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[Shameless self-promotion]Ask Shinobi Killfist!

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First Post
trentonjoe said:
Dear Master Killfist-

Why are Ninjas just cooler than everyone else? Is it the all black look? If so, why isn't Johny Cash cool?

Why do I get alergies in the winter when every other human on the planet gets them in the summer?

Is Kenny Rogers coming out with a new album?

Why can't people form Boston say the letter R right?

When do you use "too" as opposed to "to"?

WHat is in Wyoming?

Why are there 14 threads on archer PrC in the House Rules?

Thanks for your time,


In order: They just are, partially, he's dead, god hates you, I don't know but I like his chicken, before you criticize how people say the letter R think about using it properly in the word "from" but yeah it pisses me off too, who do you think I am, Strunk or White?, twenty-seven right-wing paramilitary groups, and because archers just aren't powerful enough without their custom-made PrCs. Greedy elven sonsofbitches.



First Post
Nightfall said:
Dear Shinobi,

I have a two fold question: 1) Are you a true demi-god and if so what of? 2) If you are interested I have my own gods that like to arm wrestle you and also a TRUE titan of great stature. Think you could take them?

1) Yes. 100% Studly Goodness.
2) If this was an actual sentence, I'd be more likely to answer it. Claw your way towards a grade-school grammar book when you get a chance, eh?

But yes, of course I could take them. I don't arm-wrestle for free, though. I want a minimum 100,000,000gp pot before I'll even consider sitting down for a match.
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First Post
Re: Help me, Shinobi-wan, your my only hope

Tarrasque Wrangler said:
Dear Mr. Killfist,

My boss has been riding me pretty hard at work lately. It seems that nothing I do can please her. She's a type-A micromanager, and is always hovering over me while I work. It's enough to drive me nuts!

My question is, how many XPs can I get for slashing her car tires? They're nice thick radials, look expensive. Also, what's the best weapon I should use on them?


For a second there I thought someone was actually asking me for advice. Christ on a cracker, you guys are dense.

But to answer you, it depends on what she's driving, the age of the tires, whether you manage to slash them in one stroke, and whether or not I've tracked you down and killed you yet for asking me such an asinine question.



First Post
shilsen said:

I doubt it, because I'm right. See - Shinobi's not even answering questions now. I'm telling you he's busy running around hugging trees and reciting poetry out there. Really! And it should be Shy'nobi Kyll-fyst anyway.

Oh, the Humor! The Wit! I concede, I concede. Truly, you are too much for me. But as I'm sure you've already surmised, the only elf blood that runs in my veins is whatever squeezed in there after I consumed the well-cooked flesh of Corellon Larethian's avatar last night. Tasty, if a little sickly sweet.
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Sage of the Scarred Lands
Forrester said:

1) Yes. 100% Studly Goodness.
2) If this was an actual sentence, I'd be more likely to answer it. Claw your way towards a grade-school grammar book when you get a chance, eh?

But yes, of course I could take them. I don't arm-wrestle for free, though. I want a minimum 100,000,000gp pot before I'll even consider sitting down for a match.

Studly goodness eh? think maybe you ought to talk to your divine sponor about getting a refund.

As for my grammer, I do very well thank you. I have the writing creds to prove it. (You have me to thank for Battlefield Earth. ;) )

Voidrunner's Codex

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