Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)


Alright then... Boojum-haunted undead Carcass Crab with ability damage/drain, plus the optional Malevolence ability when grappling. You're not one to spare any expense when you order your monsters, do you? Time to dig deep into my new books and see what mechanics I can rip off from pre-existing writers for my Frankenstine creations. I foresee using such luminaries such as Death Giants, the Corpse template, and a living Mind Fog. We'll see what comes up. Pay attention to your PM Box for further updates.

Tell me, do you have any plans to use the Hunting Bats or the Famine Spirits (which need to be renamed :mad: )? Or, if you're in a mood to make them Teleport away for their lives, you can always dial up my Astraloths. Are you going to allow Six to replace some of his levels with Swordsage levels in the future? So you need a Warblade Sora Maeyna? What are your thoughts on Mimics? Do you expect an underwater encounter anytime in the future? Any other kinds of customized undead you want delivered to your PM box for review and critique? How about Mournlandized versions of Fett's old adventuring buddies? You have what, 3-4 months off? We need a buffer of cackling horrors in the wings waiting to be unleashed like the dogs of the apocalpyse! It's not like you don't already have the talent to reflavour them for your own purposes anyways. :]

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Solarious said:
Alright then... Boojum-haunted undead Carcass Crab with ability damage/drain, plus the optional Malevolence ability when grappling. You're not one to spare any expense when you order your monsters, do you? Time to dig deep into my new books and see what mechanics I can rip off from pre-existing writers for my Frankenstine creations. I foresee using such luminaries such as Death Giants, the Corpse template, and a living Mind Fog. We'll see what comes up. Pay attention to your PM Box for further updates.

Tell me, do you have any plans to use the Hunting Bats or the Famine Spirits (which need to be renamed :mad: )? Or, if you're in a mood to make them Teleport away for their lives, you can always dial up my Astraloths. Are you going to allow Six to replace some of his levels with Swordsage levels in the future? So you need a Warblade Sora Maeyna? What are your thoughts on Mimics? Do you expect an underwater encounter anytime in the future? Any other kinds of customized undead you want delivered to your PM box for review and critique? How about Mournlandized versions of Fett's old adventuring buddies? You have what, 3-4 months off? We need a buffer of cackling horrors in the wings waiting to be unleashed like the dogs of the apocalpyse! It's not like you don't already have the talent to reflavour them for your own purposes anyways. :]

Note to self: Break in to Shil's user account and put Solarious on ignore so Shil can't see any more suggestions like these.


Rackhir said:
Note to self: Break in to Shil's user account and put Solarious on ignore so Shil can't see any more suggestions like these.
I have a very good idea of where you live, I have shil's e-mail, and I haven't broken out my Epic material yet.

Don't make me break out my Deadly Sinners.


Solarious said:
I have a very good idea of where you live, I have shil's e-mail, and I haven't broken out my Epic material yet.

Don't make me break out my Deadly Sinners.

Just remember if you get us all killed off then there's no more story hour.


I don't think Solarious wants you guys killed, since he probably agrees with my theory that if the PCs die it's no fun because the screaming stops. Right, Solarious?

Alright then... Boojum-haunted undead Carcass Crab with ability damage/drain, plus the optional Malevolence ability when grappling. You're not one to spare any expense when you order your monsters, do you?

Of course not. Only the best for my vict... er, players.

Time to dig deep into my new books and see what mechanics I can rip off from pre-existing writers for my Frankenstine creations. I foresee using such luminaries such as Death Giants, the Corpse template, and a living Mind Fog. We'll see what comes up. Pay attention to your PM Box for further updates.

Ooh, I love me some Death Giants. Those guys are NASTY!

Tell me, do you have any plans to use the Hunting Bats or the Famine Spirits (which need to be renamed :mad: )?

Haven't decided yet, but I might sometime. Of course, since the PCs have now pissed off the Emerald Claw, they could be undead Hunting Bats. Twice the fun for the price of admission!

Or, if you're in a mood to make them Teleport away for their lives, you can always dial up my Astraloths.

You're messing with Astraloths too? I know Shemeska did some horrible stuff with them. And by horrible I mean really beautiful.

