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Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)


I hear ya - our term ends in a few weeks too - Yay!
All my time after that will be taken up getting the baby room ready :)

Still, by the time it's born and ready for a bedtime story, I'll know if there's a happy ending!
So how many months away is the arrival of the new gamer? I'll admit I never considered the Guardian Angels as a bedtime story :)

Work-wise, I'm almost done right now and will be in 2 days. And here's the next bit of the writeup.

* * * * * * * * * *
The Guardian Angels spend some time experimenting on and with the link they seem to have to each other, checking to see what effects it has and if it allows them to do anything that they could not do earlier. They quickly discover that if they focus slightly longer while casting a spell which could otherwise only be delivered by touching the target, they can now deliver it—if doing so to one of those linked to them—while up to ten feet away. A particularly interesting element of this ability is that it seems to work through barriers too, whether physical or magical, so an intervening wall or a wall of force doesn’t prevent its usage.

If they concentrate for a minute, they can actually hear each other, even if not in normal hearing range, and can carry on a conversation via the link. This ability extends to everyone actively attempting to join in the conversation, allowing for multiple parties to participate at once. A similar amount of concentration also provides information about how far away and in what direction one of the linked creatures is. This ability seems to work irrespective of any magical protections the creature might have, with even a mind blank not obstructing it in any way.

The Angels’ experimentations raise all sorts of new questions about what these abilities and their link to each other—and, presumably, to Mual-Tar—means for them, but the discussion is interrupted as they are joined by Jaela and Cedric, with Essirise following the two in her habitual shape as an elven woman.

Unlike the Angels, both Jaela and Cedric look significantly the worse for wear, the dark circles under their eyes betokening their tiredness. The short stubble that Cedric usually wears is beginning to grow into a beard, while Jaela appears to be in the same clothes that she wore during the battle a day and a half ago. Essirise is the only one who doesn’t look any more tired than when they last saw her, but then again, she combines the natural endurance of a dragon with her magical shapechanging abilities.

The three of them have a number of things to discuss with the Guardian Angels. Besides wishing to satisfy their curiosity about precisely what transpired to cause all of the Angels to sleep so long—or, in Six’s case, to fall asleep in the first place—they also bring news about the results of the battle, which they provide once the Angels have filled them in on what they think happened.

The news that the trio bring with them is intriguing. Besides the information about the remnants of the defeated aberration army having fled into southeast Thrane and toward the Mournland, there is news from across Khorvaire of aberration forces retreating. Most of them have either entered or are heading toward the Mournland, but some of those which are a long distance away from its borders seem to be seeking out shelter or defensible positions. A number of them have apparently retreated back into the tunnels which they used to emerge from Khyber.

Jaela says, expression matching the worry in her tone, “Perhaps now that Mual-Tar has absorbed … some of the power of the Silver Flame, they hope to utilize it to open up the remaining dimensional seals.”

“It is a possibility,” Nameless replies thoughtfully, “But I doubt it. From what we have seen and learned of it, there was little indication that the Worm had any real master-plan or motivation beyond achieving blind destruction. It seemed to have been drawn here with a desire to consume the power of the Flame, rather than via an actual strategy. Or so I surmise.”

“Yes,” agrees Gareth. “During the battle it didn’t even seem to respond to the daelkyr lord’s orders. It’s probably just a mostly mindless beast.”

“A very big and super-powerful mindless beast!” Luna corrects, before looking thoughtful in turn. “Hey – since the Worm ate the Silver Flame, maybe having all that shiny goodness inside it will turn it good too? Maybe?”

While Jaela and Essirise stare at the Gatekeeper with a mild form of the confusion she often engenders in those around her, Korm chuckles, “Have you met Gareth? He’s been full of the Silver Flame since day one and … actually, forget it!” He glances sideways at the paladin and winks. “We don’t have time to discuss what you’re full of!”

Nameless rises, emitting a harsh laugh. “True. We still have to ascertain the limits and ramifications of our new abilities. And, in view of the events of the battle, plan our next move.” The alienist glances at Jaela and says, “But first, I have something to offer you. You have provided us tremendous amounts of aid, without which not one of us would be alive right now. As a small token, now that I have finally gained the power to do so, I would like to cast a wish on your behalf. I cannot restore your lost powers, of course, but perhaps there is something else I can do for you?”

Jaela looks momentarily surprised and then clearly touched. “Thank you, Nameless,” she replies, before adding hesitantly, “But I’m … really not sure what I would … or should, ask for.”

“Hmm. Would you perhaps like me to create a permanent illusion of the Silver Flame where it once was,” he suggests, “As a way to allay people’s fears or provide them with hope?”

