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Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)


Bought, on general principles. A chance to thank you for the many, MANY hours and ideas you've given me.
Currently on page 74 of my SH re-read (998 pages I believe?) so it will be a while before I play!

Thanks Sagiro, hope you get Featured!

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First Post
I'll check it out once I finish playing through my $2.99 Shining Force II download...

So hey, story Q: what is King Farazil the Soul Eater the "king" of? I've been wondering that for, like, years.


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
First -- Shieldhaven, thanks for your thoughtful (and positive!) review. I appreciate you taking the time to write it, and I'm glad you enjoyed playing.

To any other Story Hour readers who have played Choice of the Star Captain, please remember to leave a star-rating on whatever website or app store you acquired it from. Ratings (and better yet, short reviews) help get games noticed, and mine is a bit sparse in that department at the moment. (The ratings are good; there just aren't that many.)

To Everett: at this point in the story, no one knows over what lands or people King Farazil reigns. Does he just call himself that? Is he really King of something? Who knows?

To everyone: here's an update!

Sagiro’s Story Hour, Part 347
Many As One

“Hi, Eddings.”

The Company files into the Greenhouse, freshly teleported home from Ula’s island.

Dranko drops into a chair and lights a cigar. “We have to go someplace that we’re never coming back from,” he tells the butler.

Eddings smiles indulgently. “Ah. And is this one substantially different from the many other places you warned me you might not be coming back from? Given your descriptions of previous adventures, I have developed an unshakable faith that you will return from just about any excursion, no matter how perilous.”

“This one might be different,” says Ernie.

“Well, I suppose we’ll see,” says Eddings.


For some time the party talks about how they might find and assault the Sharshun base of operations in the Greatwood. Various ideas are discussed and discarded. Morningstar finally sighs and gives up.

“So,” she says, “as usual, the plan is ‘get ‘em?’”

“We need Abernathy to give us advice,” says Ernie plaintively.

Into the seconds of silence that follow Ernie’s comment, Dranko speaks. “I miss Abernathy.”

“I don’t,” says Aravis.

Everyone turns to stare at him. “I never met him!” he explains.

“But you would have missed him,” says Flicker, “if you had…”

He’s interrupted by an earthquake. No, not the magical kind; this is an honest to goodness temblor, albeit a mild one. The windows rattle for about fifteen seconds, and the trophy case swings open. Eddings deftly catches a flatworm tooth before it can drop to the floor. Then, as suddenly as the tremor began, it’s over. The Company can hear some shouting in the streets, but it’s unlikely that the city suffered any serious structural damage.

Dranko casts omen of peril to find out if he’ll be in danger during the next hour. The answer is LOW. But still, it’s an alarming occurrence, for the reason that there has never been an earthquake, even a mild one, recorded in the history of Tal Hae.

The excitement of the quake soon passes, and the Company is left once again with the daunting task of recovering the Watcher’s Kiss from the Sharshun. To delay the decision-making further, they decide to quickly investigate the bad smell blowing off the Mouth of Nahalm into the city of Sand’s Edge. (They’re pretty certain that one of the Ventifact Colossi has died, but it can’t hurt to be certain!) They teleport together to Sand’s Edge and immediately their nostrils are filled with the reek of dead turtle. For completeness sake they fly out over the desert, figuring they can located the morbidund creature by smell, but what they discover is worse than any of them had imagined. The smell grows strong whenever they approach any of the hardened-sand mountains that accrete on the great turtles’ shells.

It’s not just one of the Colossi that has died. It’s all of them.

Morningstar wants answers. Still on the back of one of the turtle-islands, and ignoring the reek, she casts commune.

Ell, did we kill the turtles?


Did they die of natural causes?


Did Octesian kill them?


Are all the Ventifact Colossi dead?


Were the Sharshun behind the turtles’ death?


Was the Black Circle responsible for the death of the turtles?


Is the fact that the return of the Adversary is drawing closer, responsible for the death of the turtles?


Is the departure of the Gods responsible for the death of the turtles?


Is the death of the turtled related to the recent earthquakes?


Have we met the person responsible for the death of the turtles?


Were the turtles intentionally killed?


Was their death a symptom of the ‘thorn in Abernia’s side?’