Are you going to allow Six to replace some of his levels with Swordsage levels in the future?

Not replace, but he'll continue with swordsage levels now.

So you need a Warblade Sora Maeyna? What are your thoughts on Mimics? Do you expect an underwater encounter anytime in the future? Any other kinds of customized undead you want delivered to your PM box for review and critique?

You really are too kind.

How about Mournlandized versions of Fett's old adventuring buddies?

And that is sheer genius!

You have what, 3-4 months off? We need a buffer of cackling horrors in the wings waiting to be unleashed like the dogs of the apocalpyse! It's not like you don't already have the talent to reflavour them for your own purposes anyways. :]

3 months. I'm back in the US on the 20th of August or thereabouts, if all goes as planned. So that does give me lots of time for setting up stuff in the wings. I already have a half dozen options in mind, so as usual, I have no idea which direction the campaign goes next. All depends on what the PCs choose to do and, in some cases, how they react to things that get done to them. But I promise there will be screaming. Lots of it.


shilsen said:
I don't think Solarious wants you guys killed, since he probably agrees with my theory that if the PCs die it's no fun because the screaming stops. Right, Solarious?
Well, I'm of the opinion that the show must go on. And shows with dead clowns are not the ones that move.

Unless they're undead. :]
shilsen said:
Of course not. Only the best for my vict... er, players.
Nothing but the best it is! :D
shilsen said:
Ooh, I love me some Death Giants. Those guys are NASTY!
You have to admit, those guys do have plenty of the features you requested, no? But the Boojums are important to this customer.

Trust me.
shilsen said:
Haven't decided yet, but I might sometime. Of course, since the PCs have now pissed off the Emerald Claw, they could be undead Hunting Bats. Twice the fun for the price of admission!
Since the Emerald Claw is hunting down the Angels, that means I need to start brewing up batches of undead. Does this mean I have to get the Libris Mortis? :uhoh:
shilsen said:
You're messing with Astraloths too? I know Shemeska did some horrible stuff with them. And by horrible I mean really beautiful.
My friend, I'm the creator of the 3.5 fully-stated Astraloths, crafted with Shemeska's blessings. Ridley says hi. He invites you to his parlor. :]

One of my backburner ideas is to create a squad of Mortalhunter/Mindspy Astraloths with some more pronounced psionic powers. I'll get around to finishing it. Eventually. Which reminds me, I really have to get some work done on my Bestiary of Ashtakala. I'm taking forever on the Eyes, not to mention the Weeds. :mad:
shilsen said:
Not replace, but he'll continue with swordsage levels now.
I'm interested in what kind of manuvers Six goes with from here. And also about how he feels about the harness going in this direction... ;)
shilsen said:
You really are too kind.
I know. I'll probably never get to her, the poor hag.

Err... not so poor... uh oh.... good Daughter... :confused:

*runs away screaming*
shilsen said:
And that is sheer genius!
Tell me, any halflings in the group? :]
shilsen said:
3 months. I'm back in the US on the 20th of August or thereabouts, if all goes as planned. So that does give me lots of time for setting up stuff in the wings. I already have a half dozen options in mind, so as usual, I have no idea which direction the campaign goes next. All depends on what the PCs choose to do and, in some cases, how they react to things that get done to them. But I promise there will be screaming. Lots of it.
If you really want to train them as a choir, I'll start some preliminary work on some of the Sinners the Angels might be liable to encounter at the beginning. I mean, no game is truly complete unless your players encounter the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. :]


I was going to suggest something relatively simple: a clan of half-fiendish goblin warriors riding their half brothers: half fiendish wolves.
Led by their father: a barghest.

Add warblade levels (or crusader levels) to taste.


Solarious said:
Well, I'm of the opinion that the show must go on. And shows with dead clowns are not the ones that move.

Unless they're undead. :]

Oooh - making undead sock puppets of one's PCs! 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.

You have to admit, those guys do have plenty of the features you requested, no? But the Boojums are important to this customer.

True. You can never go wrong with death giants. Though death giants with Boojums are especially cool.