The former Keeper of the Flame considers the proposition and then slowly, almost reluctantly, shakes her head. “No, I do not think that would be right, since it would be false. But, again, thank you.”

“You know,” says Cedric, who has been watching silently, “Every girl needs a pet.”


The general of Flamekeep’s forces gives Jaela a meaningful look. “A dog. An ugly, smelly, many-legged dog, which can help protect her from the many foes she has.”

“Oh – Skaravojen!” Jaela smiles as realization dawns and she turns to Nameless. Before she can speak, the alienist smiles too, at the expression on her face, and then says, “Done!”

Nameless speaks a word of power. The alienist has long been able to see deeper and farther into the true meaning of the great illusion around him than others do, being able to clearly perceive and revel in what lesser minds cannot. As a scholar, as an arcanist, and above all, as an alienist, he has always been able to see beyond, into places that would surprise, confuse, horrify and finally destroy weaker minds, which rely on mundane reality as a blanket to shroud them from the true meaning of existence. His magical abilities have always enabled him to somewhat change the world around him. But now, at the apex of his powers, the alienist feels a quiet satisfaction and a sense of completion as the ability to reshape reality flows through him. Which, with a thought and a gesture, he now uses.

A moment later, there is a growling bark, with a rumbling undertone of joy, and a large, dark hairy beast rushes through the doorway and hurls itself at Jaela. Skaravojen has returned.

As the former Keeper of the Flame dissolves utterly into an eleven-year-old girl who is reunited with her beloved pet, Cedric looks past her with a glance of approbation at Nameless and silently mouths the words, “Well done!”

* * * * *
Once Jaela and Skaravojen have had a little time to enjoy the reunion and Nameless has been profusely thanked by her (and thoroughly licked by the dragonhound), the group moves on to other issues on their agenda.

Jaela mentions that the various nations, most of the dragonmarked houses, and a few extra-national organizations, have sent queries about the results of the battle, the status of the Silver Flame, the situation with the aberration forces, and related matters. She also mentions that a very common query—particularly from the nations of Aundair, Breland and Karrnath—has been about Thronehold and what happened there and why a piece of the island is now missing.

Gareth says, “I’m sorry you have to deal with the Thronehold thing. Just blame it on us.” Jaela smiles slightly and replies, “I already have.”

Jaela then also lists the various people who are waiting to speak to the Guardian Angels or have sent messages of various kinds, usually magical, to indicate that the Angels should contact or meet them. The trolls from Droaam which fought beside them are apparently getting a little worried about returning to the Hags and are getting fractious. The captains of the airships wish to know if they can return to Stormhome or are still needed. Mordain the Fleshweaver, the Daughters of Sora Kell, Gurr’khan, and Lalia d’Deneith have all sent messages as well.

“We should have hired an answering service,” Six says dryly as Jaela works through the lists of people. She chuckles at his words and says, “What will you do next?”

“Go to Droaam and Sharn, I believe,” replies Nameless, “But then we need to check the Mournland. I wish to visit the spot where Mual-Tar entered it and see if its magic-warping abilities had any effect on the area.”

Essirise suddenly puts in, “And I shall return to Argonnessen. I need to relate what has happened here and see what aid I can bring back. I’ll return as soon as I’m able.”

“Sounds good,” says Korm. “I never look a gift dragon in the mouth.”

Cedric grins at the witticism and then says, his expression turning serious, “And there’s one thing I’d like you to do before you leave – speak to the College of Cardinals.”

Jaela frowns, her expression one of mild distaste and concern, and says, “Do you think that’s really necessary, Cedric? They do have more important things to do.”

“Yes,” he replies, in a firmly insistent tone, “But they also need to ensure that there’s someone to hold Thrane—and the Silver Flame—together while they’re gone. And that’s you.” Looking around, he clarifies, “Now that the Flame is gone, the Cardinals are panicking and looking for someone to blame. And Jaela’s the perfect target. That f*cker Krozen’s been waiting a long time for this, and though he can’t be Keeper now, he’s not about to give up the opportunity. They’re meeting now, in fact. I could interrupt the meeting and say a few choice words, but,” he pauses, a wicked smile flowing across his face, “I think we have more qualified people in this room.”

* * * * *
Only minutes later, the College of Cardinals, whose members have hurriedly gathered together in the largest of their meeting chambers, is rudely interrupted. An incredibly unhappy-looking guard captain sticks his head through the door, his expression presumably in part due to entering the chamber but perhaps more so because a particularly large and well-armored troll is carrying him. Dropping the man unceremoniously, the troll looks around asks, “So – can we eats them?” A couple more troll heads extend past the doorframe, looking hopefully into the chamber.

