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Ruik's Carrion Crown Pt1


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Xilena smiles for the fact that everyone is together, this can easily be shown as she moves her head to the side behind Kyrus. How she got there so quick without really being speedy is unknown, better yet, why behind the wizard that almost had his breath taken away from a hug? Aside from that, she faces turns her face towards Mal "So anything that makes your hrm ... spirit sense tingle?"

Spells per day
Concentration = + 5 + caster level
1st = 5
Spells Known/Save DC
0 Level Spells/DC 15: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation
1st Level Spells/DC 16: Burning Hands 1d4+1
Spells used: 1 1st lvl spell
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Malounen Tiliney, human druid

Mal takes his time surveying the doors, then points to the eastern one.

"There's an undead ... something on the other side of this one, but it's not moving. I'm not sure if that means it hasn't noticed us or is otherwise immobilized." he reports.

[sblock=spells prepared]Orisons (DC 15): Guidance, Create Water, Detect Magic
1st level (DC 16): Burning Disarm, Entangle, Hydraulic Push (CMB 7), Stone Fist (D)[/sblock]


"Undead? Gor should go first then." Gor steps forward, holy symbol and shield at the ready, his usually jovial face suddenly serious. "Could somebody open the door?"


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Xilena still behind Kyrus speaks up with her fur standing on straight on end. "I vote one of the big burly tough men to do it."


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Malounen Tiliney, human druid

Mal gives Gor a supportive pat on the shoulder.

"Here's to making a good show of it," he says, and the half-orc indeed feels a bit more heartened. The druid touches the handle, ready to open the door when he gets the nod from Gor.

[sblock=ooc]Casting Guidance on Gor (+1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check for the next minute). Mal will open the door and let Gor in ahead of him.[/sblock]

[sblock=spells prepared]Orisons (DC 15): Guidance, Create Water, Detect Magic
1st level (DC 16): Burning Disarm, Entangle, Hydraulic Push (CMB 7), Stone Fist (D)[/sblock]


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With that, Gor gives Mal the nod, and Mal swings open the door. The door leads to a large auditorium. Several rows of wooden benches, all spotted with mold and sagging with neglect, face a stage walled off from the rest of the room by a wall of iron bars. Upon entering the room Mal is now able to see the full scope of this undead presence. There is no body that is giving off this large aura that he is seeing, but rather the very air appears to be aglow, stretching from the door to about the central pews further into the room.

OOC: Alright i assume that Gor and Mal are the first into the room as Gor is the muscle and Mal is the eyes, so ill be needing both of you to make a perception test :) and unless im wrong in assumeing just you 2 enter anyone else who would naturally rush in with them feel free to test as well


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Malounen Tiliney, human druid

Mal gapes as his spirit sense shows him the expanse of undead presence. He takes it all in as he draws his scimitar, whispering to Gor, "I don't know how, but it's ... all over," he says. He gestures to try to give the half-orc a sense of the scope of what his otherworldly senses are telling him.

[sblock=spells prepared]Orisons (DC 15): Guidance, Create Water, Detect Magic
1st level (DC 16): Burning Disarm, Entangle, Hydraulic Push (CMB 7), Stone Fist (D)[/sblock]
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Mal quickly notices that the temperature is dropping in the room, noticing that he can now see his breath. Gor Being far more focused on trying to watch for the undead pressence to do something doesnt seem to notice this change in temperature. The chill being easily ignored by his tough orkish flesh.

OOC: alrighty Mal lets get an init check to see where you act in the suprise round! :D....also to those who are curious......ITS HAUNT TIME!!! And since you beat the dc to spot it i can also tell you its a cold spot :D

The Joker

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Ooc: seeing as my detect magic question was ignored, ill just let the spell drop and move on…

ooc: can i make a Knowledge (religion) check to figure out how to beat this haunt?

As the magic faded from kyrus’s eyes, he smiled a bit. “you make something of mine tingle… heh heh” he whispered to himself. the group began its discussion on how to enter the area, Kyrus knew that the strongest went first and support like him was to go after. He mentally went threw the spells he had prepared today and began to develop strategies as they talked in the background. When they had readied themselves Kyrus took up formation. As the doors where flung open, Kyrus expected some undead warriors or zombie monsters to attack at once, but was shocked to see that nothing was there.

About to speak his concern, he silenced himself when Mal drew his weapon. The presence was here, but not to the naked eye as Mel had demonstrated by not only being on edge, but reading himself for combat. As kyrus stepped into the room out of curiosity, his eyes darting around the room, he remembered the haunt from the gate and drew the conclusion… his eyes widened and the friendly, warm, silk like calm was gone from his voice and in its place was a serious, cold, darker tone. “This is no normal undead…”

If only he could remember…

Word: flame jet, selected
Word: force block, personal
Mage hand
Detect magic

Word: burning flash, cone
Word: shocking arc, selected
Magic missle [/sblock]
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