Does their death pose a threat to the people of Sand’s Edge?


Is continuing on our quest to get the Watcher’s Kiss, and then dealing with the thorn in Abernia’s side, the best way to deal with this threat?


When last I asked about going into the Greatwood and confronting Darkeye, I was told we weren’t ready to face her. Is now the time?


Is Darkeye related to Grey Wolf?


Do you sense an Eye of Moirel in the Greatwood?


Is there Earth Magic in the Greatwood?


Is seeking the cause of the earthquakes more important than finding the Watcher’s Kiss?


Before departing from Sand’s Edge, Dranko has Morningstar cast a sending to Tomnic, requesting priests be sent that can cast cure disease. Morningstar sends another one to Ozilinsh: All Ventifact Colossi dead. Related to earthquakes and Thorn in Abernia’s side somehow. Headed to Sharshun HQ to get Watcher’s Kiss. Morningstar.


The first stop on the mission to find Darkeye and obtain the Watcher’s Kiss is the Shadow Chaser, finest inn in Verdshane. It was one of the first places the Company visited in the employ of Abernathy, and later was the command center in the Battle of Verdshane, where Naradawk was prevented from making ingress to Abernia.

They teleport directly into the common room, and the sudden appearance of their heavily–armed group causes a great commotion of chairs sliding back and weapons being drawn.

“It’s okay!” calls a woman’s voice from the back. “Everyone, they’re friends!”

“Hello, Minya!” Ernie greets their friend, the owner of the Shadow Chaser, with a wave and a grin.

“We haven’t seen you since the war,” says Minya with an affected frown. “You might have stopped by now and then to say hello.”

“We’ve been busy,” says Ernie.

The Company sits at a table, orders a great quantity of food and drink, and starts discussing how they might go about finding the Sharshun’s long-hidden fortress in a forest spanning ten thousand square miles. Many have combed those woods over the years, and none have found any sign of the place. Divinations have been tried, and all have come up empty; it has been long assumed that the Sharshun’s dwelling is shielded from such magics.

Hours pass. Ideas are conjured and discarded and new ones take their place, only to be discarded as well. Finally Ernie cracks the problem’s shell.

“Darkeye’s fortress is hidden now,” he muses. “But what about back when the Emperor was in charge?”

Running with that idea, Grey Wolf casts limited wish. “I wish I had a map of all major settlements in the Greatwood at the time of Emperor Naloric’s reign.”

There, in front of him, appears such a map. He only has time for the briefest of glances before the anti-divinatory magic of the present day erases it, leaving him with a blank white page – but that one glance was enough. Being a wizard of mighty intellect, Grey Wolf can recall with near perfect clarity the locations of four clearly marked dots on the map, and he quickly draws them in the locations he remembers, on their own current map of Harkran. (The largest of these dots was placed on Verdshane itself, presumably marking the Emperor’s one-time capital of Kinnet Vulthani.)

Aravis chooses one of the smaller dots arbitrarily, the one close to the little town of Dunheth. He casts vision on that dot, hoping for some clue about the settlement that once occupied that location. Even better than a clue, he gets nothing at all – as if some outside force is preventing his spell from functioning!

“Found it,” he says with a smile.

And that is all well and good, but now the question on all of their minds is: have these magical end-arounds somehow alerted the Sharshun that the Company is zeroing in on them?


Soon they are wind-walking above the trees toward Dunheth. In a little over an hour Grey Wolf stops, figuring they’re close to the spot indicated by their short-lived map’s incriminating dot. Nothing about the tree canopy seems suspect, so they spend an hour flying in a random pattern centered on that spot, frequently dropping through the leaves to ground level as part of the search. They find no unusual features of the forest, no dwellings, no people. Their telepathic bond stays active throughout, an indication that they have not wandered into the volume of a Divination Sink.

Kibi does make one discovery. This patch of forest is thrumming with a strong undercurrent of Earth Magic. He feels it each time his boots touch the ground. The Company feels this is a strong signal that they’re on the right track, given the historic connection between Darkeye, the Sharshun, and the Eyes of Moirel.

They enact the second part of their search plan. Kibi uses wish to spoof commune with nature, imploring Abernia to give up its secrets concerning buildings, people, and powerful unnatural creatures within the spell’s 19-mile range.

