Sagiro's Story Hour: Now That It's Over


And promptly bought. I'm looking forward to reading a fuller account of the first runs (and meeting Sagiro? ) and also to find out what's changed :)

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First Post
And I'm in... so cool to return to the world of Aber... euhmm... the world of Spira...

Just started - Sagiro, I'm curious what was behind the decision to make Aravis female for the novels?


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
And I'm in... so cool to return to the world of Aber... euhmm... the world of Spira...

Just started - Sagiro, I'm curious what was behind the decision to make Aravis female for the novels?

I wanted more gender balance among the protagonists.


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
Just a warning for Story Hour fans: the book is heavily based on and influenced by my campaign, but almost nothing in it unfolds exactly how it happened in the game. There are lots of changes and additions, even if the larger story arc is still very similar.


It does seem a little odd that they are all human (or at least not specified as nonhuman) except Dranko still as nonhuman blood.
Plowing through it now, still good. :)


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
...and done. Good read. I'll give it an Amazon review in a few days. Sagiro, how far are you through Crosser's Maze?

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it, and look forward to reading your review. I'm not much farther along The Crosser's Maze than I was the last time I mentioned it, since I've been busy with the thousand details involved in polishing up and publishing TVC. I'd say 1/4 of the way through the first draft, though when I look at my outline, I have so much to cram into it, I may end up splitting it into two books.

Voidrunner's Codex

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