Level Up (A5E) Saving and Resisting damage from an elemental spell

Back in 3e's Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book, all of the Genasi had a saving throw bonus against all spells and effects related to their element. This bonus increased by +1 for every five class levels they attained. This particular trait was dropped in later editions of D&D and in Pathfinder for damage types related to their element (Air-Lightning, Earth-Acid, Fire-Fire and Water-Cold). While I understood why each of the four elements were connected to a particular damage type, it seemed a bit weird to me that a Genasi (other than a Fire Genasi) didn't have any means of resisting and saving against the effects of their own element. An Air Genasi hit by the Gust of Wind spell ought to get an expertise die added to their Strength check to resist being knocked back and/or knocked prone by their very element. Likewise, an Earth Genasi hit by Erupting Earth ought to get an expertise die for their saving throw and resistance to bludgeoning damage from being hit by their own element. And so forth.

For A5e, I would like it if the Genasi could shrug off and smile ;) when hit and damaged by a spell from the schools of air, earth, fire or water. Would an Expertise die on saving throws against all spells and effects related to their element suffice? And could they resist the damage (bludgeoning, slashing/piercing) related only to their element? curious

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An Air Genasi hit by the Gust of Wind spell ought to get an expertise die added to their Strength check to resist being knocked back and/or knocked prone by their very element. Likewise, an Earth Genasi hit by Erupting Earth ought to get an expertise die for their saving throw and resistance to bludgeoning damage from being hit by their own element. And so forth.
I dunno man, I think it’s reasonable to think that an Earth elemental clobbered by a rock should take normal damage.

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