Since the Emerald Claw is hunting down the Angels, that means I need to start brewing up batches of undead. Does this mean I have to get the Libris Mortis? :uhoh:

Why not? I've never picked that book up, but I hear it has some very nasty things in it.

My friend, I'm the creator of the 3.5 fully-stated Astraloths, crafted with Shemeska's blessings.

Son of a ... I knew that already, having seen it mentioned on Shemmy's Story Hour when you did, and completely forgot. Mea culpa.

Ridley says hi. He invites you to his parlor. :]

:D :] :D :]

One of my backburner ideas is to create a squad of Mortalhunter/Mindspy Astraloths with some more pronounced psionic powers. I'll get around to finishing it. Eventually. Which reminds me, I really have to get some work done on my Bestiary of Ashtakala. I'm taking forever on the Eyes, not to mention the Weeds. :mad:

Ooh, nasty! Translation: Me likey.

I'm interested in what kind of manuvers Six goes with from here.

He's mostly focusing on movement and stealth-oriented stuff, so mainly Shadow Hand maneuvers/stances, I think, with a little Diamond Mind.

And also about how he feels about the harness going in this direction... ;)

I think "resigned" might be the appropriate word.

Tell me, any halflings in the group? :]

No, but why'd you ask? And, of course, considering they supposedly got whacked in the middle of the Mournland, just about anything could be in the group now.

If you really want to train them as a choir, I'll start some preliminary work on some of the Sinners the Angels might be liable to encounter at the beginning. I mean, no game is truly complete unless your players encounter the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. :]

I tend to think of my PCs as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, actually. Well, the Four Horsemen and the Apocalypse. Said Apocalypse now traveling in the form of a morbidly obese bear, of course.

ajanders said:
I was going to suggest something relatively simple: a clan of half-fiendish goblin warriors riding their half brothers: half fiendish wolves.
Led by their father: a barghest.

Add warblade levels (or crusader levels) to taste.

Nice. I've always liked goblinoids, and especially in Eberron. The barghest thing would just be gravy. Nice, thick and deadly gravy.


And here's the next update:

* * * * *

Once inside their quarters, Gareth changes into the formal attire, retaining his mithral chain shirt underneath the clothing. Having done so, he goes to Maddox and asks, “If we have one, would you please provide me with a copy of the itinerary? I just need to view it for a few minutes and can then return it to you.” The bone knight does so, and Gareth memorizes the list.

He then proceeds to Haydith’s chamber, where he is allowed in by a couple of amused ladies in waiting, exchanging giggles and quiet comments about how long he can bear to be separated from the princess. Ignoring them, Gareth takes Haydith aside and says, “Princess – as you know, our present surroundings are unfamiliar to me and my comrades. I believe you will be asked to view many areas for the sake of diplomatic posturing. I will stay by your side at all times, with no exceptions, and if at any point you feel a potential threat I want you to call out. If you feel you need to be subtle then simply speak these words ‘I need to excuse myself to freshen up.’ This will alert me to your situation and I will be at your side in the blink of an eye. Please note, however, if you utilize these words, I will not be paying much attention to diplomacy. While I shall attempt to not cause an undue commotion, it will be cursory at best, since my primary concern is your safety. Anyone who gets in my way will be put down fast and hard.” In response, Haydith smiles easily and says, “I appreciate the concern, Gareth, and I’ll feel much the safer for it, but I’m hopeful it won’t be needed.” Her smile turns slightly roguish and she adds, “The formality definitely is not required,” and looks like she might have added something. But after a glance at her whispering attendants, she desists.

Despite her suggestion, Gareth bows his way out after excusing himself, and returns to join the others. There, he tells Nameless, “Hopefully, we’ll have no trouble here, but if there is, we’re surrounded and heavily outnumbered in a place where we can’t unleash all our force without repercussions. There may come a time when we need to evacuate the area as a last ditch effort. If that happens, please use a teleport – with the primary cargo being the princess. If that means you leave us behind, then do so. If she has been hurt, transport her to the temple in Sharn. Not the Cathedral, but Coldflame Keep, where Cedric and Mazin Tana are. If she has not been hurt, then transport her to either our destination or her home – whichever you think is best, depending on the situation.”

