charles,
I'm not sure how much is polishing, and how much is finally implementing fundamental features, but I've been pretty busy. I have a list of some 76 items I've extracted from my e-mails over the last 5 weeks, that I've been working on, in addition to items already mentioned on this thread, as follows...

Major Functions
  • Implemented "SubClasses" (Clerical domains and Wizard specialization). This is now done in a generic D20 sense (rather than special RPM coding), so should be hopefully translatable to Psionics. Clerical domains are the most interesting, where the powers start appearing in your lists, depending on your alignment and domains. The interface is a bit clunky, and I'll polish before release.
  • Implemented Templates. These are selectable (and removable), and come as a kind of "SubRace". It works, except that I've not configured all the different templates ("Half-Celestial" looks good on your Kytess character though).

Miscellaneous Features/Fixes
  • "Stunning Attack" now obtained by Monk at 1st level.
  • Some spelling errors corrected (eg. "Equippped").
  • Multiple "staggered" conditions removed when creatures are damaged down to 0 hp.
  • The "Dice Roller" window tidied up (less cramped).
  • Some missing "mouse over" hints added in.
  • Integrated "Jamis NPC generator" doesn't use the confusnig "on-line" version. The off-line version works well, and is fine.
  • Various hints are now placed on several windows to make their use more obvious (eg. for options to "Level Up").
  • The "Creature List" window, when undocked, will automatically show it's full columns. Many weren't aware of the wealth of info available there - especially used in-game.
  • The initial "Preferences" window can now remember your last choice, and you can configure it to not show up initially, for quicker RPM startups.
  • Correct use of "Level Up" is now more obvious.
  • The "Action" window is being expanded to present more options. "Group" checks will be possible (eg. everyone in the group does a "spot" check), as well as a "Quick check" (eg. a spellcaster will keep their spell casting as their major action selection, whilst being forced to perform a quick check on "Concentration").

Other touch-ups are done as required. There's obviously a lot more items on the list, but right now I'm focussing on polish for the standard character races, classes, "sub classes" and templates.

If you (and a couple others who've been helpful) desire a private release to check out progress, just let me know, with a couple of days warning.
Full public releases cost a lot of regression testing with the major work happening.



First Post
Re: The evolving beta

As promised, I'm moving my comments from email to here.

First, something I'd like to see added is a point-buy option. Like templates, I suppose, it's something that should be there, but no one's bothered to mention or show interest in. For the record, though, I plan on using it in a campaign, and for NPCs as well, so I'd like to have it available as part of the Creature creation by Wizard process.

Also, it'd be nice when (during the Creature Creation Wizard) viewing feats during the level up process to have some additonal info displayed for the feats: the SRD description isn't necessary, but even pre-reqs would be nice.

And then the minor nitpicks/possible errors:

* The half-orc doesn't have any racial qualities listed in the Creation by Wizard process.

* Your first sample creature listed, Gruther the Goblin, is an Asn5, with no other classes. Is this because you simply put that in as an example? What I'm getting at is that ol' Gruther doesn't meet the pre-reqs for the Assassin PrC--should RPM catch that, or was that a case of you over-riding the engine?

* I started creating a dwarven creature, then cancelled this, and began work on a half-orc, in both cases using the Creation by Wizard. Sub-races listed were those of dwarves, rather than the blank it should have been, as if RPM hadn't cleared the sub-race data field when I cancelled the first creature.

* I'd like to second the request to *not* have the 'standard' equipment forcibly re-added to a creature being created in the Wizard. If I take the frickin' longsword off of a creature, it'd be nice if it stayed that way. *grin*

* Still in the creation by Wizard: the javelin of lightning's description says it deals 5d6 damage; when equipped, it's listed as 1d6, presumably that of a normal, unchanted javelin.

* Did you know RPM not only allows you to equip a char with multiple suits of armor, it allows them to stack? *grin* "Why, yes, Bob the fighter /does/ have chainmail on under his plate--and a suit of leather, to boot!" Hehehehe

* Shields aren't allow any magical properties in RPM, though they should be, only bonuses (and I thought those were only supposed to go up to +5, with the max of +10 being for additional properties rated as bonuses). I could easily be wrong on the latter point.

