D&D (2024) Should all races/lineages have +2/+1/+1 ASI?

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
If your species' ability scores are what make it interesting you already have a failed design.
This is the popular opinion around here, but I haven't spoken to a single person outside of the online communities (ie, in real life) about moving ASIs off of races who didn't think that was stupid.


This is the popular opinion around here, but I haven't spoken to a single person outside of the online communities (ie, in real life) about moving ASIs off of races who didn't think that was stupid.
if abilities only affected ability checks, that is had nothing to do with AC, DC, attacks, and saves then I would support 100% fixed racial ability bonuses for races from +/- 2 up to +/- 8.
hell, we can then include gender bonuses/penalties.

Voidrunner's Codex

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