S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold


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Outside the Chapterhouse

The priest and warforged slowly retrace their steps towards the Tharashk enclave -- a dark plume of smoke still rising steadily from that direction, while Morph walks invisibly slightly behind them.

The proximity of the explosion still has not deterred the bazaar, and hundreds of shoppers and merchants continue their trade.

The crowd is thick, and you are jostled by several folks on your walk. Several exclamations of disbelief emanate from those walking into Morph by accident.

Unfortunately, you do not spot anyone or notice anyone that would pique your interest, or stand out from the diverse crowd in the ward.

You recall having the mace in your possession when you left the precarious retreat, and could have sworn you felt it swinging from your belt as you walked through the city.

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"Come friend, let us return to our companions. Thank you for coming with me." Davan turns around frustrated. He knows he had his mace........ he could remember it's weight on his side, swinging as he walked. "I had to of lost it in or near the tavern!" He startled himself by how the thought escaped his mouth. Somewhat ashamed of his lack of control, he stays silent the rest of the way back.


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"I have been thinking," Dreadnought remarks as they head back. "A mace is a strange thing to lose...it is large and heavy, and would make a noise if it fell from your belt. It is an even stranger thing to steal, for all those reasons and more."
He glances back at Davan. "Unless there was something unusual about it. Was there?"


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Morph follows behind the pair, trying to stay out of the way of the millers-about. He speaks, "Perhaps our answer lies with the mind flayer that Void mentioned. We are attacked at the conclave, then this creature shows up, and some equipment comes up missing? Could be coincidence, but worth looking at now anyway. I've nothing better to do while we wait for word on the expedition party."


Shayuri said:
"I have been thinking," Dreadnought remarks as they head back. "A mace is a strange thing to lose...it is large and heavy, and would make a noise if it fell from your belt. It is an even stranger thing to steal, for all those reasons and more."
He glances back at Davan. "Unless there was something unusual about it. Was there?"

"No, my friend. It was a standard mace, only worth a small amount. I could replace it if needed."


"And my mace. I doubt they are worth much. Unless.............." His face pales as he thinks of what could happen, "Unless a person with powers unknown has them. Could they not be used to form a link to us?"

ooc: I'd like to take whatever knowledge check is needed for that. I'm not real sure its arcana or not, so I would like you to roll it.


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It would be a know(arcana) or even spellcraft check, both of which you are not well versed in.
[sblock=Morph, Darv, Asenfel]
You know that mundane items like the mace or mapcase could be used as a focus for scrying purposes.


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Morph nods gravely, "Yes such items could be used to help them find our locations." Knowing that they could be being watched this very second, Morph whispers, "whoever it is could be watching us right now. We should err on the side of caution, and try and be sure not to use all the abilities we have at our disposal in any fights we may get into. If they mean to attack us, we want to make sure they know as little about us as possible." He then pauses a moment. "We need to get you another weapon too Davan, and a map if possible, for Lo-Kag."

Voidrunner's Codex

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