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Sailors on the Starless Sea


First Post
"Start swinging boy! Standin' is dyin'!" Brom yells at Geoffrey as the dwarf steps into the room swinging his hammer. After a moments hesitation, Geoffrey follows, aiming a wicked overhead swing at the beast man champion.

Fendrel hefts one of the stones he picked up earlier, looking for a good shot through the broken door.

to hit
[1d20] = 16, damage mace [1d6] = 4

to hit
[1d20+3] = 8+3 = 11, hammer [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5

If a shot opens up Fendrel will throw his stone

[1d20] = 15 not sure of damage for a thrown stone.

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Narančasta and Siva

Narančasta, seeing Dudles, Borok, and Xim have pushed forwards and are now in melee, moves forwards with the others to engage.

"For the townspeople and for Justice!" he roars.


Siva recovers he bow from her back and waits for an opportunity to shoot the beast-man at the top of the stairs.

"I'm behind you Jacob. I've got you back." Whether or not Jacob hears her through the red mist that seems to have descended on the caravan guard, Siva doesn't know.

If Jacob managed to kill it, she moves to the top of the stairs and has a shot at the beast-men below.



OOC: Well, I think I know who's likely going to be my PC! Borok or Xim, though Borok has to survive this. I forgot if someone had picked up Alaric's sword and steel helmet. If not, I need to be less lazy and arm my dwarf!


Xim spits a horrific curse in the halfling tongue, then hurls another sling stone at the beast men. "You! You fiends! You dog-men killed my cousin! You'll all die if I have to kill you myself!"

1d20+1=9, 1d4=4


Kurl throws his dagger but trips on some rubble by the door and nearly falls flat on his face. Luckily he catches himself before he falls. Unluckily his dagger clatters off the stone wall behind the beast-men without injuring any of them. Tender and Boral advance furiously and wildly swinging their weapons but without managing to actually strike any of the beast-men.

Franko and Hank both launch darts through the door when a gap in the charging and advancing and other fighterly stuff occurs. Hank’s dart catches a crow-headed beast-man in the chest that was preparing to thrust its spear at Tender. The beast-man lets out a wheezing croak and collapses dead.

Geoffrey and Brom’s advance puts them up with Tender and Boral in the swirl of fighting. Geoffrey quite handily guts a hideous snake-headed woman who looks calmly accepting of her death (though maybe that is just that snake expressions are hard to read). Brom can’t manage to bring his weapon to bear with the same effectiveness. Fendrel takes a chance and throws a stone. It bounces off but bruises a wolf-headed beast-man who snarls and readies himself for the attack.

Despite his passion, or perhaps because of it, Xim’s sling stone riccochets off the interior stone wall of the tower without causing injury.

Narančasta joins Tender, Boral, Geoffrey, and Brom in the melee and gets past one of the beast-men’s defenses and deal it a serious gash across the muscles of its thigh. It stays on its feet and in the fight…

The three surviving beast-men in the lower tower fight frantically to save their lives: one smashes his spear into Geoffrey’s face driving bone up into his brain and killing him instantly. The other two attack but miss Tender and Narančasta.

On the wall walk above, Jakob stabs the bull-headed beast-man and deals it a nasty wound but the creature, though bleeding, still glares at Jakob with beady, yellowed eyes. Siva finds her moment and fires. As soon as the arrow leaves the bow she knows it is going wrong: her grip on her bow slips and she nearly drops it. The arrow goes wild and thuds into the flesh of Jakob’s back near the shoulder wounding him seriously.

The bull-headed champion ponderously brings his axe around at Jakob. Jakob dodges to the side and the axe misses him by a hair’s breadth.

Kurl: Ranged dagger (1d20+1=2) MISS: Fumble (1d4+1=2) Reflex: Reflex (1d20+1=13); no fumble effect.

Tender: Sword atk (1d20=10) MISS

Boral: Pitchfork atk (1d20=9) MISS

Franko Ranged Miss into melee (possible friendly fire): FF 1-50 (1d100=89) Nope.

Sorry, Dogmatron, the beast man champion is two flights of stairs up (by Jakob & Siva) but your attack will put one regular beast-man out of its misery. And for thrown rocks (i.e. not using a sling) I’ve just been dropping down the dice chain, so 1d3 damage and short range only.
Fendrel: stone dmg (1d3=2)

Narancasta: 1-33 hit wounded (1d100=52); uninjured target

Siva Ranged Miss into melee (possible friendly fire): FF 1-50 (1d100=23); Atk: FF vs. Jakob (1d20=15) for dmg vs. Jakob (1d6=2) AND…
Fumble: Fumble (1d4-1=3) adding insult to injury, Siva takes -2 on her next attack.