* Last, there were a few places where Alt-G didn't bring up the guide. I'll have to pay more attention to this to see under what conditions it occurs.

Off to work for now; I'll keep poking about later tonight.


Community Supporter
Still hard at work breaking RPM!

* Half-orc racial base scores set Wis to 8 instead of 10
* Gnome racial base scores set Cha to 0 instead of 10
* Half-elf racial base scores set Dex to 13 instead of 11
* Half-elf racial base scores set Con to 8 instead of 10
* When creating a half-orc with no class levels, RPM gave me 2 ranks of Spot and a +2 inherent bonus to spot, for a total of +2 (!)
* The half-orc without class levels was given automatic proficiency in armor, weapons, and shields
* As mentioned above, half-orcs lack the special quality, "Orc Blood"
* Feature request: default name for attacks as weapon name instead of "AttackN"
(--begin leveling half-orc up--)
* During the leveling process, the half-orc also appears to have gained Alertness as a bonus feat. This may explain the +2 inherentbonus to Spot, but it shouldn't be there - and it doesn't give the bonus to Listen checks. The 2 ranks disappeared, BTW.
* The Will save on the half-orc is wrong - either it doesn't include Iron Will (as I suspect), or it doesn't knowthat aristocrats have good Will saves.
* The javelin's damage is wrong - it only has 1d6 damage, despite Str 13.


The Laughing One
*looks up at The.Cegorach*
How annoyingly similar...

Pointbuy is an optional rule and should not be a priority. RPM is not a character creation tool, i think that PCGEN would be more appropriat. The same goes for info on feats during character creation, one is supposed to know which feats one needs/wants.

Luke could you please explain how the subclasses/subraces are working? (yes i would love to play with your current version ;-)
My gaming group and myself have come to an understanding regarding the use of the laptop at the gaming table. For now we/i will use it for combats, when no combats (or stressfull situations) are at hand the laptop will be put aside. The main reason being is that the laptop is a bit distracting when used in roleplaying (my fault), my players are mostly enthausiastic about the laptop as a combat manager, even with the obvious shortcommings of RPM at the moment (no offense Luke). I'm certain that when i get a better laptop (higher resolution and a mousepad that actually works) RPM will become more usefull, and ofcourse the improvements that Luke is making daily to RPM. Anyone else want to share gaming experiences/tips about the use of electronic aids at the gaming table?

Oh, before i forget how is the database structure? Is this the final version of the structure (no more changes to the structure)?


First Post
I decided to start seriously looking at this also, been following it for quite some time. Here are some questions/problems I have run into.

Tried to create my first character last night. It is a 6th level Human Monk.

1) With a dexterity of 17, he should have more than an Initiative Bonus of 0 as it shows up in the Statblock. Where is the Init Bonus calculated and displayed from?

2) When using the wizard to create this character it would not allow me to remove the longsword from his hands. I would delete the record (weapon record) and as soon as I would save the changes it would pop right back in again.

3) Does the program figure the synergy bonuses for skills? I noticed that 3 of the skills were 2 points lower than they should be and this was due to no synergy bonus.

4) How does one go about adding in the Unarmed attack and the correct BAB sequence for this. I would have thought with the monk being in the database it would have the appropriate information but alas it appears not to.

5) I went back and deleted the record for the monk and tried entering it again starting at level 0 as stated earlier in this thread. When I did that I went to level up to take him to 1st level and all of the skills are red. It does not appear to allow this monk to have any skills.

Any help would be appreciated.


Community Supporter
I'll try to help - it may save Luke a few minutes. :D

2. It's been fixed in Luke's version.
3. No, it doesn't - though it might show up when used in-game. (I'm a little fuzzy on it, but I asked the same question)
5. I think this bug has been fixed in the laetst (unreleased) version; I brought it up to Luke earlier.

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