Scheduling Thread for the IRON DM 2020 Tournament!


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
If there does happen to interest in more than one Iron DM a year, I would be happy to run a Summer spinoff.

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After 20 years, we are probably ripe for a spin-off series or something.

The primary problem with doing Iron DM twice a year is scheduling judges and finding enough competitors. I seem to recall that doing it twice a year made that somewhat harder, though I may be misremembering. A competition which was not elimination, and could be done with only one or two judges would help with that.

I was thinking this morning of trying a summer competition of Iron Ninja DM (name is a work in progress), where contestants were provided ingredients, but then they had to craft a specific sort of thing such as a magic item, an NPC, monster, scenario, that sort of thing, sometimes genre specific, sometimes not. Instead of elimination, assign points and then the one with the most points at the end would be the winner. I can't remember if something like that was already tried a few years ago, but it might be fun to give a go this summer if there is interest.


Moderator Emeritus
I am starting to give some thought about an IRON DM archive site project. Maybe those of us who are interested in contributing to the project can use discord or slack or something to discuss. I am open to suggestions. Maybe ENWorld has its own group messaging system that could work?

I think the first step would be grabbing every existing IRON DM and create clean versions of the text (just ingredients/entries/judgements) that can then be formatted for a simple free website using wordpress or weebly (unless we want to approach Morrus about potentially hosting pages for us, since it has its start on here).

I imagine each tournament page will have bracket with clickable names for each rounds head to head installments and the judgement. Furthermore there will (eventually) be pages for each individual competitor with their record and links to their entries, a master ingredients list (which would be helpful for judges coming up with ingredients in the future - either to avoid repeats or riff on a past theme), and "LOST TOURNAMENTS" page where we just do our best to list the past "lost" tournament, despite an incomplete record.

Anyway, once a format is established, we can figure out how to assign permissions and sub-projects. We also need to discuss an "editorial style." That is, while I would want to clean up typos and clarify and provide formatting to some of the messier (and older) entries, I think it is important to establish a consistent format and a limit to what will be revised.

I guess, for the sake of fairness, we should also reach out to every past competitor to let them know their work is being posted on the site (and to give them a chance to withdraw it, I guess)

DM me if you're interested.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
(unless we want to approach Morrus about potentially hosting pages for us, since it has its start on here).

This would have additional advantage that those badges and whatnots could be added to the profile (or at least referenced - i.e. Activity or some other tab could show participation and / or status


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
After 20 years, we are probably ripe for a spin-off series or something.

The primary problem with doing Iron DM twice a year is scheduling judges and finding enough competitors. I seem to recall that doing it twice a year made that somewhat harder, though I may be misremembering. A competition which was not elimination, and could be done with only one or two judges would help with that.

I was thinking this morning of trying a summer competition of Iron Ninja DM (name is a work in progress), where contestants were provided ingredients, but then they had to craft a specific sort of thing such as a magic item, an NPC, monster, scenario, that sort of thing, sometimes genre specific, sometimes not. Instead of elimination, assign points and then the one with the most points at the end would be the winner. I can't remember if something like that was already tried a few years ago, but it might be fun to give a go this summer if there is interest.
Yes, I was thinking of something in a similar vein. Different rounds could have different challenges. Short time limits would help with the timing issue as well.


Moderator Emeritus
el-remmen said:
I was even thinking of starting an "Iron DM webpage" with the records of all the past competitions and the future ones. . .

So it looks like I have been saying I was gonna do this for at least 18 years - found this post in IRON DM 2002 thread as I started grabbing the entries for it. ;)🤣

I started a google drive folder I can share with others who want to help once I get the first one done, we can use that as a template for others to follow as we archive, but also allows us to use it as a model to tweak, if we want to make changes.

My hope is once we have done the work of cleaning up the docs we can think about site structure.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Yes, I was thinking of something in a similar vein. Different rounds could have different challenges. Short time limits would help with the timing issue as well.
Had the thought of a Project Runway-style competition (because that's a reference a lot of people here will get, right? :p). Every week a new themed design challenge. Maybe we eliminate a contestant each round. Grab a random open source creature picture off of GIS - Design this monster. Design this race.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I'll workshop it for a while; we've got at least a good five months before summer officially hits. If anyone is interested in helping me with the design of it, hit me up through DM

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