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Shackled City Adventure Path (Chars Selected)

Land Outcast

Just putting my stuff together

Remen, Reborn to the City, Wolf Marked

Remen, Reborn to the City, Wolf Marked
Male Human
CN-CG Medium humanoid
Init: +2; Senses Listen +5, Spot +3
Languages: Common, whatelse?, whatelse?
AC 14 [12], touch 12 [10], flat-footed 12 [10]
[+2 Dex, +2 Leather Armor, [-2 Rage]]
HD: 1d12+1 (hp 13 [15])
Fort +3[+6] [+1[+3] Con, +2 Brb]
Ref +2 [+2 Dex]
Will +1[+3] [+1 Wis, [+2 Rage]]
Speed: 40 ft. (6 squares) [Fast Movement]
Melee: Scimitar +4 (1d6+3/18-20)
[Scimitar+6 (1d6+5/18-20)] or
Scimitar +0 (1d6+3/18-20) and Longknife -4 (1d6+1/19-20)
[Scimitar +2 (1d6+5/18-20) and Longknife -2 (1d6+2/19-20)] or
Ranged: Dagger +4 (1d4+3)
Space: 5 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Base Atk +1; Grp +4[+6] [+1 Bab, +3[+5] Str]
Special Actions: Rage [3/day]
Abilities: Str 16 [20], Dex 14, Con 12 [16], Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Feats: Extra Rage, Feat
Gather Information +2 (2cc)
Hide +4 (2cc, +2 Dex)
Knowledge (Local) +4 (2cc, +2 Int),
Listen +5 (4r, +1 Wis)
Move Silently +4 (2cc, +2 Dex)
Survival +5 (4r, +1 Wis)
Spot +3 (2cc, +1 Wis)
Possessions: Leather armor, Scimitar, Longknife ["Curved Shortsword"], Torch (x10), Flint & Steel, Dagger (x3), Closed locket engraved with family rune, 67gp, 9sp

[sblock=Mark of the Beast [Wolf]]
One of your ancestors was a werewolf. Wolves feel a mystic bond with you.
Benefits: Animals have a strange reluctance when they attack you, and suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls against you. If you have the wild empathy ability, you gain a +1 bonus on wild empathy checks.
Drawbacks: You suffer a -4 penalty to saving throws made to resist lycanthropy and take a +1 point of damage from attacks made with silver weapons.
Roleplaying Ideas: You have a curious animal magnitism that is at once intriguing and disturbing. You manners may be a bit crude, but you are loyal to your friends. [/sblock]

He doesn't know who wanted his parents out of Cauldron, he doesn't know what the people he sees in the underground complexes are doing, he doesn't know anything beyond the rim of the volcano. He does know where to remain during the Flood, he does know who to speak with, he does know what the innkeeper does with the rats he sells: stew.

After his parents were murdered by someone he's yet to hear about, he was taken under the wing of an old man, an old man who knew the city upside down. When the old one entered the house, Remmen was still there, he hadn't left since finding his parents' corpses.

"Why had the old man entered my house?"

Seven years ago, when the plague, his tutor disappeared from their home down in the underground complexes, after having taught Remmen enough so that he could survive down there... but he was alone, time became a torture and lack of purpose an executioner. To avoid madness, he took refuge in that part of the mind that just numbs all reasoning and memories... the time went by and he scarcely left the underground, for a period of six years he was a beast.

But then she appeared before him, she might have been lost, for sure she was lost, she was shivering and sobbing, fallen. He approached her as a wolf might approach a fallen doe... but when her eyes came into view, sky blue eyes with a silver streak, he was striken. Without a word he hauled her up his shouders and took her to the surface... his world had been breached, his life had been changed...

Altough he is in that feral, when he took her to the streets he wouldn't accept to leave her alone, and the first words to come out of his mouth, with a broken voice, were "I won't leave you" Father, Mother, The Old Man "I'll help you not get lost"

At the time his attitude is quite similar to an animal's, little speech is used; it's not like he doesn't know to speak, when he does so it is with a heavy pronunciation, like he has to think the word as he is saying it.

He has turned out to know quite a bit about the town for someone found in such a state in the underground complexes. And he has been hanging out more within the city, making connections with people he should know. Or so he says... "The Old man told me knowing where you are is of great importance"
His speech improved; but he still isn't a chatterbox.

