Sagiro's Story Hour: Now That It's Over

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Signed up, wandered around, loved the story about the gold coin. Reminded me of a hospital summer last year, which also ended well, luckily. Touched a few nerves - thank you :)


The tingling means it’s working!
Hi Sagiro, long time no see. So glad that you're writing (have written!) a book version of your excellent story hour.

I'm curious: do you intend to also make available an omnibus that collects the storyhour as-written? With the D&Disms intact? I love the story and characters, but also groove on the mechanics--how the players contend with a clever DM, and vice versa.


First Post
...and five months later, the thought of Sagiro's novels crossed my mind and I checked in here.

Signed up and can't wait to read them. (Though I haven't gotten any sort of confirmation email.) A progress update on this thread would be awesome, naturally. :)


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
...and five months later, the thought of Sagiro's novels crossed my mind and I checked in here.

Signed up and can't wait to read them. (Though I haven't gotten any sort of confirmation email.) A progress update on this thread would be awesome, naturally. :)

A confirmation e-mail would probably be a good idea, yes. :)

My editor promises that she's very nearly done, though she's been saying that for a while, so we'll see. Once I get the final edits, I'll make one more pass through the novel incorporating them, and then start attending to the more mundane details of e-formatting, acquiring an ISBN number, etc. More exciting to me is that I've gotten initial sketches on my cover, which will be drawn by the awesomely talented Gareth Hinds. Gareth is an award-winning graphic novelist who specializes in recreating works of Shakespeare, as well as stores from mythology. You can see his stuff here.

And, I'm about 40,000 words into Book 2 ("The Crosser's Maze"), which is hard to work on while I'm still tinkering with Book 1, but I am making progress. The Crosser's Maze is shaping up to be significantly longer than The Ventifact Colossus, so I'd say I'm only about 25% of the way through. And then of course after that there's Books 3 and 4 (working titles of "Het Branoi" and "A Splinter in the Heart of the World."), but besides matters of long-term continuity and plotting, I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself. :)

Thanks to everyone for your continued interest in my project!


p.s. Here's a repeat of a previous e-mail, for those just coming to this thread:

Hey, would you like to a) help me test my stub website for the book, and at the same time b) sign up to get an e-mail from me when the book goes live?

If yes, go here: The Heroes of Spira and fill out the form. If something goes wrong, or it doesn't seem to work, post here and let me know.

I also do solemnly swear that I will not use your e-mail address for any other purpose, or share it with anyone.
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What lessons and takeaways do you have for 'final encounters'?

I have this on my mind as I near my own ridiculously epic-level climax for the ZEITGEIST campaign I'm writing for publication. In particular, there's a natural tendency in an epic fantasy narrative to have it all come down to one final battle. Did your players feel content with that, having a comparably 'intimate' climax considering that the campaign had spanned the whole world? Would you do anything differently if you could compose it again? Or actually, since you really are rewriting it, what are you changing?

In my case, I've also had a campaign that spanned the whole world, hopped into an underworld, and then came back to where it started. I'm trying to figure out how to tie in all the world-wide events, show actual stakes, and have heightened tension that things are this close to doomsday if they fail. But I also don't want to worry about overly complicated mechanics for, like, directing the actions of nations. You had the Crosser's Maze providing glimpses of global events. Do you think that worked? I worry about 'cut scenes' and 'boxed text' taking focus away from the PCs' own stories. I suppose as long as the vignettes presented somehow showcase the change the party wrought on the world, it's like they're still there in spirit.

Oh, and in general, how are things going?


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
In general, things are going quite well. If I don't hit any unexpected problems, the book should be available for sale sometime in January.

As for ending the campaign: I think an ideal ending to an epic campaign would focus on the PC's personal stories and arc, and secondarily show how the world at large is affected. Since I had painted myself into a corner with my final story arc (taking place in a separate location from the bulk of the campaign), I used the Crosser's Maze visions to serve that second purpose. (And also to demonstrate there was still some time pressure, as events were unfolding in parallel on the surface world.) It worked well, I think, though it felt a bit contrived. As for things like "mechanics for the actions of nations," I wouldn't bother. A DM is a storyteller; don't feel like every part of the story needs game-mechanisms to play out. As long as the PC's are engaged in their own part of the story, I think it's fine to simply tell them what's happening on the wider stage. (It helps if you have in-game means to do that, of course: visions, telepathic communications, Godly pronouncements, royal proclamations, fast-spreading rumors, etc.)

I'm still wrestling with how I'm going to handle this in the final book of my series, since I'm limited to showing the reader what one or more of the protagonists are witnessing. (Or possibly antagonists -- still not sure whether I'll break away from hero-POV chapters in later books.) I'm leaning toward breaking the party into two groups, one of which follows Seven Dark Words down beneath the Barrier, and one of which stays on the surface to help drive (and witness) all the stuff going on above ground. Not sure yet, though.


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
Thanks, SolitonMan!

Here's my official announcement. :)

It’s finally here. I have pressed the “launch” button, and now anyone can go to Amazon and buy The Ventifact Colossus – Book One of The Heroes of Spira. Any by anyone, I mean you!

This would obviously never have happened if not for my many enthusiastic readers right here at EN World, and I will always be grateful to you – especially those who kept pestering me to turn the Story Hour into books. So, thank you!

Here are the three main things you can do to show support, if you are in the mood for such:

1. Buy the book! The e-book for Kindle is $3.99, and the print book is $13.95.
Here are the links:

e-book link on amazon (US):

print book link:

If you do not live in the U.S., you can search your own country's Amazon page for "The Ventifact Colossus."

At this time, the book is only for sale on Amazon. If you are unable to access Amazon from where you live, we can probably work something out where I buy the book myself and have it shipped to you, and you pay me via PayPal.

2. Tell other people about the book, especially if they enjoy fantasy novels. (And – big surprise – it might be of particular interest to table-top gamers!) This is a big one; as a self-published author, I have no PR firm or marketing team. Word of mouth will be key, and by “mouth” I mean YOUR mouth.  Note: it is entirely reasonable for you to read the book first, and only recommend it if you enjoyed it.

Also: I have a URL for the book, along with a form people can fill out to receive updates about my progression on the series.

3. Review the book! (After you’ve read it, of course!) It doesn’t have to be a long or involved review, though it certainly can be if that’s what you’re moved to write. I want your review to be honest, even if you don’t like the book very much. The best places to leave reviews are Amazon and Goodreads.

Happy reading!

-Dorian Hart, a.k.a. Sagiro

Voidrunner's Codex

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