Nameless nods, but then points out, “I can’t take her to Karrnath. I’ve never been there.” After a slight pause, he adds, “Or at least not that I recall.”

“All right. So the temple it is.”

“I'd rather make it our house. It's safer and an area I know perfectly.”

Korm, who has been looking with a combination of interest and distaste at the clothing provided, which is clearly not designed for martial activity, says, “Hey, Gareth – are we allowed to carry our weapons during the meetings and stuff here?”

“Not very likely if we’re going to be meeting Queen Aurala and others. Not that it’s a problem for us, really,” says Gareth, indicating the metal hand inside which the Endless Blade resides. “Everyone other than Six has spells or weapons of some kind available easily, and even Six has his fists. But let’s check and make sure.”

After checking with Maddox, the Angels are informed of the protocol for the various meetings and dinners. Armor and weapons may be worn to the meetings, but keeping it to a minimum is considered good form. Maddox suggests putting any weapons larger than a dagger or a short sword in the various extra-dimensional spaces the Angels carry. The same is true for dinner, only even more so, with armor being highly non-recommended. But it’s doubtful, Maddox says, that anybody will comment if they do wear it.

Magic too is restricted in various ways. The active use of any magic on others is a huge no-no and would be taken very badly, whether it be a detect magic or a dominate person. The use of personal magic augmentations and the like are not a problem, but illusions of any kind are forbidden, at both meetings and dinner. Aurala’s security certainly includes people (in all likelihood, House Medani members) who scan people for magic, and anyone with an illusion aura is asking to be stopped, questioned and probably told to remove it.

“That, of course, poses some problems for us,” says Nameless, thinking partly of Six and his third eye but especially of his own appearance. “To forestall any problems on this score, I’d like to approach and talk to the House Medani members about this ahead of time. I’d like to work out something where I can retain the hat of disguise. If not,” he smiles slightly, “Well, they will learn that ‘freaky,’ ‘bizarre’ and ‘alienist’ are essentially synonymous.”

Maddox looks curiously at the mage. “I don’t know what an alienist is. What do you mean?”

“I am an alienist. It’s my area of specialization. Let’s just say our adventures have caused some changes in me that people might find distressing or unnerving and for that reason we would prefer to hide them, especially in our current situation.”

“Would you mind showing me?”

Nameless says nothing, simply letting the illusion fade away, revealing the tentacle with which he was just pushing back a lock of hair that had fallen over an eye. Though he tries to keep his expression carefully neutral, it’s not difficult to see that the bone knight is a little surprised. But Maddox recovers quickly. “I’ll see what can be arranged,” he says. “I can’t see you walking around the palace here with ... well, without a lot of questions and unnecessary problems. Which is not what we – or Haydith – need.”

Maddox leaves, speaks to the captain of the Aundairan guard contingent that has been provided, and returns a few minutes later with three individuals – one in the uniform of a colonel in the Aundairan army and two wearing unremarkable clothing with no insignia or distinguishing marks whatsoever. The lack, and the fact that they are both half-elves, tells Nameless and the others that they are probably Medani security. They ask Nameless to accompany them and Maddox, and the quintet move a little distance away from the area assigned to the visitors, and into a large office.

Once inside and seated, one of the half-elves says, “I’m told that you’d like permission to move around with an illusion in effect. Sir Maddox here told us a little about it, but I’d like to hear from you. Could you explain precisely why, and also, if you could, provide us some assurance of how we might know it is you under the illusion at all times?”

Nameless replies, “I am no longer quite what I once was and some people find what I have become... disturbing,” and drops the illusion at that point. Evidently those present agree with his assessment. The Aundairan colonel curses, steps back hurriedly and drops a hand to his sword, while one of the presumed Medani members shoves himself back hurriedly from the table. The other, the one speaking, flinches very slightly, but otherwise has no overt reaction, saying only, “I ... see,” and then turning to give the other two an admonishing look.

