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Shackled City Adventure Path (Chars Selected)


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Yep, my stats should be good. The background is done, but not written up (it's spread through a number of our posts, though, if you've been following that. :heh: )

If I buy anything else, it wont' be significant.

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Phyrrus said:
Jdvn1: You must be loving the fact that your albino concept has everyone else afraid of the divine might you command..:)
And for good reason! Fear me! :lol:

Aren't I just a loveable little archer? :uhoh: Just don't resist when I poke you, it's just healing, I promise. :lol:


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Weapon, LN Warforged Fighter 1

Here is the final submission of Weapon, ready for activation. I have added his local hero trait (scarred), clarified his role, and noted a few other things.

[sblock=Statistics]Weapon CR 1 (0 xp)
Male-personality warforged fighter 1
LN Medium living construct
Init +3; Senses Listen -2, Spot -2
Languages Common

AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18; light fortification
hp 13 (1 HD); DR 2/adamantine
Immune poison, sleep effects, paralysis, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, sickness effects, energy drain
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will -3

Spd 20 ft.
Melee cold iron heavy flail +5 (1d10+7/19-20)
Melee alchemical silver bastard sword +5 (1d10+6/19-20)
Melee slam +5 (1d4+6)
Base Atk +1; Grp +5
Attack Options Power Attack
Combat Gear oil of repair light damage

Abilities Str 18, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 6, Cha 6
Feats Adamantine Body, Power Attack
SQ Warforged traits, Scarred Soul
Skills Climb +5, Craft: Armorsmithing +5, Jump +5
Possessions combat gear plus cold-iron heavy flail, alchemical silver bastard sword, scroll of repair light damage, backpack, warforged repair kit, 5 torches

Warfoged Traits (Ex) Immunities; cannot heal naturally; healing subschool repairs half damage; heat metal other spells can target plating; inert at negative hit points; does not eat, sleep or breathe; light fortification; slam attack
Scarred Soul (Ex) Weapon has led a particularly tough life due to the way he has been used and abused. This has left him a bit jumpy and haunted. Het gets a +2 to initiative and a -1 to Will saves.[/sblock]
[sblock=Apperance and Personality]The two Construct Conundrums are easy to tell apart. Weapon, the martial one, is easily taller and bulkier than Forge, the crafting one. Weapon holds "himself" more stiffly, and can easily lift very heavy loads and perform repetive tasks for long periods of time. There is another distinction between the two---Weapon has a very obvious scar in his adamantine plating where his "handlers" first demonstrated that he could feel pain.

Weapon is new to the world. He has few experiences in it, and thus comes off a bit naive (thus, his low Wisdom). Weapon is significantly introverted, and rarely starts a conversation by his own. Weapon, however, preceives threats easily, and is prone to defend himself if the slightest bit threatened; this is most like a result of his treatement at the hands of his "handlers" and the mental reflection of the physical scar he bares.

Though new to the world, Weapon was appearantly created with memories pertinent to his design---Weapon has a keen grasp of tactics and weaponplay, and his quite adaptable. He has a deep seated need to display these skills, and enjoys using them.

Weapon is a dedicated protector, and will not stop performing his tasks or duties once started until completed. He does not know how to lie, and this can cause some problems.

Weapon is 6' 10" and weights almost 400 pounds. As far has he is aware of, he is 2 years old. He has no solid memories of his past.[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]Two years ago, quite a stir was created in Cauldron when a group of explorers, "reclaiming" artifacts from a supposed ruin tied to the famous Surabar Spellmason, master crafter and archmage, discovered two massive adamantine boxes. Both were ornately carved, one with a stylized solider, the other with a stylized smith. The boxes, found in some sort of laboratory, could not be opened, so the explorers hefted them back to Cauldron, hoping to gain fame and glory from their unveiling.

Through the efforts of the group's bard, a large crowd gathered at the Cusp of Sunrise. Anyone who was anyone was their; the common rabble were not to be present at such an important event as the unmasking of the founder's great works. The party's mage had finally determined how to open the contraptions, and on that day, Cauldron would be surprised. Tension built, a big show was made, and finally, the boxes were opened!

Each swung open ponderously, the grating of metal on metal filling the room. Stale air from days past temporarily choked up the front row, but then the light finally illuminated what was inside. And what was inside? Two humanoid looking constructs, crafted from metal, wood and other materials. One was larger than the other, more "muscular" if such a thing could be said, both they seemed otherwise the same. The crowd clapped and cheered at such a site. Then, the unthinkable happened.

They talked. "Weapon Unit #3F ready." "Forging Unit #3E ready."

Such a thing was unheard of! Talking constructs! And indeed, after the initial shock wore off, the men and woman of high society discovered that these creations were sentient---they had memories (though very limited, impressions only of their creation), could feel emapthy, and even pain (though the longsword used to harm the one was quite damaged as well).

