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S3: The Scythe of Seto (Bront Judging)[Completed]

Rae ArdGaoth

OOC: Rasereit has a 30' move speed, but I want to purchase a new heavy warhorse for him. If that's possible here, then great. Also, what was the final word on the gp limit of this town? If it's less than 4000, then I'll hold off on my shield switch-out.

I'll have to update Rasereit's sheet in the character thread and remove all the fluff, because it's too big...

Rasereit asks around for a strong, wartrained mare. He figures that the orcs have backed down, so there should be a surplus in this, the "military base" of the Vastermarch. Hopefully he finds one for a reasonable price, otherwise, he's walking.

"Alrigh', s'pose Ah'm ready. We off t'find this Trimble bloke?"

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Braeholl has a 1,500 gps limit. So a warhorse shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps you can get the shield in another town along the way. Is this something you're going to buy, or enchant?


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After the meeting with Poto, Beamer takes a look at any merchants or peddlers to find that rope trick scroll. Then, successful or not, he makes a final visit to Tharok after using Alter Self to appear as 'Johnny Irons'.

He remove's Tharok's gag. "Sorry I was away so long. I know you must have missed me. There was another prisoner that required my attention, but he has proven much more ... compliant ... and useful actually as well," says Johnny with a slight raise of his eyebrows. "I think you may know of him. Mano is the name he gave. Good for me ... but not for you," he finishes with a small smirk. "It would seem my need of your information has lessened. To prove your usefullness to continue breathing my air, you need to confirm some of the information he gave. I want to know some more of the Curved Blades. What races do they have among their ranks? What of their spell casters - stronger than you? How do you recognize them - a secret hand shake, a mark scrawled in the dirt? What contacts have you had with a wizard in the Silverwoods?"

Beamer listens closely to whatever answers Tharok gives. Once Tharok falls silent, Beamer's eyes become unfocused and he stares through the orc for a long moment. Thoughts of those who had rejected him, exhiled him, hunted him, threatened him, course through his mind. This orc tried to kill me and all my friends. His skin was still sore from the fireball Tharok had thrown. On Tharok's shoulders, Beamer sees the faces of all those he wished to strike back against and for just a moment, the smallest bits of acid begin to form on Beamer's hand. He fights down the urge to slay Tharok with his own hand, and instead turns away and exits. He resumes his normal form and immediately reports to a guard that he is finished with Tharok and the half-orc should be executed when they are ready.

Let me know if Beamer was able to find that scroll of rope trick.

Rae ArdGaoth

Manzanita said:
Braeholl has a 1,500 gps limit. So a warhorse shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps you can get the shield in another town along the way. Is this something you're going to buy, or enchant?
OOC: I plan on selling Razh's current light steel shield (for approx. 2000gp) and enchanting his new heavy steel shield with +1 armor and bashing (for 4000gp).


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Tharok has nothing more to say, but the group has the pleasure(?) of watching him executed before they leave town. The town guard fear him, and want him dead ASAP.

Razh will have to wait to get the shield he wants. Nor is Beamer able to locate another seller of arcane scrolls.

The distance to Rivensblight is about 375 miles. (wow.) If the party moves at a 30' pace, that equates to 24 miles/day, or nearly 16 days. The stockaid where they last saw Reinert, then, was nearly 15 days march/ride South. As the crow flies, it is only about 340 miles to Vastermarch, but it would be quicker to stay on the highway.

The group would pass through both major Vastermarch cities on the road to Rivensblight. In either place, they could easily get the scroll & sheild. The northern city is Beth Hannon.


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OOC: Beamer's speed is only 20. If someone is willing, he would prefer to ride double as he's not much of a horseman and his horse will likely end up running away when he inevitably has to get off. He only weighs 40 pounds including all his equipment. Otherwise, he will buy a mule so he can move at 30.

Rae ArdGaoth

As Tharok sways, Rasereit cheers with the rest of the town. "Let that be a lesson to the foul scum o' the mountains!" He bids goodbye to the acquaintances he's made at the local taverns and gives them helpful hints as he leaves: "Cut 'em wit' the sharp end, eh? S'long lads, Dog's days to ye." On his way out, he fills up his flask with something from the bar. "For Tharok's head, Ah'll jus' be takin' this." Another snort and he's gone.

The gang prepares to head south, and Rasereit saddles up his new warhorse. She protests a little as Rasereit, weighed down with a hundred pounds of gear, mounts her. "Beamer, ye got a ride? Come on up, she won' mind a few more pounds. Ah think me shield weighs more'n you do." When they get on the road, he comments, "Much as Ah'd like t'go back t'that volcano, Ah'm right glad we're not sailin'."

OOC: The mare is well into medium load at 325 lbs., so Beamer's extra 40 won't be a problem. She moves at 40', then.

OOC2: I'm assuming some gratitude from the townsfolk in taking liquor free from the bar. If it'll cause a brawl or something, I'll just take it back. =P

OOC3: I actually don't have enough money for the new shield, 75gp short. Razh can sell his CMW potion for 150, or somebody can loan him the 75. Any takers? I can pay interest.
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"Thanks, Rasereit. I'll make sure to slide off if we get in a fight so you can get up close and personal while I work my magic from the back. Didn't you say you were going to get a new shield? If you get a bigger one, it just might weigh more than me. "

Beamer can loan Rasereit 75 gp, no problem. Beamer is very big on keeping the guys that stand between him and the bad guys happy. :)

Rae ArdGaoth

"Oh, Ah got the shield, mate. Feels to be about half yer weight, actually. Jules crafted it for me 'fore she left. Wonder if she minds bein' called Jules? Well, anyway, Ah got the shield, it's the magic that costs a pretty penny. A bloke in the tavern was tellin' me Beth Hannon's down the road, an' they got craftin' wizards there. They charge four thousand crowns for work like this. After sellin' this fine thing Ah'll have half, an' then Ah can scrounge up most o' the rest from the loot we jus' got... but Ah'll still be about 75 short. May have to rob a carriage on the way to settle the difference." You can't tell if Rasereit's joking about that last bit.


First Post
Rasereit said:
May have to rob a carriage on the way to settle the difference.
"Ha!" Beamer laughs as though it were clearly a joke, not really phased by it possibly not being a joke. "How about I just lone you the extra bit, and you keep that shield between me and anyone who thinks it would be fun to pick on us."

OOC: Btw, Beamer will start out each morning casting a mage armor on himself. If we get to an area that seems dangerous, he will also cast a mage armor on Eusebius.
Beamer will ride with virtually all his equipment in his haversack, giving the appearance of a young page who is just along to help Rasereit buckle on his armor.

Beamer's spells remaining for the day for the first 6 hours:
0th: 6, 1st: 6, 2nd: 6, 3rd: 4
Second 6 hours:
0th: 6, 1st: 5, 2nd: 6, 3rd: 4

Voidrunner's Codex

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