There are no people, that is certain.

There is one building, 5 miles to the north-west.

There are several powerful unnatural creatures, either insect or arachnid, just over 12 miles to the south.

They first inspect the building, but find that it’s merely an empty hunter’s cabin, abandoned for years and fast succumbing to nature’s encroachment. Kibi thinks the hum of Earth Magic is weaker here than where he cast his commune with nature. That leaves the insects as their only lead.

As the Company wind walks above the treetops, Kibi can feel his sense of Earth Magic growing stronger and fainter at the same time: stronger, because he feels he’s getting closer to its source, but weaker because he’s flying and gaseous. Before long he loses its sense altogether and is forced to land and solidify, and once his feet touch the ground the vibrations of Earth Magic course through him. He confirms again that both the location of the insects and the source of the Earth Magic are in the same direction, and they launch back into the air.

Ten minutes later they stop, having reached the approximate location indicated by Kibi’s commune with nature. They descend through the thick leafy ceiling, and find that the forest here is quite sparse on the ground, with occasional clearings and trunks spaced far apart. The spreading branches are thick with spider webs, which gives the heroes a good sense of what to expect, but there is no sign of any spiders, or of a fortress or other dwelling.

Kibi and the others land in a clearing and become solid. Kibi feels the source of the Earth Magic is quite close now, and he’s more or less on top of where he detected the spiders. Dranko peers through the trees in the direction Kibi thinks the Earth Magic is coming from.

An enormous man-sized spider appears in the air above him. He blinks. Dranko can see invisible at will, and the spider was not invisible. One moment it wasn’t there, and the next moment it was. Then he hears his friends crying out in alarm, as seven more huge arachnids pop into existence and drop from the trees around them, filling the air with a sudden cacophony of hissing and chittering.

Hardly even thinking about it, Dranko lashes out at the nearest spider with his whip. The creature is larger than a sheep, red-skinned, with glowing red eyes and knife-sharp mandibles. Its front two legs are tipped with deadly claws. Three whip-snaps later and the creature is a pulped mass of ex-arachnid.

Grey Wolf quickens a true strike, channels a maximized acid orb into Bostock, and steps into a swing at a second spider. Acid gushes from the point of impact and the spider is nearly dissolved. It staggers back, its mandibles melting in its mouth. It tries to strike back, but its mushy pincers squish against Grey Wolf’s armor to no effect.

Morningstar chants and saves and casts darkbeam, sending out beams of black energy that strike six of the seven spiders (missing only the badly wounded one, now cringing behind a tree). Three of these are dazed by the beams, chittering madly.

One of the spiders still with control over its faculties manages to land a bite and claw on Morningstar, but its damage is minimal. A second attacks Ernie but all of its pointy bits are foiled by the halfling’s plate. Assuming there are only the eight of these things, there doesn’t seem to be much to worry about.

Flicker hefts one of his new magically-returning daggers and flips it nonchalantly at the mostly-melted spider. It thunks into the creature’s last functioning eye, then quivers and returns whistling to Flicker’s waiting hand.

“This is a piece of…” he begins. But he is interrupted; the surviving spiders – even the dazed ones – all stand up on their hind legs, and from deep in their throats their frenzied clicking becomes eerily synchronous. Their color changes, turning a deeper crimson; their hairy hides bulge grotesquely as their bodies enlarge to the size of donkeys; the wounds from Morningstar’s beams knit and heal; and their mandibles sprout extra barbs.

They understand immediately, and Ernie yells what they’re all thinking.

“It’s a spider Seki!”

…to be continued…

Curious, Sagiro, what would you have done if the PCs hadn't used powerful magic (limited wish) to locate the Sharshun base? Was there any particular solution you had in mind, or were you just going to let whatever they tried, work?

Not criticizing, but trying to understand your mode of DMing.

P.S. Still hoping Mrs. Horn fits into the endgame somehow.


