Sale Sale! Apocalypse Wow! Palladium Books


Palladium Books presents the Apocalypse Wow RPG Sale – 20+ apocalyptic titles that should get you heated up during these cold weeks of winter. Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, After the Bomb®, The Mechanoids®, Splicers® and more. Enjoy and be a survivor.

  • After the Bomb® (AtB) RPG – Turn any animal into an intelligent humanoid character, stats for 100+ mutant animals, 52 animal powers, 33 animal psionics, Chimeras, and more. Cat. No. 503.
  • After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Hardcover – Turn any animal into an intelligent humanoid character, stats for 100+ mutant animals, 52 animal powers, 33 animal psionics, Chimeras, and more PLUS 72 pages of bonus material. Cat. No. 503HC.
  • Road Hogs AtB sourcebook – Vehicle construction & combat rules, plus more mutants and post-apocalypse America. Cat. No. 505.
  • Mutants Down Under AtB sourcebook – More mutant animals, giant insects, and post-apocalypse Australia. Cat. No. 507.
  • Mutants of the Yucatan AtB sourcebook – More mutant animals and post-apocalypse Central America. Cat. No. 511.
  • Mutants in Avalon AtB sourcebook – More mutant animals, the return of King Arthur as a mutant animal, magic, and post-apocalypse England. Cat. No. 513.
  • Mutants in Orbit™, a Rifts® & AtB Sourcebook – More mutant animals, giant insects, killer satellites, space station and moon base survivors, Archie-7, and more! Unexpected adventure and fun. Cat. No. 514.
  • Splicers® RPG – Think Guyver meets The Terminator. Cat. No. 200.
  • Splicers® RPG “Bonus” Hardcover – The RPG plus 50 pages of additional bonus material. 280 pages. Cat. No. 200HC.
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion Adventure Sourcebook – Big adventure book and more villains and gear. Cat. No. 201.
  • Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy – Dystopian science fiction at its best. This is the very first RPG (1981) published by Palladium Books, about planet-devouring villains from outer space. It was originally released as three small comic books or chapters. Each a different generation and a different fight, but they are all collected into this one book. Written and illustrated by Kevin Siembieda, with Erick Wujcik and Bill Loebs contributing. Cat. No. 400.
  • RECON®, Deluxe Revised RPG – The horror of war set in the Vietnam era. Different game rules, by Joe Martin and Erick Wujcik. Cat. No. 600.
  • Systems Failure™ RPG – It is the end of the world when energy insectoids invade and ravage Earth. It is time to fight back, kill some bugs, and take our world back! This fun, standalone RPG was designed at the start of the New Millennium and poked fun at the Y2K fears about the end of the world in 2000, but has since become a cult favorite. Kill the bugs! Cat. No. 650.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG – Set days after the Great Cataclysm, NEMA Peacekeepers, 11 O.C.C.s, plus robots, power armor, weapons, and more. A complete RPG. Cat. No. 660.
  • Chaos Earth® Creatures of Chaos – Demons and gear. Cat. No. 661.
  • Chaos Earth® Rise of Magic – New magic and weirdness. Cat. No. 662.
  • Chaos Earth® Resurrection – Mega-Damage Zombies done Rifts-style! Cat. No. 666.
  • “Original” Rifts® RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover – available now! The complete RPG, Keith Parkinson cover, additional 32 page color section, history of Rifts®, unpublished concept art, gallery of all Rifts® covers through 2022, and more. Can be used with ALL Rifts® sourcebooks. 288 pages. Cat. No. 800HC30.
  • Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG – If you can imagine it, you can play it. Rifts® is a genre-melding RPG setting unlike any other. Combining science fiction, fantasy, horror, and post-apocalyptic adventure. Epic and compelling. Cat. No. 800HC.
  • Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ – 50+ Soulmancy spells, demonic weapons and war machines, Hell Pits, 7 Demon Plagues, 7 Lords of Hades, 7 Lords of Dyval, the Kingdom of Monsters and more. Hell on Earth. Cat. No. 876.
  • Rifts® Coalition Manhunters – The Coalition’s psychic hit squad, 50+ new psionic abilities, anti-magic Dog Boy, Thought Police, villains, Coalition society, and more. Cat. No. 894.
  • Note: A similar sale of PDF titles is taking place on for your Earth-shattering enjoyment.
  • BOTH sales END Wednesday, February 8, 2023, after midnight.

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