Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen AMA


Morkus from Orkus
Kitiara is mentioned as the leader of the Blue Dragonarmy, and Verminaard is stated to be south in Abanasinia, which makes this adventure contemporaneous with Dragons of Autumn Twilight, so Goldmoon should be able to retain her primacy, although the PCs would be at the same time or shortly afterwards.
So then the invasion of Solamnia has been going on for about half a year at the point that this adventure takes place.

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what is the advice on how to play a kender? does it default to them being disruptive or is there a middle ground or at least a range of personality types?
Looks like this one got missed earlier. The kender entry is short and doesn't contain much in the way of roleplaying advice. It basically just covers their origin story as gnomes transformed into something new, with "almost supernatural curiosity and fearlessness". They "have a supernatural curiosity that drives them to adventure." They "sometimes amass impressive collections of curiosities. Some might collect mundane knickknacks or relics from magical sites, while others might become professional thieves." I note that the Graygem of Gargath does not get named. It just says kender were "altered by unbridled magic".

As an aside, WotC's designers still haven't quite grokked the shift away from cultural traits, as I would argue that the kender's Taunt trait is a learned cultural behavior, not an innate one. Their origin description explains how they got their Fearless trait, and the Kender Aptitude trait also points to the race's "mystical origin", but the Taunt trait is just described as an "extraordinary ability".
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So then the invasion of Solamnia has been going on for about half a year at the point that this adventure takes place.
As far as I can tell, the book doesn't provide a more detailed starting point than the year (351 AC). Unless I've missed it, it seems to be left up to the DM to decide what day/month/time of year the adventure begins.

That said, the assumption seems to be that the war has not yet reached Kalaman's walls at the start of the adventure.

As far as I can tell, the book doesn't provide a more detailed starting point than the year (351 AC). Unless I've missed it, it seems to be left up to the DM to decide what day/month/time of year the adventure begins.

That said, the assumption seems to be that the war has not yet reached Kalaman's walls at the start of the adventure.
It does say that Verminaard is in Abasanisia, which would date it to later in the year.


B/X Known World
As far as I can tell, the book doesn't provide a more detailed starting point than the year (351 AC). Unless I've missed it, it seems to be left up to the DM to decide what day/month/time of year the adventure begins.

That said, the assumption seems to be that the war has not yet reached Kalaman's walls at the start of the adventure.
The presence of clerics and other divine casters puts it after Goldmoon’s thing.


It does say that Verminaard is in Abasanisia, which would date it to later in the year.
The presence of clerics and other divine casters puts it after Goldmoon’s thing.

If you are familiar with the lore from previous editions, then sure.

If you're not, then it's entirely up to the DM as to when during 351 AC they want to start the adventure.
(As far as I can tell - it's possible I've just missed it.)


Which ties into my previous post. Verminaard is in Abasanisia, which is directly tied into the plot of Dragons of Autumn Twilight.
Right. Also, the text under the heading "351 AC" does begin by stating that the Dragon Armies "have spent much of the last year regrouping". I would take that to mean that the year 351 AC is nearly finished.

So if it matters to you and your group, you can say that this adventure begins after (or around the same time) Goldmoon obtains the Disks of Mishakal in the autumn of 351 AC. Otherwise, you can have it begin whenever you feel is most appropriate.

Also, there is this letter from the commander of Wheelwatch Outpost (which the adventure describes as being Kalaman's southernmost outpost):

Voidrunner's Codex

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