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Scrooge + Grinch = me

Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
KenM said:
All I am saying is people should not have to do something they hate on Xmas. When in this thread have I brought up my "condition" or how life is not fair to me? Before I drive to my grandmas, I am going to see some people I care about. I do feel good buying gifts for them, I was happy to do it. I don't feel right buying gifts for people that I only see or talk to one night out of the year. I know I'm lucky for what I have, but if you feel very uncomfortable doing something, why do it?
Actually, your post had nothing to do with any of the above except for "Why should I bother..."

There you go again, trying to wash it clean by claiming that it's not your fault, that it wasn't what you were trying to say.

You sare saying: "Why should I do something I don't want to."

I'm saying: "Stop snivelling."

Does it HURT you? Physically HURT you to be kind to parents and relatives?

Yeah, you only see some of them 1 time a year, but whose fault is that? All theirs? No.

Hey, guess what buddy, you get out of life what you put into it.

Here's your Christmas for gift. I didn't have to do it, and it'll only dig my grave further, but here it is.

"The majority of your misery is right there, inside of yourself. Until you learn to accept the world and learn to live in it, you will be miserable, and thus, will not truly live."

That means...

Get down off the cross and live.

Someone else needs the wood to stay warm.


You know what? It makes you so unhappy? Don't do it. Be your own special little drummer and march off somewhere else and let the rest of us enjoy Christmas.

I'm going to be a sheep. I'm going to watch Christmas carols with my kids, I'm going to take them caroling. I'm going to put out cookies. I'll take my kids to donate jackets at the local children's shelter. I'll tuck them in, read to them, and wait for Santa.

I'll be a sheep.

You be a special miserable goat.

Merry Christmas. I hope you get everything you deserve.

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Psychic Warrior

First Post
Darth K'Trava said:
If you don't like it, you don't have to read it.

That's just how I feel about the holiday, m'kay? :)

Actually it is the inanity of the 'quoted for truth' part. I couldn't care less how you feel about the holiday.


Warlord Ralts said:
I've spent Christmases being SHOT AT. I've spent Christmases pulling people out of a burning car wreck. I've spent Christmas in the hospital.

On most days I like your moxie, but I gotta say this "I've been there and gotten the scars" :):):):) is getting old. Most of us have suffered. Many of of us have scars.

Some carry their scars like a badge of honor, a symbol of greatness, when in fact they are just scars.

True honor and greatness comes from treeating others with the respect and kindness you think you deserve, not stalking them from thread to thread with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-automatic weapon, pumping round after round of vitriol and bile into them.

You went to war, had some good times and bad. Thats cool, but it don't make you better than anyone else. Not even KenM.

Warlord Ralts said:
Actually, your post had nothing to do with any of the above except for "Why should I bother..."

There you go again, trying to wash it clean by claiming that it's not your fault, that it wasn't what you were trying to say.

You sare saying: "Why should I do something I don't want to."

I'm saying: "Stop snivelling."

Does it HURT you? Physically HURT you to be kind to parents and relatives?

Yeah, you only see some of them 1 time a year, but whose fault is that? All theirs? No.

Hey, guess what buddy, you get out of life what you put into it.

Here's your Christmas for gift. I didn't have to do it, and it'll only dig my grave further, but here it is.

"The majority of your misery is right there, inside of yourself. Until you learn to accept the world and learn to live in it, you will be miserable, and thus, will not truly live."

That means...

Get down off the cross and live.

Someone else needs the wood to stay warm.


You know what? It makes you so unhappy? Don't do it. Be your own special little drummer and march off somewhere else and let the rest of us enjoy Christmas.

I'm going to be a sheep. I'm going to watch Christmas carols with my kids, I'm going to take them caroling. I'm going to put out cookies. I'll take my kids to donate jackets at the local children's shelter. I'll tuck them in, read to them, and wait for Santa.

I'll be a sheep.

You be a special miserable goat.

Merry Christmas. I hope you get everything you deserve.

Now that is poetry. I can groove to that beat.

KenM said:
All I am saying is people should not have to do something they hate on Xmas. When in this thread have I brought up my "condition" or how life is not fair to me? Before I drive to my grandmas, I am going to see some people I care about. I do feel good buying gifts for them, I was happy to do it. I don't feel right buying gifts for people that I only see or talk to one night out of the year. I know I'm lucky for what I have, but if you feel very uncomfortable doing something, why do it?