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
Curious, Sagiro, what would you have done if the PCs hadn't used powerful magic (limited wish) to locate the Sharshun base? Was there any particular solution you had in mind, or were you just going to let whatever they tried, work?
I knew going in how the Sharshun HQ was hidden, and what sorts of protections it had. I could think of a couple of ways the party might find it, most notably Kibi's innate ability to sense Earth Magic, but it was largely one of those "it's not my job to solve your problems" type scenarios. :devil:

When they tried the "create a map of how things were in the past" ploy, I considered on the fly that the Sharshun's protections probably wouldn't prevent such a map from being conjured, but would destroy such a map if it existed. Thus, Grey Wolf had to make an INT check to remember what the map looked like from a split-second glimpse. I could imagine all sorts of creative solutions that wouldn't have worked, so no, it was not a matter of "whatever they try, it'll work."

P.S. Still hoping Mrs. Horn fits into the endgame somehow.
[whistles innocently]


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
Sagiro’s Story Hour, Part 348
Out of Time

Ernie lashes out with his sword and hacks a gash in the nearest of the chittering spiders. The creature drools out strings of goopy saliva and clacks its mandibles. Ernie makes a face of disgust. “Ewwwww!”

Aravis activates two of his new magic items: his gloves of the displaced source which allow a spell to be cast from a spot nearby, and his battlestone of St. Jenniver which will cause an area spell to heal allies caught in the blast. He casts a maximized cone of cold which flashes over all half-dozen of the arachnids, while providing a bit of healing to his friends.

Kibi follows up with a scroll of horrid wilting, which sucks moisture out of most of the spiders. Two of them are utterly desiccated, their corpses shriveling even as they collapse to the grass. But the remaining four let out another synchronized screech; their wounds heal as their skins swell and ripple like the surface of a bubbling stew. Their skin changes from a dark red to a deep black, and when they’re done stretching and writhing, they stand as tall as giants. Kibi swears and quickens an earthbolt at the nearest two, blasting them with shards of rock thrown up from the ground.

Grey Wolf confidently casts the reliable combination of a quickened ironstorm followed by chain lightning. The raging electrical storm crackles as powerfully as ever, but though many trees are left smoking, none of the spiders are affected in the slightest. They have acquired spell resistance in their latest incarnations! Dranko tumbles to the side and launches a whip attack on the closest monster, but all of his strikes thump harmlessly against its leathery hide. It seems the spiker-seki has become physically tougher as well.

Morningstar steps back and casts a flame strike that sears the spiders with cold holy flames; her spell penetrates their resistance, and they have no immunity to cold damage. They squeal obscenely in their pain.

Two of the spiders heave their bodies over to Dranko and savage him with their mandibles and barbed claws. Dranko winces as one of the mandibles sinks into his shoulder, just missing his jugular. He sees from the corner of his eye that the remaining two spiders have scuttled over to Kibi and are doing similarly to the dwarf.

Flicker cringes at the sight of his friends being ripped open by spiders, but retains his focus enough to tumble beneath the legs of the closest beast, spring up on the opposite side from Dranko, and plunge his dagger deep into its convulsing bulk. He is rewarded with a gout of ichor to the face, and grins as he splutters. Ernie casts flame strike on the two spiders attacking Kibi, but while they suffer the holy wrath of Yondalla, the creatures have become immune to fire.

Aravis casts a chain lightning of his own into the ironstorm. Flicker quickly ducks behind a tree and flinches as its trunk is blasted, and then looks on dismayed as again the spiders are unharmed. Aravis is sure he imbued his spell with the focus to pierce the creatures’ resistance; they must be immune to electricity as well as fire! He curses, takes a step, and quickens a mass haste.

Kibi casts defensively and blasts the spiders in front of him with a maximized cone of cold, which gets through their spell resistance. One of them falls backward, frozen, and the remaining ones chitter and froth in unison. Not wanting to stick around for another attack, he sinks into the ground via xorn movement.

Grey Wolf casts reverse gravity on the closest of the remaining three spiders. It soars upward until it crashes into the thick mass of overarching branches some thirty feet above, but there it stays, waving its enormous legs madly. Grey Wolf gives it a sardonic wave.

Dranko tries again with the whip, and this time, with Flicker’s dagger distracting his target, his attacks have more success. Two strikes rip out huge chunks of arachnid flesh, and the third tears the monster’s mandibles right from its head, killing it from shock. That leaves two remaining, and these thrash and chitter, their skins stretching and undulating and taking on a chitinous sheen. A conspicuous bulge forms right behind the head of the spider facing Dranko, as if it has developed a hunched back. The whole of its body has grown again, and it looms over Dranko, casting him in its misshapen shadow.