Nameless continues, “You see why I cannot travel around without attracting attention and probably causing some concern. As to knowing if it’s me under the illusion ....” He indicates the blue glow that the dropping of the illusion has revealed around his eyes. “There are my eyes, which I could leave exposed. Perhaps I could also reveal what I truly am, discreetly shielded from view when I enter. Once inside, I should be the only person with an illusion running, which your men are evidently capable of detecting. If one of your men is capable of using arcane sight I should have a distinctive magical ‘fingerprint.’ Perhaps you could also assign a man specifically to follow me, so you could be certain there was no ‘bait and switch’ going on.”

The Medani agent considers for a moment and then says, “Walking around with glowing blue eyes would be better, but not by much. Let me see something.” He produces a wand and triggers it, and concentrates for a moment, evidently studying the various auras on Nameless. “I can see what you mean by distinctive magic.” He notes down a number of the auras on a piece of paper and then says, “We shouldn’t have any problems. You may use that illusion, but just don’t add any besides that one. And if someone does stop you for some reason, ask for Rudin d’Medani. That’s me. Do you have any questions?”

“No, that is all. As you are obviously aware, we are extremely powerful casters and we have access to spells not commonly used. If there is some way we can assist you, please let us know. We would like this to go smoothly and without any complications, if possible.”

As Nameless stops, half expecting a giant bear to run into the room and tackle him, Rudin nods politely and says, “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for the offer.” He rises and leads Nameless back to their quarters. Before turning to leave, he smiles and says, “I’ve read a little about you in the Korranberg Chronicle, but now I’m going to have to pay a little more attention to those sections.”

With Nameless’ situation taken care of, the Angels prepare themselves for the evening. Once it is time, they proceed, with the other members of the diplomatic delegation and Haydith’s train, accompanied by an Aundairan guard of honor, through the palace. The corridors and halls their route takes them through are mostly empty, only the statues of former Aundairan kings and queens watching their passage.

Eventually, they reach a large pair of double doors, guarded by four soldiers wearing the Aundairan national symbol, which is also emblazoned on the doors. The guards salute, turn and push open the doors, to the sound of a roll of drums and a flourish of trumpets, echoing as if they were in a huge hall, which they are. Beyond the doors a gigantic room unfolds itself in front of the entering contingent. Twin rows of fluted stone pillars extend down its length, vividly colored banners hanging from them and the balconies they support, depicting the standards of noble houses, military orders, and, of course, the royal colors of Aundair. At the far end of the room stands a trio of thrones upon an ornate marble dais with three broad steps. Only the central throne is occupied, by a figure that even at this distance can be seen to be distinctly female, evidently Queen Aurala. Between her and Haydith stand a multitude of people, forming rows on either side of the throne room of Aundair.

Haydith takes a deep breath, visibly calming herself, and strides forward with apparent confidence. Behind them, a herald cries out, voice pitched so as to carry across the chamber, “Princess Haydith ir’Wynarn, sister to King Kaius III of Karrnath, plenipotentiary emissary to Breland, Countess of the Western Marches, lady….” As the various titles are pronounced and Haydith walks on, the gathered courtiers applaud and Queen Aurala rises from her seat. It is not a momentous, but a significant occasion, especially in view of the still looming shadow of the Last War, and the not infrequent tension between their countries. Karrnath has come to Aundair, and Aundair has risen to greet her.

But there is more going on than meets the eye. Most of the Angels, with their lack of interest in – or knowledge of – social protocol at any level, do not notice it, but Gareth’s trained eyes do. As do some others, though none of them display significantly overt signs. Inara’s attractive face turns slightly wary, while Maddox’s eyes simply gleam with a grim light and Haydith’s lips purse slightly. Though it had originally looked as if the hall was crowded, that was mostly an illusion created by the sudden sight of those gathered within and the way they are spread out, scores covering a space that could have held hundreds. Many of them wear clothing that indicates minor functionaries of the court, outnumbering the actual nobility by a substantial margin. There also seem to be a larger number of guards and soldiers than one might expect. As the group advances, some others come in through a much larger doorway, above which the royal standard of Aundair hangs, indicating that Haydith’s contingent did not use the main entrance. And even Aurala’s rise from her throne only occurs after Haydith is halfway across the throne room. Aundair, while rising to greet Karrnath, has also very subtly – but clearly – informed the latter that she is only a subordinate part of Aundair’s interests.