The Construct Conundrums (as they were called) were the talk of high-society for the next few months. It was discovered that they could be healed and thus were partially living, though reconstruction spells worked better. One, "Weapon", was much more adept at the military arts, while the other, "Forge", was a master crafter, able to infuse magic for a limited time into its creations. The adventuring party which discovered them became quite rich through arranging of shows, demonstrations, and the like.

Things would not remain that way. High society can only caught by one diversion for so long. In addition, the local churches, realizing that these "creatures" seemed to be feeling and perhaps possessing a soul, petitioned for their release from their effective captivity. Through a series of events, this was eventually granted. The adventuring group left town, high society stopped caring, and Weapon and Forge were left on their own.

This was a difficult transition period for the two contructs, but eventually they found employment elsewhere---Weapon as guard and Forge as a crafter, both for Penryn's Creations. Their presence helped business, of course, but both had a deep down feeling that they were not fulfilling their greater purpose, whatever that was. They would often wonder about who created them, how, and why, and were they others like them elsewhere?[/sblock]
[sblock=Role]Weapon fills a role as a melee fighter. This can be as a primary or secondary fighter; Paizo adventures tend to benefit frome extra muscle. He is very adaptable, and can withstand various sorts of punishment. He is an eternal watchman as he does not need to sleep, and impaccable in his defense and attack. He is designed to face a variety of foes; thus, his wide weapon selection.[/sblock]
[sblock=Other Notes]Though he can heal himself to a point with his crafting skills, Weapon does benefit from arcane support, and is willing to assisti n in purchasing scrolls and oils of repair; he already has one for a mage to scribe.

For you edification, you can find out more about my play style by looking at the following. I have been in drothgery's Scions of the Silver Flame (which ended after the big crash) as Saalin, the Aundairian expat turned preistly wizard and in Isida's Secret Scion, where I played Tondrek, an idiot-savant half-orc artificer. Both are Eberron games. Unfortunately, I joined Isida's game in 2006, so none of my posts are there except my RG background. Here are the links:
- Silver Flame IC
- Silver Flame OCC
- Secret Scion RG[/sblock]

Image courtesy of google images; original is here


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First Post
Phyrrus said:

A very interesting concept for the first stage of the game. If you wish to follow Urbanus, I will not prevent you from doing so as it would fit in with the drawing strength from the city like he does.

Things definately just heated up in the divine ring for sure.

I thought of making him a cleric of Urbanus, but decided against him because he wasn't listed as one of the deities in your write-up of Cauldron.

Is the Protection domain on Urbanus's list? I don't have RoD with me at work. I had thought of giving him Knowledge instead of Protection, but I know some DMs are wary of divination spells. With your permission, I will swap those domains and make Quaestio a follower of Urbanus.


First Post
I don't have the books with me either, but I will look it up and let you know if I get home before you get a chance to look it up.


First Post
In progress(will edit in the backgroudn, etc tommorrow)


Liracor Surabar, a descendant of Surabar Spellmason, founder of
Cauldron and (past) savior of the region. Now, Liracor Surabar,
descendant of whats-his-name.

That is just how far the family seens to have fallen. When once it
used to command great respect and power in the region, its influence
and status has fallen every generation to the point where the family
name is a mere historical curiosity. Liracor grew up hearing tales of
his great ancestor, and having the reality provide such a stark
contrast. The family had always produced skilled arcane casters of
sorts, and included wizards and sorcers, and the more uncommon
Duskblades.....melding of martial arts and wizardry might. Liracor's
father who was also somewhat of an adventurer in his day, had been
trained in the complex and tedious arts of a Duskblade, and taught it
to his son as he grew up.

The tough training hardened Liracor, and his resolve. He was tired of
living in the shadow of his ancestor, yet remain strangely
un-important despite the family's legacy. As such, he took Surabar's
first name as his last, and vowed to establish a new legacy, to follow
in his ancestor's footsteps and become a hero, instead of languishing
forgotten in the annals of history.

Liracor has just recently arrived in Cauldron, and is at the Drunken
Morkoth attempting to recruit adventurers to explore Bagrain's tower,
in hopes of finding some remnant of his ancestor's past.

Liracor is an extremely focused, determined individual. He would have to be to be a duskblade. He has sworn to follow in his ancestor's footsteps and become a hero, and will do so regardless of how many laugh and deride him.

Liracor looks vaugely(quite vaugely, after all these years....) like his esteemed ancestor. He has black eyes and brown hair with slightly taller than average height.
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First Post
Phyrrus said:
I don't have the books with me either, but I will look it up and let you know if I get home before you get a chance to look it up.

I ran down to my FLGS on lunch and checked -- yep, Protection is one of his domains.

Voidrunner's Codex

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