Xim Ranged Miss into melee (possible friendly fire): FF 1-50 (1d100=29)
Possible targets: Brom (1), Narancasta (2), Tender (3), Boral (4) target (1d4=2); To hit: rock (1d20+1=12) MISS

Beast-Man1: vs Geoff (1d20=20) for dmg (1d6=1) and CRIT: Crit (1d6=5) for extra damage: dmg (1d6=6)

Beast-Man2: vs Narancasta (1d20=5) MISS

Beast-Man3: vs Tender (1d20=4) MISS

Champion: vs Jakob (1d20+2=9) MISS

Beast-Men: DEAD: 3; Wounded: 2; Wolf @ 2, Other @ 1 hp; Uninjured: 1

Party Wounded:
- Jakob 1/3 hp
- Borok, 7 subdual (unconscious)

Party Dead:
- Dudles
- Geoffrey[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

An arrow hits Jakob solidly from behind, eliciting a look of extreme pain and surprise!

"I see what you mean by you got my back!", he says in a voice strained by the pain and from dodging the bull headed beast's ax.

Though near death, he swings his sword regardless...however he misses in the ensuing chaos of dodging.
1d20-1=6, 1d6-1=3

Franko throws another dart at another beast man, a maniacal grin on his face
1d20=14, 1d4=4

Homer steals his resolve to a firm state of frightened but all he does is walk forward and wave his sword around non threateningly
1d20-2=-1, 1d6-2=-1

Hank the meek scribe by day, dart pro by night throws another dart. This one flies perfect!
1d20+1=21, 1d4+1=5
1d20+1=15, 1d4+1=3


Franko hits the wolf-headed beast-man with his dart finishing off what Fendrel began just a moment before.

As Homer waves his sword around something vital breaks within the weapon. The blade goes flying and Homer is left with a bladeless hilt held in his hand.

Hank’s dart flies past those in melee combat and strikes a beast-man square on the knee. There is an unpleasant crack and the creature’s leg buckles. It tumbles to the floor and doesn’t rise.

There is only one hideous beast-man remaining in the lower tower and the bull-headed monstrosity battling with Jakob and Siva above.

Franko target (1d3=1)

Homer: Fumble (1d4+1=4)

Hank: Crit (1d4=4); Target (1d2=2)

Beast-Men: DEAD: 5; Wounded: 1 @ 1 hp

Party Wounded:
- Jakob 1/3 hp
- Borok, 7 subdual (unconscious)

Party Dead:
- Dudles
- Geoffrey

[sblock=FYI, Scott]Scott, just so you know, there are Fumbles on a natural 1. I’ll roll on the table in the book should that happen (like with Homer). Also, Criticals are a little different. There won’t necessarily be double damage (so no need to roll confirmation and extra damage). There is a table for that, too, so I’ll roll and let you know what happens (like with Hank’s dart attack).[/sblock][/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

With a combined shout, the trio of Kurl, Boral and Tender rush the remaining creature in their proximity. Kurl swings his mace, while Boral stabs with his pitchfork, and Tender attempts to slash with his sword. They know they must take the beastman down before he can bring his weapon to bear in turn.


Boral skewers the last beast-man with his pitchfork. It writhes briefly on the tines then dies and slumps to the floor. Now all that remains is to put an end to the bull-headed beast before it does for Jakob and Siva. Being two floors up, however, will take time to climb the stairs…

[sblock=OOC]Note: full-round to go up the stairs and reach the wall walk level.

Boral: attack (1d20=18) for damage (1d8=2)[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: sorry glass eye! putting in sblock to save for l8r

[sblock=oops]"Ha ha! ha ho! " Jakob dodges and weaves, all be it as an amateur, then waits for what he feels to be an opening. The pain from the arrow in his shoulder on the other hand makes his moves pitiful. Lets hope our intrepid hero can endure! He is not, however, not doing so well as he misses yet again.

1d20-1=2, 1d6-1=0

franko jumps for joy at the felling of the beast, but turns to the sight of the bull man

Full round action to get to a good dart throwing point

Homer flings his sword arm up and hears a sharp
that at first he fears is his arm, but feeling everything normal and no pain the looks to his hand and sees a hilt. No blade, a rectangular hole where the tang should be, and just the hilt. He looks at the sword hilt in utter surprise, then turns around to make sure no one of his fellow villagers were injured by the flinging loose blade.


Hank is elated at what he has done! one dart to the knee, causing it to fall and never more move! One more the gods of Ill Fate have shown to be chasing after some other poor mug!

He sees his other fellows moving though. Hurridly at that! He looks aroud to see every thing going on, bemused at homer's gawking about, but quick to sober at the dark silloette of a bull headed beast man up the stairs threatening Jakob and siva. He too moves to a better vantage to throw a dart.[/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]Scott, It's still the same round so you gotta wait for everyone else before you can act again. Sorry for confusing things by posting updates after yours and DT's posts. Those who still have actions this round: Doghead, Dogmatron, FireintheDust[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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