To those not in the know, however, the welcome is fairly effusive. Queen Aurala, a tall and slender woman with golden hair running halfway down her back, steps forward and descends to meet Haydith, first clasping the younger woman’s hands in her own and then enfolding her in a hug. Stepping back, she says, “Greetings, cousin, or I should say more properly, niece. It’s a pleasure to see you again, and to welcome you to Aundair for the first time.”

As Haydith begins to thank Aurala for her hospitality, the queen places a hand companionably on her shoulder and steps forward, which forces the princess to turn with her. The queen runs her eyes over Haydith’s entourage, and addresses them (in the process interrupting Haydith), saying, “You are all welcome here too, of course.” She smiles broadly. “I believe we have some celebrities in our midst today.” Glancing at Haydith, she says, “You are being guarded by the Guardian Angels from Sharn, are you not? I would like to meet them.”

At a signal from Haydith, Gareth quickly takes one step closer to the princess, forestalling his companions, and makes a bow towards the Queen. “Your Highness, it is an honor and a pleasure to be a guest in your court. My name is Gareth Byron Deneith, holy paladin of the Silver Flame. My companions, also known as the Guardian Angels, are,” as Gareth motions to each one in turn, “Archmagus Nameless, high druid Luna, artistic and skillful Six, and Korma’khan, high druid of the Gatekeepers. We are grateful for your hospitality and generosity, which have made us feel extremely comfortable and welcomed to your country and home.” Gareth ends with another, slightly less deep, bow.

Aurala smiles and slightly inclines her head in return. “It is a pleasure, Gareth Byron Deneith of the Silver Flame, to meet you. And all of you – Nameless, Luna, Six and Korm’akhan.” The queen’s gaze flickers over each of the Angels, and while the welcoming smile remains on her face, some of the Angels notice a tiny fleck of cold calculation in her eyes. Disconcertingly, the closest analogue to it they can recall is that which they have seen gleaming in Kylian’s, especially in his moments of greatest merriment. “I shall look forward to speaking to you, later in the evening. Like many here and across Khorvaire, I’ve read much of your exploits, and I’m curious how much of that is true, and perhaps what has not been mentioned.”

Aurala’s voice changes gradually as she speaks, marginally increasing in volume but being drastically modified in pitch, so that the excellent acoustics carry it far across the chamber. “And, if nothing else, I owe a debt of thanks for your work in foiling the terrorist attack during my last visit to Breland. I am confident that, with heroes such as you, the peace between Aundair and Breland cannot be jeopardized.” The queen gazes around as she stops speaking and some of those in the immediate vicinity begin to clap. It spreads quickly, until the entire assemblage is applauding the Angels.

Aurala turns, a pleasant smile on her face and a glint of satisfaction in her eyes, to Haydith, and says, “And, of course, our relations with our Karrnathi cousins too. Come. I have some people for you to meet.” The princess, whose face has tightened slightly during the queen’s addressing of the Angels, nods and follows her silently. Young as she is, Haydith has more than enough experience of the courts of Khorvaire to understand all the subtle intonations of Aurala’s speech and actions, from the co-opting of the Angels’ actions to the cause of Aundairan-Brelish relations (and, by extension, downgrading the importance of Karrnath to both countries), to the fact that the queen addressed a band of adventurers, however famous, while making a Karrnathi princess and sister to King Kaius wait.

Aurala leads Haydith to an ornate seat that has been placed beside the royal throne, and then takes her own seat. At a gesture from her, a number of people step forward from the ranks of gathered people, while the Angels and Haydith’s escorts are ushered to positions on either side. For the better part of the next hour, various members of the Aundairan court are introduced to Haydith. Pride of place is given to Aurala’s brother Adal and her current heir, First Warlord of the Realm and Royal Minister of Magic, a warrior-mage with features that are if possible even more hawkish than their sibling Aurad, governor of Fairhaven, who greeted the arrivals at the Lyrandar dock. Next in line is the martial figure of Lord Darro ir’Lain, Second Warlord of the Realm and commander of the Knights Arcane, some of whose forces Gareth had actually fought during the War. And behind them are dozens of nobles, diplomats, military figures, and functionaries, of all levels.