“For the record,” says Dranko, “I do not want one of these for a pet.”

Morningstar quickens a flame strike upon the spider towering over Dranko; since her fire spells deal cold damage, she’s more optimistic about its effects. But it seems that with their latest transformation the enormous spiders have become immune to cold attacks as well. Despite its size, the spider nimbly dodges part way out of the column of black flames, and is only minimally damaged by its holy power. Morningstar frowns, but still finds the wherewithal to cast heal on Dranko, bringing him back to robust health. And just in time! No sooner has she healed his wounds, does the towering spider pierce his shoulder with a razor claw and sink fangs the size of tennis rackets into his thigh. High above, the spider caught in the inverted gravity column flips itself over and scuttles along the underside of the tree canopy until it clears the spell area, at which point it drops thirty feet to the ground. It heaves itself to his feet, looks around for a victim… and vanishes.

Aravis smiles. “Enjoy the maze, he says.

The remaining spider still proves problematic. It shrugs off a searing light from Ernie, endures whip-strikes from Dranko, and evades both Flicker’s stabs and Morningstar’s attacks with Ell’s Will. Kibi pops up from the ground and blasts it with a maximized and empowered earthbolt but it resists the magic of that as well. Grey Wolf has the most success, melting a section of its body with an acid orb, but having withstood the party’s attacks, the spider again savages Dranko. If not for Morningstar’s recent healing, it’s not at all clear that Dranko would still be alive.

Ernie’s had enough. He casts withering palm, steps beneath the spider’s great bulk, and slaps it with his open hand. Strength and life force drain rapidly from the huge arachnid, and in seconds it collapses backward in a jittering heap.

So, for the moment, there are no more enemies, as the last remaining unit of the Seki is trapped in Aravis’s maze. They crowd around the spot where it vanished, ready to deliver a group coup de grace. Two minutes later, it arrives, and immediately transforms one final time. It grows again, shoving the Company backward, and its skin hardens into rock-solid chitin. The hump on its back bulges outward, and a deformed human torso bursts forth. The creature almost resembles an arachnid centaur except with two heads, or a riding beast with a stubby malformed rider atop it. It’s as if the thing was trying to grow a person out of its back, but failed. The misshapen head of the humanoid figure opens its mouth and lets out a piteous howl.

Kibi casts Otto’s Irresistible Dance, thinking that if the creature is rendered helpless, it will be easier for his friends to finish it off. Alas, this is how they discover the final form of the Seki is imbued with spell turning. Kibi feels the spell discharge back into his own body, and he immediately starts executing a capable dwarven wedding dance. His face goes red, and he bellows with anger. The mouth on the human head twists into a smile.

It stops smiling as it fails to dodge a disintegrate from Aravis. Chunks of its body are blown outward and sheared away by the force of the blast, and the main ray leaves a clear hole directly through its middle. Ernie waves at Grey Wolf through the gap before it starts to fill up with gore. Kibi is so pleased that he dances with joy.

Grey Wolf quickens a true strike and channels acid storm through Bostock. The sword itself shears through two of its legs, and the weakened body of the Seki dissolves into a huge puddle of sickening goo.

Again, the forest is silent.

“Yuck,” says Morningstar. The others quite agree.


“We’ve learned one thing,” says Ernie, as he and Morningstar attend to the post-battle healing. “We’ve come to the right place. Those things must have been put here to guard the Sharshun.”

That may be, but there’s still no sign of any habitation, Sharshun or otherwise. Kibi concentrates and focuses his mind again on the Earth Magic permeating the forest, and thinks he can discern the direction of it source. They head off into the quiet woods, all of them keeping a constant lookout for anyone watching, or more spiders, or simply anything out of the ordinary. (Grey Wolf regrets his application of enhanced senses, since the reek of dead spider fills his nostrils long after the others have ceased to notice it.)

The strength of the Earth Magic grows, until Kibi reaches the edge of a small clearing. He takes a few steps into the clearing itself, finding that the sensation maintains its peak intensity.

“We’re here,” he tells the others.