“Sadly, no,” says Korm, walking into the chamber behind the troll, accompanied by the other Guardian Angels, “Or at least, not yet. Give us a few moments please.”

“Okay!” grunts the troll disappointedly before shambling out of the door and stopping in the doorway, clearly in a guard position.

Indignant and alarmed cries break out in the chamber, only to be quickly silenced as Gareth cries out, “Silence! We are here to address the Council!”

Cardinal Krozen, seated on the high chair at the front of the room, rises to his feet, his face read with anger. Almost spluttering in rage, he stammers, “You … you … people! You have no authority here! You cannot … !”

“Shut it, bozo!” growls Luna as she walks forward, sounding remarkably ursine despite being in her natural shifter form now. Shoving past Krozen, she turns to face the College of Cardinals and points to herself. “Listen – people! See this glow? It means we’re the incarnation of the Silver Flame. When it got eaten by that damn snake, we got a lot of it too. So we represent the Flame. And Jaela is the Keeper, right? So she represents us. So you better listen to her. Okay?”

“Was that what you planned to say?” Six asks Nameless, sotto voce.

“Not quite,” says the alienist, before shrugging. “But it seems to be working. Perhaps because they’re confused now.”

Befuddlement is certainly the expression on most faces in the chamber. While murmurs flow up and down the long rows of seated Cardinals, nobody says anything for a few moments, till a particularly ancient-looking member in the front raises a hand.

Luna, who has been looking around with a pleased expression, points and says, “Yeah! You have a question?”

“Yes, miss,” says the old woman, who looks ancient enough to be her great-grandmother, “Are you representing Jaela?”

Luna frowns and opens her mouth to explain again who represents what and expand on the incarnate nature of the Guardian Angels, but Gareth quickly interrupts. “Yes,” he says, “We represent Jaela Daran. The Keeper of the Flame,” he emphasizes, “Who speaks for the people of Thrane.”

Nameless steps up beside Gareth and adds quickly, a pre-cast magical effect carrying his harsh tones clearly to everyone, “Flamekeep, we know, is in a state of crisis. Jaela Daran and Cedric Galan are the reason the city—and you—still exist. They are currently holding things together, and we want to ensure that their efforts receive your full support. This is not a request. We are informing you of the facts. If you do not fully support them in their efforts, we shall be very displeased. You do not want us displeased.”

Luna, who has been frowning at the interruptions, turns to growl at the Cardinals, “Yeah! You jerks try not to stress Jaela out. She’s been through a lot!”

Krozen, who has turned almost apoplectic by this point, finally manages to interrupt. “You … you scoundrels! How dare you attempt to intimidate us into following you?! You and that little girl can ….”

“Oh, shut it!” Korm says disgustedly, catching the Cardinal’s eye with a menacing glare. Unfortunately for Krozen, the glare is backed up by the supernatural abilities that the Gatekeeper possesses. The Cardinal stares at Korm for a moment and then collapses, instantly asleep as the Gatekeeper’s hex takes effect. Before he can hit the floor, Six darts forward to catch him. Easily picking him up with one hand, the warforged unceremoniously deposits him on a nearby table.

Korm grins around at the startled watchers and says reassuringly, “He’s resting now. When he wakes up, tell him I said to behave.”

“Or,” Nameless says succinctly, “We will be back.” Then he says, over the telepathic link that he has with his companions, “We made our point. Let’s go.”

The Guardian Angels proceed to depart, only Luna pausing to give everyone a last, threatening growl as they exit the chamber.

Once outside, Nameless says, “Well – Flamekeep and Jaela’s position are as stable as we can make it. And we’re as empowered as the Silver Flame can make us. The Flame is gone, but so is Antaratma. We have allies to talk to and Essirise is hopefully going to bring more aid from Argonnessen. It’s not an ideal situation, of course, as long as Mual-Tar exists, but I think we have a chance to deal with the situation.” Seeing Gareth frowning, he asks, “You’re still worried?”

“Yes,” says the paladin, “It’s been two days since we last spoke. Lalia’s going to kill me!”

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Sweet - threatening blowhards is always fun! :)

I suspect you're just using work as an excuse though - it took you all those weeks to think of the word "betokening" :lol:

The new gamer is due in March, assuming all goes well. I imagine it will come as a shock, no matter how well-prepared we think we are. (Currently, not.) Can't wait though!


First Post
I was thinking of keeping shilsen strapped to my hot water heater, in the basement, so he can write more but I was told by D.H.L. & I.N.S. that is not allowed because his VISA status is in order. Now I'm just waiting to get him on tape saying the wrong thing so I can keep him locked up under the Patriot act :)


Just noticed you only need 30 page views for the 100,000.
Come on! Come on!

