Shadowdark looks so good!

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Theory of Games

Storied Gamist
I'm running it now: party of 4, F/MU/T/C. Not sure they playtested it well enough. Spellcasting is broken backwards where a caster can lose a spell before ever getting to use it. Very poor design. It's like a D&D clone BUT no one has infravision? Weird. Also the way the books are formatted is crazy because there's GM information in the players' book & player info in the GM book :ROFLMAO: Plus how do you capture an "old-school feel" with a game that has 5e-like Death saves AND Long rests? That isn't old-school at all . Finally there's nada for long-term campaigns outside of the very new-school method of fighting monsters until you hit level 20 or whatever. No land-ownership. No strongholds. No armies. No political intrigue. You're literally stuck in the dungeon FOREVER:cautious:

Overall I put Shadowdark in the same class as RISUS or Maze Rats: Beer & Pretzels rpgs that play more like a board game. All it really did was reaffirm how complete and expansive the D&D Rules Cyclopedia is.


Golden Procrastinator
It's like a D&D clone BUT no one has infravision? Weird.
No one having infravision in one of the main points of the game. None of the characters can see in the dark, all of the monsters can. Keeping track of light and trying to avoid the darkness is one of the themes of the game. I'll also add that is not presented as an old school clone. It's a 5e heavy variant with strong modern OSR inspiration.
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I'm running it now: party of 4, F/MU/T/C. Not sure they playtested it well enough. Spellcasting is broken backwards where a caster can lose a spell before ever getting to use it. Very poor design.
I'm a softy, so house-ruled all spells get to work at least once before losing them.
It's like a D&D clone BUT no one has infravision? Weird.
This is to keep the torch mechanic relevant to all players.
Finally there's nada for long-term campaigns outside of the very new-school method of fighting monsters until you hit level 20 or whatever. No land-ownership. No strongholds. No armies. No political intrigue. You're literally stuck in the dungeon FOREVER:cautious:

Overall I put Shadowdark in the same class as RISUS or Maze Rats: Beer & Pretzels rpgs that play more like a board game. All it really did was reaffirm how complete and expansive the D&D Rules Cyclopedia is.
Shadowdark is not meant to replace any of those more robust systems; it's soul focus is quick dungeon delving, just like you pointed out. It's for when I have some free time at work, so I draw a series of cool little dungeons on an index cards, then the following week some friends drop by and want to game unexpectedly, so I grab my cards and we're up and playing in minutes.

This is why it sits right aside my "long campaign" rule sets.

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