Sigil Setting: Combat Tavern?


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Go for it - the idea is absolutely amazing! I know I'll send a few chars there myself. And, on the side, I agree with Imreis - the new tavern should have it's own golem.

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It'd be the first place I could get away with starting a bar brawl, without Siani looking on disapprovingly...

It's not going to have one of those 'all blood spatter goes away' things, is it? I kind of like the idea of having to step over part of an arm and blood puddle to make it to the bar... which has several interesting dents and teeth impressions in it.


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A bar with a razorvine fence mesh screen to protect the talent behind it, a golem that resembles Cheech Marin from Desperio "the bartender never dies!", hazy smoke from a hundred different narotics from a dozen prime material worlds and a few lower planes, a pool table (yes a pool table), dirty cups and even dirtier food fare, blood and sooth stained floor, mephits waiting on the side on their break arguing who's going to clean up the next mess, and a undead zombie named Kim that acts as a message board with dozen of notes darted into em.

Just some suggestions or ideas. I also like Shankgolem or the Short Barkeep.


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a place my assassin will feel at home at! finally! WOOOHOOO!!! I think Nevvies idea names for the golem are frickin' awesome!
this is a GREAT idea! kind of like the old CRT back when the site was TSR! but yeah I know it won't be CRT but hey I won't complain it's an unrestricted tavern, which I think is really needed.


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Toxicsyn said:
A bar with a razorvine fence mesh screen to protect the talent behind it, a golem that resembles Cheech Marin from Desperio "the bartender never dies!", hazy smoke from a hundred different narotics from a dozen prime material worlds and a few lower planes, a pool table (yes a pool table), dirty cups and even dirtier food fare, blood and sooth stained floor, mephits waiting on the side on their break arguing who's going to clean up the next mess, and a undead zombie named Kim that acts as a message board with dozen of notes darted into em.
Brilliance. Complete and total brilliance.

This entire concept will not only make the Hive more real, but I've got a feeling that many old hands may find their way back to the chats if this happens. I know many of my characters would fit right in. :p


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*grins* Give the Golem a menu list of booze and weapons! Your char can go up to him and order a whiskey and a dagger all at once ;) That would be great!


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should we really be promoting drug use guys? we need to remember there are minors on the site. sorry but I know I would never let my kids chat on a site where that is mentioned

but I do love the idea of the new form for it, it reminds me much of the old CRT back from the days of TSR :)

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