Thanks to your post I see we're actually at 99,999 now, so this should do it :)

On the gaming front I've been busy trying to wrap up the second module of the Kingmaker AP with the group* before college reopens for me on Wednesday, but I do have half of the next Guardian Angels writeup done. So you can expect it ... er, sometime.

* I changed a few things so they're about to go up against a triceratops-riding-bralani-eladrin. Don't worry - it makes sense in context. Or something.


The first stop for the Guardian Angels is the Great Crag in Droaam. Having been forewarned of their arrival via sendings, two of the Daughters of Sora Kell—the blind seer Sora Teraza and her diplomat sister, Sora Katra—are awaiting them, since the third—Sora Maenya—is away leading the armies of Droaam against the aberration incursions in the country.

The two hags are naturally very interested in what has transpired for the Guardian Angels thus far, particularly the details regarding the end of the Silver Flame and the situation with Mual-Tar. Sora Teraza, unsurprisingly, was instantly aware of the passing of the Silver Flame, an event so monumental that, she says, many of the more powerful diviners around Khorvaire—and possibly elsewhere in Eberron—would have automatically noticed it in some way.

Once the Angels have related some of what occurred, they ask the hags for a favor – to be allowed to retain the six trolls from Sora Maenya’s guard. “We’ve found them very useful,” Gareth says, “And considering that we are about to continue pursuing the Worm and fighting Xoriat, we could use the help.”

“They’re all alive, for one thing,” says Korm, before chuckling, “And, believe me, that’s not what usually happens to people who get in a fight with us – whether on our side or the other!”

Sora Teraza turns her sightless face towards her sister. “That would be possible, yes?”

“Of course,” smiles the slender young elfmaid that is Sora Katra’s current form. “We’d be very happy to acquiesce. Especially,” she laughs, “Since Maenya is not here. She was not … pleased when we told her that we had loaned six of her prized warriors to you.”

“Good. I would not want her angry with us,” says Six, with utter seriousness. “I know your nation is the primary source of byeshk on the continent. Would you be able to find the right sized byeshk weapons for the trolls?”

“Of course,” repeats Sora Katra. “Give us two days and we shall have them fully equipped for you.”

“Thanks,” says Luna. “You’re very helpful. I don’t get why everyone says you’re evil, baby-eating, monster hag people!”

There is a moment of utter silence, before it is broken by a long and raucous guffaw from Sora Katra which belies her appearance. “I sometimes wonder that myself,” she says, when her merriment has diminished slightly. “And we’re happy to help. As we’ve said, we’re quite aware of the ways in which your continuing presence and activities benefits Khorvaire and, by extension, us. Is there anything else we might do to aid you?”

“Well,” rasps Nameless, “This is a small issue in the scheme of the things we’ve been dealing with, but it’s a personal one. Could you tell us how much a Daask drug den goes for?”

The silence this time is just a little longer before Sora Katra asks, curiosity and amusement warring in her tone, “I beg your pardon?”

“Oh – I see where this is going!” says Korm, a broad grin stealing over his face.

“You know what happened to us with the attack on the Daask drug den in Sharn a little over six months ago,” explains Nameless, “And six months is the period that we promised no hostilities against them. Frankly, it’s an embarrassment I’d like to wipe off. Since I don’t want this to be a sticking point between us, I’d be pleased to pay for all the damages to your organization before I blow up one of them.”

Sora Katra chortles and nods. “I see your point. Reputation is important. Why don’t you give me the two days that we’ll need to outfit the trolls and I’ll get back to you about which one I’d prefer you to, er, explode. And you don’t need to pay for any damages. We do need to … liquidate some unsatisfactory employees once in a while to make a point, so you can do that for us.”

“Thank you,” says the alienist. “If you simply had them present at the drug den in question, we'd happily take care of it. I should mention that I’d appreciate it if you picked a location where collateral damage would be minimal. And we’ll also take out a Boromar drug den to even things out. We owe them a lesson too.”

“That’s us,” laughs Luna, “Equal opportunity avengers!”

With that additional little detail taken care of, the Guardian Angels take their leave of the hags, promising to return in two days to pick up the trolls. Sora Teraza also promises that she will inform them of anything else she might learn in the interim that may help their cause.

* * *
The next stop is Sharn. As usual, the group reappears in the Gray House to find Fett and Trillia awaiting them. The major-domo and Nameless’ former mentor both confirm that things are quite stable in Sharn, with only minor signs of aberration activity since the last large attack that the Angels thwarted nearly three months ago.

