Spoilers Shogun 2024

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Up to episode 3. It's really good. My only complaint thus far is the soft filter effect used near the end of episode three to make the obvious future romantic pairing look like the cover of a cheap romance novel - that took me out of the show and actually made me lol. But that's a pretty minor criticism.

I particularly love how everyone thinks everyone else is a savage.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Up to episode 3. It's really good. My only complaint thus far is the soft filter effect used near the end of episode three to make the obvious future romantic pairing look like the cover of a cheap romance novel - that took me out of the show and actually made me lol. But that's a pretty minor criticism.

I particularly love how everyone thinks everyone else is a savage.
The romance got a lil away from them in the original 80's version as well.


The end of episode 9 is a change from the original I believe? I feel like Mariko's death is one thing I actually remembered from the original, and I thought a ninja got her with a sword, with a line of blood splattered on the rice paper wall.

Voidrunner's Codex

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