D&D General Shocked how hard it is to get new players now-a-days


#1 couple in anime
In a physical game at a game shop. I have no desire to play online.

I've been trying to get 2 more players for a while. A lot of bites but I bring next to nothing to shore.

I've tried friends and family. Had one cousin express interest but never show.
Friends, same thing. "Sounds cool" but don't show. Even when they lament about not having anything to do that day.
Online boards in my metro area. Made a post about what I'm DMing and wanting players. I've had 3 people say they wished to join. None of them actually show.
People at the store approach and ask if they can play next week. Sure! Don't show.

Closest I had was a co worker and his 2 friends. All 3 showed. Next week the co-worker was sent to another state for surprise job training and his 2 friends were MIA.

I asked my local store to put up a notice board so I can put a posting, can't be bothered.

Why is this so hard? I thought this was the RPG golden age?

I had a much easier time getting players to a table for 3rd and 4th ed. This is like pulling teeth. If my current group ever decided to break up, I don't know what I'd do.

Edit: Some seem to miss that this is less about "no potential players" and more "just don't show up after expressing interest".
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Why is this so hard? I thought this was the RPG golden age?

I had a much easier time getting players to a table for 3rd and 4th ed. This is like pulling teeth. If my current group ever decided to break up, I don't know what I'd do.

Why is it hard? Because people's time is hard to get a hold of. Previous editions were decades ago now, with different socio-economic situations for the players, different entertainment landscapes, and so on.

Indeed, in the middle of a Golden Age, you'd expect that a lot of players were already playing what they could play, without extra time on their hands. It is in the lean times that there are players going spare.

Use to use yahoo meetiups. Is that still a thing? Reddit, our own ENWorld. Other hobby gamer groups or cafes were there still might be the RPG curious?

Or go hybrid. Or don’t.

Myself and a few other DMs in my area have had success in the less traditional places. We have done the public library thing with an overwhelming attendance...had to bring 2 other DMs in. There are local pubs and breweries who do a game night, and we always have a full table and the majority of them are regular attendees.

If you haven't tried these avenues and are open to them, I'd suggest getting the word out. The pub owners around here say that they don't have a hard time getting customers in, it's just getting them to stay is the problem. So, they were very open to a game nights.

In a physical game at a game shop. I have no desire to play online.
There's your answer.

It's 2024 and post-pandemic. Many people live a lot of their lives online. When you cut all of those folks out, you are left with a smaller potential audience.

You might get lucky -- keep checking with libraries and game shops and whatever you call those bars that promote board and roleplaying games -- but it might be that, in your area, most people want to recreate online, at least initially.
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Myself and a few other DMs in my area have had success in the less traditional places. We have done the public library thing with an overwhelming attendance...had to bring 2 other DMs in. There are local pubs and breweries who do a game night, and we always have a full table and the majority of them are regular attendees.

If you haven't tried these avenues and are open to them, I'd suggest getting the word out. The pub owners around here say that they don't have a hard time getting customers in, it's just getting them to stay is the problem. So, they were very open to a game nights.
How did you get the library thing going? Can you explain how it all went down?

Back in '09 my friends all dried up as a gaming source for me. I joined a local Pathfinder Society as a way to meet gamers. Its great becasue its low commitment and you can GM if you like or just play. The best part, is seeing who consistently shows up and find out if you have matching playstyles. I was able to forge a solid gaming group that lasted for a decade of non-stop fun. You can always look at PFS or D&D version adventurers league AL.

I have never had any success, online or otherwise, asking folks to just randomly assemble for a long campaign play. Its just not the way to do it. Also, you may not want to play online, but you must communicate online. Nobody is going to check a game store wall like its 1998 anymore.

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