Once Nameless explains to Trillia what he and the others have recently achieved and done, he asks, “Any interest in actually visiting Xoriat? I will admit that even though my understanding and comprehension of the plane’s nature were fundamentally perfect before I experienced it, there’s a certain pleasure to be had in actually seeing seventh-dimensional flux realities in play,” he chuckles harshly, “And especially in their 'native' habitat.”

Trillia smiles in return but shakes her head hurriedly. “When I began to study Xoriat’s nature and influences, I never dreamed that I’d one day have the option of traveling there. Or,” she grimaces slightly, “Having it travel to my city. So – no, thank you. I’m perfectly happy retaining only an 'academic interest' in Xoriat.”

Once they have spoken with Trillia and Fett, the Guardian Angels head in various directions. Knowing that they will in all likelihood have to enter the Mournland to deal with Mual-Tar, they decide to obtain as much aid as possible. So Nameless teleports them to New Cyre, to meet with their old comrade Corven. They find the latter to now be the primary magical adviser to Prince Oargev ir'Wynarn, but he is—as always—happy to take time away from his duties to meet his former allies. Particularly when they mention what they are about to attempt. In the space of only an hour, decisions and agreements are made, Corven promising that in three days time he will have a squad of skilled Cyran artificers, warriors and scouts ready to accompany the Guardian Angels into the Mournland.

During the meeting, Six suggests that the group make use of airships as they did during the Battle of Flamekeep, perhaps using their link with Mual-Tar to allow them to fly over the Dead-Gray Mist until near its location and then be lowered through it. While the suggestion obviously has a number of risks, the others agree that it is as feasible as any to enter the Mournland, and decide to follow it.

To that end, once they have taken their leave of Corven and teleported back to Sharn, Six visits one of the House Sivis enclaves and obtains the swiftest form of magical communication possible, sending the captains of the two airships that participated in the recent battle a detailed explanation of what they need. Knowing that the message will take at least a day to get through, he adds the information that the Angels will expect an answer in two days.

Six then proceeds to descend to the Cogs below Sharn, stopping at the Pool of Onatar to speak to the warforged religious leader Smith, before heading to the Red Hammer inn to speak to the owners, Blue and Crucible. He learns there that the warforged in Sharn are actually doing quite well for themselves recently. Now that the city has not been attacked in a while, their skills and unsleeping vigor are in major demand due to the nation’s war footing. As the warforged as individuals and as a community have been earning more and getting somewhat better treatment, they have also been following through on their aim to buy out as many of the indentured servitude contracts as possible, doing so at an exponentially faster rate now. House Cannith has also been delivering on their promise to aid in this regard. Pleased to hear this news, Six spends a couple of hours at the inn, catching up on details and indulging in the warforged-specific delicacies that Blue and Crucible make.

While Six is busy with the warforged, Nameless, Luna and Korm visit the central House Cannith enclave. There they set up a meeting with Baron Merrix, where they mention the planned-for expedition and ask for aid with artificers. The Baron quickly agrees, saying that he will obtain the services of however many people he can provide at short notice.

Gareth, meanwhile, first makes a stop at the Cathedral of the Silver Flame. There he discovers that—as he had expected—most of the people there have lost the spellcasting ability they possessed, with only some retaining a fairly diminished volume of it. Even Archierophant Ythana Morr has utterly lost her spellcasting abilities. The paladin barely manages to keep a smirk of his face at the news of her current condition, and takes great joy in saying, “I would like to address the people here. Now that many have lost the favor of the Silver Flame, I believe those of us still blessed by it need to be an inspiration to the others.” Though clearly reluctant, the Archierophant has little choice but to accede to the request, though Gareth thinks he faintly hears gnashing teeth when he isn't looking. Stepping up to the pulpit, the paladin delivers a rousing speech, where he both talks about what transpired at the Battle of Flamekeep and about the need to retain faith and courage in this difficult time. When he is done, Gareth thanks Ythana Morr and reassures her with exaggerated good cheer, before exiting the Cathedral with a broad smile on his face.

Having dealt with the Cathedral, Gareth then moves to a much more complicated and dangerous task – facing Lalia. As expected, there is shouting, kissing, more shouting, hugging, and the odd clout to the head, but at least he emerges without permanent damage. The paladin accepts it all with as good a grace as he can, especially since he has little basis for argument when his fiancee points out that he did not even stop by for a moment after he returned, even though he knew that she had just spent a month thinking that he was dead and had lost her sister. After profusely apologizing and taking recourse in repeated references to the importance of his task in Flamekeep, Gareth gingerly mentions that the fact that he is leaving again on the morrow, which leads to another bout of shouting. Once she has calmed somewhat, Lalia peremptorily informs him that he is going to be spending the rest of the day with him, though she does send him away so she can get ready for dinner while he tells his companions that he has plans with her.

