Serious question - are you going to invest in D&DNext?

5e looks very interesting at the moment. I will probably hold off for a bit and see how good the published adventure support is. If they publish the same garbage dungeon crawls as they did in 4e I will quite possibly drop it.

Some might ask why I think published adventures are so important? Well, it's because I don't have the time or imagination to come up with everything myself. I can elaborate and wing it if I have a adventure that's fundamentally well made (Red Hand of Doom). I get fed up running adventures like Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil.
D&DN is compatible with OSR adventures, which as far as I know is the only source of good D&D adventure support right now.

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I'm sure I'll at least buy the PH, maybe the DMG too just to be reasonably familiar with the version-of-the-moment. As a player I'll try just about anything but it overwhelmingly falls to me to be the DM. Accordingly, I'd say it's currently less than 50% chance I'll spend a penny more on 5E than those first two core books. It'd have to really impress me and I seriously suspect that it just won't; that suspicion based on the fact that it has quite failed to interest me thus far as possibly being my new version of choice. Barring wildly unforseen circumstances I will almost certainly just stick to tinkering with 1E for the games that I run.

I expect I'll at least buy the initial core rulebook(s). It's the best way to really delve in and check it out. Whether or not we really adopt it is another question. We may play it for some campaigns along with other games like PF and SWSE or we may give it a try and ultimately shelve it like we did 4e.

It's really unlikely. I'd rather play 13th Age, 4e, M&M re-spun for fantasy, or even 3.5 than what I've seen so far. I mean, if I find a new group I like and they want to give it a shot, I'll get the core rulebooks, but I can't see investing heavily in it.


I downloaded the last play test packet, and still haven't popped it open.

I guess I can understand D&Ders who want to buy just to 'support the troops,' so to speak. But I don't have the pocket change to throw at a game I'm never going to DM.

I'm well into the phase where I have to play something before I'll spend money on it. So we'll see what my local gaming scene looks like - right now leaning towards unlikely.


It depends on how compatible with 3.x and AD&D it is. I'm not really looking for a new system, but if its highly backwards compatible, it'd add to what I'm playing and I'd invest.

Publishing great adventures and story would be awesome too. Not plot devices for marketing reasons, but stories that enrich the mythos. Whether you like it or not, how cool is the blood war? The Temple of Elemental Evil? Tomb of Horrors?

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