They look around. The trees around the clearing are sparse, and pleasant light slips through the leaves high above their heads. The meadow itself looks no different than a dozen others they’ve passed while traversing the Greatwood. There’s no sign of any man-made structure or other habitation. Their telepathic bond is still functional, which means the Sharshun aren’t employing Divination Sinks in the area.

Given that it’s Earth Magic they’ve been following, Kibi sends Scree on an underground scouting trip. The elemental sinks into the earth and makes constant reports. “It’s very strong down here, all over the area. It’s uneven; there are stronger and weaker pockets. I don’t think the Earth Magic is coming from the rock, which makes no sense to me. Where else could it be coming from? I can’t tell! Oh… wait. I think I’ve found the edge of it. Now the Earth Magic is growing weaker.”

“Can you trace the perimeter of where the Earth Magic is strongest?” asks Kibi.

“Sure! It’ll take a few minutes, though. I’m well over a hundred feet from you. It’s nice down here, you know. Some interesting minerals, though nothing exotic. I always enjoy finding a bit of quartz, don’t you? Not there’s anything wrong with a nice slab of granite, mind…”

When Kibi tries to convey the details of Scree’s geological survey to the others, Dranko snorts. “This is the most boring part of adventuring,” he says. Kibi just smiles.

“Remember,” Morningstar reminds the others, “Moirel was an Earth Mage, and she created the Eyes. If she’s Darkeye, it stands to reason there’d be strong Earth Magic around here.”

“One more thing,” says Scree. “When I go downward more than about thirty feet, the Earth Magic starts to get weaker again. One second… okay, done. The area is hundreds of feet long and just about as wide. Or maybe it’s hundreds of feet wide and just about as long. It depends on how you look at things! But there’s no sign of anything else unusual, besides the fact that I can’t figure out the source of the power.”

“I’ll bet they’re in an extra-dimensional space,” says Dranko, when he hears Scree’s report. “We should use every magical detection method we have. I’ll go first.”

One of the “gifts” granted to Dranko by the creature from the Far Realms was the permanent ability to detect magic. He walks around the area described by Scree, but detects no magic beyond what his friends are carrying. Morningstar goes next; she casts true seeing and scans the woods. For just a second she thinks she spots something out in the trees, but it’s gone before she can focus on it. She stares in that direction for an extra minute; no, it must have been nothing.

“Damn,” she says. “I almost thought there was something out there.”

“Let me try,” says Dranko. “I’m better at spotting things than you.” Over the protests of Morningstar and Ernie, he reaches into the lurking madness buried in his brain, and calls upon his own true seeing. His eyes un-focus, and an unsettling light gleams in his eyes. “I can see them all around,” he giggles. “Tips of worms, squiggling into our world, squirming, probing. Maybe they’re looking for me?”

He retains enough of his sanity to remember what he’s doing. He gazes outward into the zone of Earth Magic, and with his heightened senses he grasps for clarity. He almost sees… almost sees… yes! There’s something, large and blurry, an enormous object or building or creature, in and around the trees here, sliding always away from his direct vision.

For a panicked second he thinks he’s looking directly into the Far Realms; there is a flash of stars, a space, a charged emptiness. But no, it’s something else, somewhere else. There is no madness there, only… nothing. It’s a confusing distortion of space. He forces himself to concentrate harder, pushing back the madness, and… there, right over there, part of the edge of the blurriness is brighter than the rest. It reminds him of an arch, but it’s not an arch. It’s nothing. It’s gone.

“It’s here,” he whispers. “It’s here, but it’s not, but it is, and it’s filled with stars. There’s a gateway, that there isn’t, and it’s here.”

Dranko strides to a spot at the edge of the clearing about a hundred feet away, and mutters to himself. Kibi moves to join him, and standing on that very spot he puts his hand on the ground. To the dwarf’s mind comes a clearer, sharper sense of Earth Magic – not just in its intensity, but in its specific application. He’s felt this aspect of the magic only once before now… when the Company stood within the Mirrors of Semek and traveled impossibly into the past. He tells this to the others, and everyone is quiet for a second.

“Ooooh,” says Ernie. “They’re out of synch with time.”

…to be continued…


First Post
Hmm, when dealing with the Seki, did anyone try to get all of them low and then finish them off all at once with an AOE spell? Would that have worked?

Thanks for the update! :)

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