Once he has done so and rejoined her, Lalia and Gareth proceed to have a night on the town, first attending a play and then going to dinner at one of the most expensive of restaurants. Over dinner, the Sentinel Marshal mentions that she has a gift for Gareth. When the paladin opens the box she proffers, he discovers it to be a simple blue pendant on a silver chain. “It's a speaking stone,” Lalia explains, “One that you can use once a day to contact me. From now on, I expect to hear from you between seven and eight every night. Definitely by eight. If I don't hear from you any day, I'll assume you're dead and come looking for you,” she smiles sweetly, “And you better be dead.”

Gareth nods hurriedly and assures Lalia that nothing short of daelkyr lords and giant magic-eating serpents will keep him from staying in touch.

* * * * * * * * * *
The next morning, the Guardian Angels depart from Sharn, Nameless teleporting them to a spot on the edge of the Mournland, in the same general location as the spot where they believe Mual-Tar entered it. Once they arrive, looking around they can see many signs of creatures having moved into the Mournland through the surrounding area, with discarded equipment and other objects dropped here and there. Being only a short distance from the area where the Worm entered, the Angels head towards it. And only a minute later, they top a small rise to see a group of a little over fifty aberrations—dolgrims, dolgaunts, some athachs and a couple of mind-flayers—some three hundred feet away, clearly about to enter the Mournland.

Unfortunately for the unlucky aberrations, the Angels react instantly – and with extreme prejudice.

Nameless calls upon his newly-gained powers, drawing on Xoriat to simultaneously call forth his Aspect and wrap a manifestation of the plane of madness around him as an armor of shimmering energy. Not quite done, he then casts another spell, this one actually conjuring up dozens of crackling, razor-thin shards of energy. These are actually physical manifestations of Xoriat's infinite planes, which tear through the area—and those unfortunate enough to occupy it—in a roiling frenzy*. A couple of them are instantly ripped apart by the eruption of arcane energy, while others fall dying as they struggle to flee.

Before the startled aberrations can respond, Luna and Korm cast the same spell in unison. Giant walls of water** appear on either side of the aberration force, before sweeping forward with a dull rumble. Dolgrims, dolgaunts and mind-flayers are bowled off their feet, crushed instantly beneath the tons of rushing water, with only some of the huge athachs remaining upright.

When the threefold magical assault ends, less than five seconds after it began, only seven of the fifty creatures are left alive – six athachs and one dolgaunt. The latter, badly wounded, leaps away and looks around desperately for an escape route. And then goes utterly rigid, as Six uses a ring of telekinesis to grasp it from a distance.

Even slower of thought and action, the athachs are still roaring their pain and confusion when Nameless dimension doors himself close to them, bringing Gareth and Korm with him. The paladin instantly beheads an athach with a slash of the Endless Blade, while Korm—having prepared for such an opportunity before leaving Sharn—leaps between two athachs and ignites a handful of fire seeds to incinerate both of them, his innate resistance to fire leaving him only lightly scorched.

The three remaining athachs howl in rage and attack, only for their huge clubs to bounce harmlessly off the myriad protective enchantments benefiting their foes. Nameless doesn't even bother retreating from the one on him but calmly casts another spell, causing it to howl even more loudly as the flesh begins to be flayed off its bones***. Gareth blasts another into ashes with a golden bolt of glory that shoots from his palm, while Korm begins to indulge in the joy of actual physical combat, slashing one deeply before burying his fangs in its shoulder as well.

Having disposed of his foe, Gareth turns to charge Nameless' target, only for the alienist to snap, “Leave my athach alone! I'm studying the effects of this spell to determine its tactical viability!”

“Yeah, whatever,” says Gareth, changing direction to hurl himself sword-first at Korm's foe, who goes down instantly with a cloven skull.

“Spoilsport!” the Gatekeeper says, before pushing Gareth aside to step in the way of another athach. Its club, intended for Gareth's back, impacts solidly on Korm's bare chest. To the short-lived surprised of the athach, the orcish warrior only grins broadly at the impact. “That's not a hit!”, he say, before driving his meteoric blade hilt-deep into the athach's chest. “That's a hit!”

As the athach falls, its unfortunate compatriot collapses at Nameless' feet, its screams silenced as the magical assault finally rips it to shreds. The alienist considers it dispassionately and then nods, “That'll do.”

The sole remaining aberration, the dolgaunt, has been struggling desperately to free itself from Six's control, to no avail. Its attempts finally cease when a gigantic bear leaps upon it. Luna roars and opens her jaws wide, only for Six to shout, “Don't kill it! I wanted it for information!” With a disappointed growl, Luna settles for pinning it firmly to the ground.