All in all, the process is fairly boring for the Angels, especially Luna, who is soon huffing and muttering under her breath. Luckily, just as her companions are beginning to wonder if she – or more likely, the unfortunate people around her – might explode, Queen Aurala turns to Haydith. “I think that will do. Any more would begin to test the definitions of hospitality. And there are some other things that you should see before you leave Aundair. After all, who knows when you will be able to come here from Breland again?” Haydith smiles back sweetly. “Who knows? But my brother has often said that he plans to be seated here someday, and I may accompany him then.” There’s a moment of silence and a flicker in Aurala’s eyes at the unexpected display of steel in the seemingly pliant princess, and then, slowly, a smile that has a tinge of grudging respect in it. “Perhaps,” the queen says ambiguously, and then rises.

So does Haydith, and after an exchange of embraces, she and her entourage depart, this time with Lord Darro ir’Lain joining them. Over the course of the next three hours, Haydith leaves the palace and makes a number of stops, viewing an army parade, seeing a display from the mages of Arcanix, and visiting a couple of sites producing Aundair’s more popular exports, including a winery where the princess and her entourage are presented with a host of different vintages.

Finally, the princess and her entourage return to the palace, with little more than an hour to rest before the banquet and ball that is to occur in Haydith’s honor. Lord Darro ir’Lain and their Aundairan escort drop them off at their quarters and depart. As the Aundairans are doing so, the Angels feel a soft tickle in their heads, and then a voice says, “Don’t worry – I’m a friend. Be careful of Lord Murat and Lady Kemiria at the dinner. They pose no physical danger, but may try to gain your confidence and benefit from you in some way.” One of the departing contingent, a guard among many others, turns and nods slightly at them. Nameless’ arcane sight picks up a faint transmutation aura on him, and then it is gone. As is the guard, heading around the corner with the other Aundairans.
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shilsen said:
True. You can never go wrong with death giants. Though death giants with Boojums are especially cool.
Question: are you pretending to know what I'm talking about when I'm saying Boojum, or am I facing a fellow Twisted Tale Theme fan? :D
shilsen said:
Why not? I've never picked that book up, but I hear it has some very nasty things in it.
And... there goes my next paycheque. Damn.

Well, at least I can work on some modified Boneclaws in the interm. :uhoh:
shilsen said:
Son of a ... I knew that already, having seen it mentioned on Shemmy's Story Hour when you did, and completely forgot. Mea culpa.
You saw that? And you didn't say/do anything? I was so disappointed when nobody said anything in response to my posts of Astraloths...

Curse you shilsen!!! :lol:
shilsen said:
He's mostly focusing on movement and stealth-oriented stuff, so mainly Shadow Hand maneuvers/stances, I think, with a little Diamond Mind.
I think "resigned" might be the appropriate word.
Well, at least he isn't turning into morbidly obese dire bears that needs to crawl around. You gotta look on the bright side of this Six, being able to manipulate shadow has got to be less freaky than being able to suddenly able to turn partially into an illithid, or worse, a Paladin!
shilsen said:
No, but why'd you ask? And, of course, considering they supposedly got whacked in the middle of the Mournland, just about anything could be in the group now.
I had just picked out the perfect mutation creature for a halfling. But hey, Mourlandized ex-Fett-buddies can wait. Gotta finish the Weeds.
shilsen said:
I tend to think of my PCs as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, actually. Well, the Four Horsemen and the Apocalypse. Said Apocalypse now traveling in the form of a morbidly obese bear, of course.

Apocalypse - Luna
War - Gareth
Pestilence - Nameless/Edgar
Death - Six
Famine - ... Korm?
shilsen said:
Nice. I've always liked goblinoids, and especially in Eberron. The barghest thing would just be gravy. Nice, thick and deadly gravy.
Yeah, that's a simple and elegant party. But it lacks a critical ingredient.

Half-Fiend Worg NINJA. :]
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