D&D 5E Running Rime of the Frost Maiden


I decided I was definitely going to be running Rime of the Frostmaiden for my next campaign. I am running it biweekly via Fantasy grounds, for reference.

Anyway, i thought we could start a thread ahead of its release to talk about prepping for running Rime (RotFM? What are we going with here?) and then keep it going as we run it. Obviously, this will be a spoilery thread.

So, initially, i am wondering what resources i should look at for both the setting -- Icewind Dale -- and the titular Frostmaiden. I am primarily familiar with Icewind Dale by way of the old CRPGs. I may replay at least the first one prior to release, but it depends on time. I probably won't have time to read any novels. What resources -- including good podcasts and videos -- do you recommend for starting to understand the location, lore and particulars?

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Should be pretty straighforward to run.

Personally I'd be brushing up on Cold weather rules, and maybe doing a bit of work fleshing them out pre the campaign starting.

The book should have rules on weather and blizzards etc, but padding them out would be the way I'd go.

It's hard to do much without the book.


Dusty Dragon
My advice to you is wait 2 years, then run it.

Why wait 2 years? Because someone will fix it for you!

A lot of the adventure paths have significant structural problems. For example, from the excellent Alexandrian:

Remember those kenku?

Descent Into Avernus says, “Find the kenku! They knew Lulu back in Ye Olde Days! They’ll have valuable information that will help you find the Sword!”

So the PCs go to Fort Knucklebones. They find the kenku. The adventure says, “The kenku Chukka and Clonk instantly recognize Lulu, since they’ve met her previously.” And then… nothing.

Literally nothing.
(skipping ahead)

Which brings us to Descent Into Avernus: The designers don’t actually have a functional scenario structure. They’ve instead flailed themselves into a sort of malformed scenario structure which consists entirely of:

  1. An NPC tells the PCs where to go.
  2. The PCs go there.
The entire campaign is just this one “structure” repeated infinitely: An NPC tells you where to go. You go there and you find another NPC who tells you where to go.

Does that sound like a good adventure to you? It does not to me. However the basic adventure premise is such a cool concept! What to do? Well he fixed it :)

He's done the same for a few others of the adventure path. I know others have written guidance on how to run the other adventure paths. This is a great resource. But it won't be available immediately to you. Just be patient :)
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My advice to you is wait 2 years, then run it.

Why wait 2 years? Because someone will fix it for you

A lot of the adventure paths have significant structural problems. For example, from the excellent Alexandrian:

(skipping ahead)

Does that sound like a good adventure to you? It does not to me. however it's such a cool concept! What to do? Well he fixed it :)

That doesn't bother me. I am running Avernus now and I am so far afield from the railroad plot presented that it doesn't matter anymore. These adventures are tools -- they provide a basic framework and a mountain of resources to tell a story that sort of looks like the back of the book text if you squint really hard. It took me a long time to learn it was okay to run adventures like that -- beinga homebrew DM for like 30 years -- but now that I have I can use the adventures as a foundation for a better game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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