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Seems like a legitimate complaint

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There's cousins and there's cousins...degrees of separation do matter.

(Of course, they didn't say how close they were...biologically, not physically.)

And the biological basis for the taboo is... (sideways glance at the current state of reproductive science research) ...well, at least, not very likely to be an issue in this case.

Vyvyan Basterd

And the biological basis for the taboo is... (sideways glance at the current state of reproductive science research) ...well, at least, not very likely to be an issue in this case.

There's still the social taboo. Ever notice people not being comfortable with adopted sons and daughters hooking up? It's because they were raised together as family, not for any biological reasons.

I'm just waiting to see how Jerry handles this one...


Generally, I'd say it's bad etiquette to expect it to stop just because one person finishes, or even two people finish, hell sometimes it keeps going even when all three have made it to the finish line.


2's company. 3's... unsanitary?
It's not like it was a race.
If he were any good, he'd be using the situation to refresh himself and try for another round of participation. Now he gets a time out--he hopes!


Staff member
The rules of sexual etiquette in prison are somewhat different, but given his behavior, he may find them strangely familiar...

...albeit with a different perspective.

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