“I've got it,” says Korm, walking over and fixing the creature with a stare. Green flecks momentarily glow in his eyes as he calls upon his Gatekeeper training, attempting to use the powers of nature to affect the dolgaunt's alien mind.

The aberration struggles feebly under Luna's paw, attempting to resist the intrusion, and then goes rigid for a moment. Then it shakes its head slightly and, turning the empty sockets of its eyes on Korm, inquires, “What is wrong … master?”

Seeing that it has been affected and wanting to heighten its uncertainty, Nameless replies, “We are your true masters. Your leaders have failed us. Do not make the same mistake.”

The dolgaunt certainly looks even more confused, as it hesitantly replies, “I am … sorry. I don't know anything.”

“No,” says Korm, gesturing for Luna to release it, “You might have valuable information, which we would appreciate. Tell us how you came here.”

The dolgaunt hurriedly rises and hastens to answer in as much detail as possible. It says that the group was part of a larger force which fell afoul of Thranish forces a week ago, hence their smaller numbers. They were ordered to return to the Mournland two days ago and to head towards their lord's lair, at a place which it calls “the ziggurat of serpents”.

“Who is your lord?” asks Six.

“The lord Antaratma – that which dwells within!”

Six glances at the others. “I thought we might not be done with that one,” he says, before again addressing the dolgaunt. “How did you receive the order? From him?”

As he asks the question, Nameless sighs softly and mutters, “I thought he died far too easily.”

“EASILY?” Gareth stares at the alienist. “Are you joking? He almost killed us!”

“Not me! I was fine!” grunts Luna, but Nameless ignores her and says, his tone pedantic and a trifle impatient, “Gareth – Antaratma is a daelkyr lord. Emphasis on lord. Nobody in Khorvaire, not even the Gatekeepers at the height of their powers, has ever slain one. That's why they had to be sealed away in Khyber rather than killed, since they simply reform if they are physically destroyed.”

“But we hit it with the Silver Flame,” complains Luna, still being ignored. “Maybe we needed more Flame?”

The dolgaunt glances at the byplay in a confused manner and then answers Korm, “I do not know. One of the illithids told us and said it was very important.”

More questioning ascertains that one of the mind-flayers had been implanted with a “hearing stone” which allowed it to receive messages from certain central stones that the leaders of the aberration forces used, which could simultaneously contact all the hearing stones at once. The Angels also learn that the spot where the ziggurat of serpents is located is near “the edge of the land of glass” within the Mournland.

Once they have the information, the Angels discuss among themselves what they should do next and how to dispose of the dolgaunt. As they are considering the issue, the creature diffidently says, “Can I come with you? I can … er, carry your things?”

Korm stares at it for a moment and then chortles. “That's great,” he says, before turning back to the others. “Now we'll have to give him a banner!”

Six emits a mechanical chuckle. “So are we claiming the Mournland then?”

“Excellent,” laughs Luna. “That would just give me so much more space to decorate!”

They pause in their merriment to see that Nameless has walked away to one of the mind-flayer corpses. The alienist gestures them over and says, “We might as well question them too. Gareth – did you come prepared?”

“Yes,” says the paladin. “One speak with dead coming right up.” He proceeds to cast the spell, causing the corpse to twitch and move its tentacles. “It worked. All right – we have eight questions. What do we ask?”

After a quick discussion, the Guardian Angels begin to ask their questions, modifying some based on the answers they receive:

Q: What is at the Ziggurat of Serpents?
A: Our lord, Antaratma, and the Chaos Serpent.

Q: Is anything else there?
A: His servants who serve him.

Q: What servants?
A: Creatures of Xoriat, like me.

Q: Specifically what servants?
A: There is no fixed group. It is whoever the lord calls to him to serve his bidding.

Q: Who was the source of the orders to return?
A: The Tentacles of Antaratma – his mind flayer generals.

Q: What can you tell us about the mind flayer generals?
A: They are the six who were brought from Xoriat and raised to lead the armies. They are mighty in arms and magic, unlike most of our kind.

Q: What is the function of the ziggurat?
A: That is where the great ritual will occur.

Q: When will the great ritual occur?
A: I do not know, but soon, since the Chaos Serpent has returned.

“That 'great ritual' sounds so promising!” grunts Luna, once the corpse is quiescent again, the magic that animated it having passed. “I wonder what it is.”

“Whatever it is,” says Six thoughtfully, “The time does seem to fit with what Xagygyrag had told me.”

“That damn dragon!” grimaces Gareth, shaking his head at the memory of the one creature which forced the Guardian Angels to surrender and actually give up some of them—him included—to it. “Remind us again of what he said.”