After that he first remembered her eyes, so it was for many nights... then he started to remember his life, to search for what he had buried, to recall the old one's teachings. And so he started going sporadically to the surface and learning what had been going on the last twelve years... He finally decided to come out to stay, those eyes are still looking at him in the night. [/sblock]

I imagined her as being kind of segregated because of being a bit off, but not overly so. Since she has some natural abilities as a healer, though, she became trained in the trade. I figure her job would be that of a travelling medic/healer.

I suppose the easiest thing would be that she was jumped while travelling and left for dead in a river.
"No matter when, where, or whom; if you you see them dastards ever again just point at them. My fangs will call them down." -Taps the pommels of his "fangs", his scimitar and his curved dagger- "At least teach them respect you, who helped me rise."

Her mere presence down there made more for him than he'll ever be able to do for her. And he knows it.
"I never got a good look at them. Their faces were masked, and I don't even know why they attacked me. They didn't steal anything either..." Dowlee is shaken by the experience, but seems to be recovering quickly.

A friendly face, then, was worth all the gold in the kingdom.
So, did having something/someone to help/protect help him realize something about himself or something?
It's an instinct, calling him to protect those who are in similar situation as his. That is the first part.

The second part: Having someone to care about is a symbol for him, until now he had been taken care of, then he was alone, now it is something like "completing the circle". He's seen it down the sewers and up in the city, those who eat be eaten.

That brought him a purpose greater than "will I be able to eat tommorow?", basically awoke the human within him. Curiosity was the first thing moved when he saw her, but then other more human-like emotions/thoughts started returning.

[sblock=Description]Once clean, he is a somehow stocky built human about 1,60 in height and 60 cm. from shoulder to shoulder. Wiry but with strength in his muscles under normal skin, not tanned skin, but covered with multitude of small scars with a specially nasty one over his right eye.

Raven black hair (now freed from its tangles and grime which included some cutting there, leaving him with slightly-longer-than-short hair) and thick sideburns (that follow the hair's line) serve as a frame for thick factions, thin lips, and two deep emerald eyes. Could even be considered handsome.

Clothing and items:
A light leather armor, of averadge quality, looks like it is properly taken care of.
A sword at each hip, one shorter than the other, both curved blades.
A simple locket on a chain around his neck.
A dagger in a sheath at his left boot, one at the blet at his back, and other sheathed under the armor.[/sblock]

Project: Urban Ranger

note: this would be him when REALLY pissed off (Iron claws apart)
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First Post
Flannad- Whisper Gnome Rogue 1 (Legildur was an original player in first run of this)
Othmar Grindle - Human Spec Wiz 1 (Malvoisin)


Dowlee Meriweather#- Halfling Favored Soul (Jdvn1)
Quaestio- Human City Cleric (Kafkonia)

Arak Oathsworn- Human Paladin of St. Cuthbert (Nobility trait) (Whizbang)
Remen#- Human Barbarian (Land Outcast)(Mark of the Beast trait)
Weapon- Warforged Fighter (Stonegod)

5th and 6th slot role
Josha- Human warlock (Demon Scarred trait) (Mimic)
Question- Liracor Surabar- Duskblade (Scion of Surabar trait)

Alt roster

Since I haven't heard anything from Tresgeek in several days, I pulled his listing down. However he is still more than welcome to submit a char idea if he finishes it up before tomorrow night.


After the char sheets are where you want them, please post a note here in the thread so I will know I can go ahead and print them out to begin reviewing them. It will also give everyone one last look over the sheets before they give me the go ahead to really get into it. (Tweaking history, adding/taking from it, adding pics (if so desired), the whole kit so to speak)

Also for those that have taken the local traits, make sure that is on the char sheet as well please.


First Post
Thanks Land. Just out of curiousity, how old is your character? I am guessing between 17-20, but wanted to see what you saw him as.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'm hoping to hear from Malvoisin about possible history linkage (easiest choice amonst the rest); if I don't hear from him by noon tomorrow, I'll put everything together and let you know.

Land Outcast

That's right, that'd be the age (approx, lets say he is 19).
But his attitude is far more... maybe not mature, but serious, than someone of his age; of course, he might crack a few jokes once in a while, but he is on average more serious than most.


