SG1: An Old Friend (Wik Judging)

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Showdown: Round 9

Changing tact, Lorth throws a rain of blows at the brute. But its magical defenses easily knock them aside. [AC 1, AC 14 miss] The priest thrusts at the heavy by the door, but is knocked aside by the man's shield. [AC 15 misses]

While Genithar waits for his moment, Mathew finally pushes his way in the room---only to see smoke. He can hear combat, but sees nothing! That, however, does not deter the homunculi. The sleek hound bites at a heavy, who desparetely uses his shield to block the jaws. But the distraction is enough for the wispy smoke, who uses the it to leap off and bite the man's jugular! [Heavy moderately wounded]

Not seeing an opening, the wizard wards himself with his weapon. [Full defense]

The heavies press the offense. As the glow fades about the heavy's hand, he curses. Switching to his weapon, he chops at the shifter, only to miss. Meanwhile, the other slices madly at the wispy creature at its throat, but the swings are way off.

The brute sneers at the newcomers. Need toys to fight for you! Instead, he brings his massive sword down heavily upon Lorth. The shifter crashes to the ground! [Hit; 7hp; dying]

Showdown: Round 10

Upper floor

L: 15 [-2/10hp, dying]
C: 22 [6/9hp]
M: 19 [7/7, 5 nonlethal]
C: 18
F: 18
D: 18
G: 21 [1/4hp, shield]
H: 18 [topmost moderately wounded, bottom-most slightly wounded]
R: 12 [Fled, one killed]
B: 10 [2/9hp, 3 nonlethal, unconscious]
L: 8 [moderately wounded]

Map Key: B: Balnibar, C: Cheep, C: Corran, D: Doggie, F: Fetch, G: Genithar, H: Angry Heavy, L: Lorth, L: Brute leader, M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs.
Conditions: Smoky region provides concealment to those on the other side, but can be moved into. Dark Red Border: Dying, Lime Border: Entangled, Red Border: Disabled, Transparent: Unconscious, Yellow Border: Frightened, White Border: Staggered

[Round 10 actions]


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ooc; well, crap. Okay, the relief team is here, let's see what we can pull out

Hearing the shifter gurgle as his smoke enshrouded figure collapses once again, the Wizard brings his blade back into the horizontal guard he favors. Then, yells out a stream of lyrical gibberish that can only be elvish.
[sblock=Elven]Mathew! Command Fetch to snatch the first potion it sees! We need the healing for Lorth![/sblock]

Tanglefoot still in one hand, Genithar waits for the opportune moment and continues to weave his blade around him as he shouts in common, 'Corran! Aid Doggie!'

ooc; continue total D


First Post
For those keeping count, that's the 3rd time Lorth has gone down. My initial characters are usally dead by the 2nd one. Lorth is doing remarkably well. :)


First Post
Listening to his wizard companion, Corran attempts once again to distract the heavy, hoping to help Doggie land a bite.
[sblock=ooc] aid other to help Doggie's attack.[/sblock]


First Post
Mathew surges forward wanting to get a better view on how he can help. Once on the other side he sees the potion and says to Fetch "Fetch!!" and he allows Doggie to do what he does.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Showdown: Round 10

As Lorth continues to bleed, Corran manages to slice at the heavy with such fury to put him on guard, distracting him. [Aid another succeeds] Mathew, still unable to see anything, grips the stone firmly, visuallizing a potion, and yells his command. Through the connection, he think it managed to work! [UMD 21 succeeds]

Launching itself bodily, the metal hound slams its heavy to the floor, savaging it. Electricity and blood fill the air! [AC 17 hits; 11hp; dying] The smokey shadow, meanwhile, leaps onto the brute, but not before a lucky strike cuts out a huge swatch of material! [Fetch hit for 10hp; moderately wounded] The blow has one lucky consequence, however; the brute fails to note the homunculus pocket one of his potions!

Keeping up his defenses, Genithar is forced to watch the thugs try to tear into the priest! Luckily the smoke makes the standing heavy overshoot. The brute is less distracted, but his momentum is off---though the strike comes uncomfortably close!

Showdown: Round 11

Upper floor

L: 15 [-3/10hp, dying]
C: 22 [6/9hp]
M: 19 [7/7, 5 nonlethal]
C: 18
D: 18
F: 18 [moderately wounded]
G: 21 [1/4hp, shield]
H: 18 [topmost dying, bottom-most slightly wounded]
R: 12 [Fled, one killed]
B: 10 [2/9hp, 3 nonlethal, unconscious]
L: 8 [moderately wounded]

Map Key: B: Balnibar, C: Cheep, C: Corran, D: Doggie, F: Fetch, G: Genithar, H: Angry Heavy, L: Lorth, L: Brute leader, M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs.
Conditions: Smoky region provides concealment to those on the other side, but can be moved into. Dark Red Border: Dying, Lime Border: Entangled, Red Border: Disabled, Transparent: Unconscious, Yellow Border: Frightened, White Border: Staggered

[Round 11 actions]


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ooc; Is M's position on the map correct? Dre and all, seriously! For a group without a bunch of armor or even weapons (looking at you, Mel), we've done pretty awesome! Though obviously Thunderbanner's creations have helped (and hindered!). All in all, a great Addy. Kudos to GM...3 up! Let's see if we can make if four. IVV, if you're out there, chime in! Let's take it to them with...uh, Wizard's style?

The crash of metal upon metal and the buzzing bite of the magi-canical 'toy' cause a lusty'Koooooooth!' to rip from Genithar's all too dry throat. Hoping the tide of the battle has begun to turn, the Wizard visualizes the combatants amidst the smoke in his keen mind's eye.
Nodding, the Wizard then yells out, 'Hunter! Protect small one! Block prey's escape! Mathew, Doggie to black marked face!'

ooc;Should the shadowy minion of his employer appear and hand him a potion:
Amazed at the dark blot of the smoky creature that appears, the wizard quickly snatches the proffered vial, immediately kneeling into the duller gray alchemical smoke, bringing his sword up at into a cross chest guard. Making sure none rush to threaten him, he roughly pops the top from the potion and leans forward, desperately searching for Lorth's face and mouth. Watching for errant blows from the aberrant soldiers, Genithar pours the mystery potion down the shaggy shifter's throat.

ooc;Should the shadowy minion of his employer NOT appear and hand him a potion: G delays until the top of the round, switching sword for tangle foot bag in his primary hand.

Voidrunner's Codex

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