Ken, I have a suggestion.

Don't buy gifts for people you don't care about.

You can even tell them in advance, "I'm not buying presents for most people this year, so please don't buy me anything," if you're worried they'll be angry for buying you a gift. Or just politely refuse their gifts, since you didn't buy them one.

Just buy gifts for the people you care about.

Who knows, the people you don't care about may be just as sick at the thought of buying you a present (since they only see you once a year) as you are. This might just by the best Christmas present ever--no more gifts (saving time, saving money, and reducing stress) for the "once a year" relatives.

You don't want to be a sheep? Then don't. You'll be happier and, if they're not agreeable to your new stand, well, you only see them once a year. So who cares what they think? ;)

Option #2
It sounds like there is a large gathering at Grandmas and everyone gets a gift for eveyone else. Why not try a gift exchange, where everyone draws a name and then you only have to buy one present, not several. Just a suggestion.

Option #3
Just buy everyone socks. You can get a 10 pack really cheap at Target. Heck, you can even open it and have 10 presents for under $10. Woo-hoo!

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Warlord Ralts: Wowza! I see someone peed in your corn flakes this morning.... :p :lol:

That was one heck of a post, man! I'd hate to be in the target [of that post's] shoes.... :confused:

Didn't you say you were in the military? I have a friend who told me he spent his bday (in January) in the middle of the desert trying to sleep in a bomb crater. He realized it was his birthday, said "happy birthday to me. **** you Saddam!!" and fell asleep. :lol: (yup, he was in Desert Storm)


Hey, I think this is the most successful thread I've ever started! :D

It's also degenerated quicker than any other thread... :\

I'm good now. I had a few bad days, and they're over. My grandpa & aunt spent the night last night; my wife made what she -was- going to make for Christmas dinner, but in a much smaller portion (4 people vs 12), and it was GOOD. REALLY good. We're all going over to my mom's for Christmas Eve dinner, then some of them are going to church & my siblings will probably come here to hang out in the meantime -- we'll play a boardgame or something.

My wife goes to church. She's Christian. I'm not, and I think it'd be wrong to pretend I am, so I don't usually go to church. That said, I believe in Christmas.

Whatever your personal feelings or religious about the holiday, there's something to be admired and celebrated in the ideals it embodies - love, peace, fellowship, harmony, generosity, kindness, gentleness, life.

So, my Christmas wish is, no matter who you are, may you find and remember those in your Christmas Day.


So if i'm reading these posts right, its ok for the orginal poster not to "do" xmas becasue he has issues with members of his family, but when I post and say I have isues with members of my family that I only see once a year on xmas, i'm wrong and I should go into it with a better attitiude? Nice double standard.
Its not just buying the gifts for me, I have issues with these people. I have tryed to be in more contact with soem of them over the years, I email them and phone them, they don't get back to me. So when i make an effort and they don't get back to me, it shows how they feel. I have other issus that I won't get into, but I i'd try and do stuff with them other times during the year, they don't want to. I enjoy spending xmas with people that I care about, and I'm seeing those people before I go up. I don't enjoy spending xmas with people that I don't feel anything towards and I know they don't feeel anything towards me.
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First Post
KenM said:
So if i'm reading these posts right, its ok for the orginal poster not to "do" xmas becasue he has issues with members of his family, but when I post and say I have isues with members of my family that I only see once a year on xmas, i'm wrong and I should go into it with a better attitiude? Nice double standard.
Its not just buying the gifts for me, I have issues with these people.

Not really a double standard, the situations are differnet. But I think it has more to do with the tones of the posts. Yours seemed a lot more rude and adveserial then the orginal one. He was actually torn and troubled by his situation you just seem to be mad and angry.

If you don't like that you only see these people once a year then I suggest seeeing then more this coming year. It doesn't have to be traveling to see them if they are some distance away. You can call them on the phone, write letters, there are many forms of communication in this day and age.


Crothian said:
If you don't like that you only see these people once a year then I suggest seeeing then more this coming year. It doesn't have to be traveling to see them if they are some distance away. You can call them on the phone, write letters, there are many forms of communication in this day and age.

I have tryed to do that, they don't get back to me. So that tells me they don't want anything to do with me.

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