Six reaches into his magical haversack and extracts a sheaf of parchments, which he leafs through till he finds the correct one. “Good thing I took notes,” he comments, before reading out, “He said that for the ritual to work one would have to ensure that enough blood has been spilt. And that one would need someone at each seal to activate them at once. I wonder if that is the case here. For the moment to be 'most propitious,'” he quotes, “One would need as many full moons – or new moons, but not both – at once as possible, but Xaggy couldn't say how many we would need. But he did say that the time when Mabar, the plane of Endless Night, is coterminous with ours would be a perfect time. And though that occurs for only three dark nights once every five years, he said it would happen within a few months. Which,” says Six, as he puts away the parchments, “Was a few months ago, so I assume it's close.”

“In eight days, actually,” says Nameless, having been silently calculating in his head for the last few seconds.

“That's useful to know,” says Luna. “But I just wish we knew more about this ritual.”

“Maybe we can,” says Korm, indicating the second mind-flayer corpse near them. “Gareth, can you do that again?”

“Sure,” says the paladin, pulling out a pearl of power to allow him to use the spell a second time. The magic successfully takes hold of the second mind-flayer too, and the Angels begin on the next set of questions.

Q: What is the great ritual?
A: The ritual will open the seals that are still closed in this world, opening all the world to Xoriat and releasing the other daelkyr lords.

Q: What is required for the great ritual?
A: Enough soul energy.

Q: Who will carry out the great ritual?
A: Antaratma, with Mual-Tar’s aid.

Q: Is Antaratma alive?
A: Yes, of course.

Q: Can the ritual be completed without the ziggurat?
A: No, that is what it was built for.

Q: What are the dimensions of the ziggurat?
A: It is 120 feet tall and 200 long and wide.

Q: Would Mual-Tar’s magic-affecting field disrupt the ritual?
A: Probably

Q: Does the ziggurat contain a manifest zone to Xoriat?
A: Yes

Once this corpse too collapses back into death, the Guardian Angels look at each other. Nameless says, “Unfortunate, but hardly surprising. I presume we will need to head into the Mournland to ascertain exactly what the situation is.”

“All right, but what do we do with that?” asks Six, indicating the dolagunt, which is staying at a distance but watching the Angels hopefully.

“I know,” says Korm. Requesting the portable hole from Nameless, he places it on the ground and calls the dolgaunt over. “I want you to …,” he begins, before pausing and then turning his back on the creature, “Scratch just below my left shoulder-blade.”

As the creature confusedly complies, Gareth says, “What?!”

“Oh, that's not the plan,” replies Korm. “I just got itchy. Now, you,” he indicates the hole to the dolgaunt. “Get in. You'll be safe there. Just keep breathing from that bottle in there.”

Though clearly reluctant, the dolgaunt follows the Gatekeeper's direction. Once it has done so, Korm waves cheerily down at it and then picks up the portable hole, which he hands back to Nameless.

The alienist puts it away and then points at the Dead-Gray Mist. “Time to go in. Again.”

* Maw of Chaos (Spell Compendium), which happens to do 1d6/level damage, so 17d6 in Nameless' case (no save), in a 30 ft diameter circle in the round it is cast and for each of the next 16 rounds. With a Will save to avoid being dazed for 1 round and Concentration checks needed for casting in the area.

** Tsunami (Spell Compendium), with Korm and Luna currently create a 340 ft long and 40 ft high wave of water, doing 17d6 damage (Fort half) and threatening to carry away creatures smaller than Gargantuan, dealing the damage every round.

*** Flensing (Spell Compendium), which does 1d6 pts of Charisma and Constitution damage each round for 4 rounds, allowing a Fort save to negate the damage only for that round.


First Post
1) Destroying a drug den based on an old grudge - Check
2) Hanging out at a bar with old friends - Check
3) Going on a date with the fiancee - Check
4) Preventing the end of the world - Pending

The Guardian Angels definitely have their priorities :)


Goodnessme, that's quite the build-up.
With all that preparation, the final battle will be a walkover ;-)
That's just scratching the surface of the build-up. By the time we got to the final battle, which spanned sessions 100-101 of our campaign, the PCs had pulled in almost every favor and contact that they'd managed to accrue over the previous 99 sessions and 5 years of gaming. It was glorious!


First Post
That's just scratching the surface of the build-up. By the time we got to the final battle, which spanned sessions 100-101 of our campaign, the PCs had pulled in almost every favor and contact that they'd managed to accrue over the previous 99 sessions and 5 years of gaming. It was glorious!

We weren't above begging, offering sex, bribes...we felt like politicians

Voidrunner's Codex

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