First Post
stonegod said:
I think Othmar's the primary candidate for knowing/interacting with Weapon; afterall, he is one giant walking arcane mystery (and protection too!). Any thoughts?

stonegod, I think I'd rather pass on the shared background for now.

However, rest assured that if/when they do meet, Othmar will indeed be quite fascinated by the unusual Warforged. Lots of good grist there for role-playing and character development.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Malvoisin said:
stonegod, I think I'd rather pass on the shared background for now.

However, rest assured that if/when they do meet, Othmar will indeed be quite fascinated by the unusual Warforged. Lots of good grist there for role-playing and character development.

As you wish. I'll finish up Weapon for final consideration, then.


First Post
Phyrrus said:
Since I haven't heard anything from Tresgeek in several days, I pulled his listing down. However he is still more than welcome to submit a char idea if he finishes it up before tomorrow night.
Thanks, but I'll go ahead and bow out at this point. I just started working a second job over the weekend and it has left me with less free time than I would like, but it is necessary right now. I'll keep an eye on the game and maybe there will be an opportunity to join in the future. Have fun!


First Post
Phyrrus, here is Othmar's completed character sheet. Please let me know if there is anything else needed, or if there are any errors.


[sblock]Othmar Grindle
Male Human Wizard (Diviner) 1
NG Medium
Init: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Imp. Init); Senses: Listen +3 [+1 Wis, +2 Alertness Feat], Spot +3 (+6 in Shadows) [+1 Wis, +2 Alerness Feat, +3 in Shadows - Owl Familiar]
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Celestial
Exp: 0 (1000 needed for 2nd)
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 [+2 Dex, +4 Mage Armor Spell]
HD: 1d4+2 (hp 6)
Fort +2 [+2 Con]
Ref +2 [+2 Dex]
Will +3 [+2 Class, +1 Wis]
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee: Quarterstaff +0 (1d6) B x2
Dagger +0 (1d4) P/S 19-20/x2
Ranged: Light Crossbow +2 (1d8) P 19-20x2
Space: 5 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 8

Feats: Scribe Scroll (Class bonus), Alertness (Familiar bonus), Skill Focus: Concentration (Human Bonus), Improved Initiative (1st Level)

Concentration +9 (4 Ranks, 2 CON, 3 Feat)
Decipher Script +4 (1 Rank, 3 INT)
Knowledge (Arcana) +7 (4 Ranks, 3 INT)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5 (2 Ranks, 3 INT)
Knowledge (Geopgraphy) +5 (2 Ranks, 3 INT)
Knowledge (History) +4 (1 Rank, 3 INT)
Knowledge (Local) +6 (3 Ranks, 3 INT)
Knowledge (Nature) +4 (1 Rank, 3 INT)
Knowledge (The Planes) +5 (2 Ranks, 3 INT)
Spellcraft +7 (4 Ranks, 3 INT)


Backpack, Bedroll, Crossbow Bolts (20), Chalk (2 Pieces), Light Crossbow, Dagger, Explorer's Outfit, Flint & Steel, Ink Vial, Inkpen, Parchment (5 Sheets), Belt Pouch, Quarterstaff, Trail Rations (1 Day), Sack, Spell Component Pouch, Spellbook, Torches (2), Waterskin

Weight Carried: 32 Lbs, Light Load

42 gp, 21sp, 6 cp
0- All
1st- Color Spray, Identify, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor, Summon Monster I, True Strike

Prepared Spells: Acid Splash, Detect Magic (2), Ghost Sound, Color Spray, Summon Monster I, True Strike
Local Hero Trait: Touched in the Head

Benefit: Your mind is disorganized and chaotic. You gain a +1 bouns on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, save for those that cause confusion or insanity.

Drawback: Your inability to concentrate for long makes you suffer a -1 penalty to all Wisdom based skill checks.
Fidelis, Male Animal, Owl : CR 1/4; Tiny Animal ; HD 1d8 ( Animal) ; hp 3; Init + 3; Spd 10, Fly, Average 40; AC 18; Atk -1 base melee, + 5 base ranged; +5 ( 1d4-3, Talon ); SQ: Low-light Vision (Ex); AL N; SV Fort + 0, Ref + 3, Will + 4; STR 4, DEX 17, CON 10, INT 6, WIS 14, CHA 4.
Skills: Concentration +9, Hide +11, Listen +14, Move Silently +17, Spot +6.
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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