Sigil Setting: Combat Tavern?


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I almost forgot about rafters! ahhh I remember the days of old when my main chara would just sit up there drinking beer and throwing peanuts....

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I believe rafters are a nice touch, I always wanted to have metal threaded and barbed bandings around it that would make for a nice not so cushy seating, but yes I did distain the peanut throwing because no one would allow anything to come of it, its annoyance was great and still you could not do much against the peanut flicking offender. *cry*

I would like to ask this, not so much a rule but a well gray area.

To station on the tavern wall someplace, an 'enter at own risk.' I do not thing that people looking to have a nice peacful evening of drinking and well casuall conversation should feel welcome in a place that will be combat oriented, I guess maybe im going overboard in saying this, but characters should be warned that they could get harmed, by a person or inadvertently through thrown objects and such and well should respect the setting as much as we are suppost to respect the non-combat setting. Like I said, maybe im out of line.

nough said


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Meh said:
To station on the tavern wall someplace, an 'enter at own risk.'

Sign on the front door reads, "Proprietor not responsible for death or maiming"

Behind the bar, "Do not as the bartender to mix silly drinks"


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Hey Magi_Trelian, seems like most the old timers are behind you on this one....infact seems like a lot of ISRP is behind :] RUN MAN RUN!

Seriously though I'm impressed. This is the best and most fun idea I've heard yet. I could seriously see this tavern becoming as popular if not more popular then CrossRoads ((Sorry Siani!)). But inquiring minds want to know......will you let pets in? Cause Ruthia's got a pet Firelizard who'd love to come in and dive bomb people who tick his big friend off *grins* Just wondering!


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That should be interesting, I might bring back an old char just for that room or have my current one go there without his mask... perhaps not, he has a mystery to maintain.

But instead of a golem, give it a goblin bartender.


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>>I could seriously see this tavern becoming as popular if not more popular then CrossRoads ((Sorry Siani!)).<<

*is amused* Why for? I'm not. *grins* I agreed with the idea when she floated it to me the other night. I don't mind fighting in bars. Just not mine. ;)

Looks like it will be a hit. Enjoy it gang!



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Ruthia said:
Hey Magi_Trelian, seems like most the old timers are behind you on this one....infact seems like a lot of ISRP is behind :] RUN MAN RUN!

Seriously though I'm impressed. This is the best and most fun idea I've heard yet. I could seriously see this tavern becoming as popular if not more popular then CrossRoads ((Sorry Siani!)). But inquiring minds want to know......will you let pets in? Cause Ruthia's got a pet Firelizard who'd love to come in and dive bomb people who tick his big friend off *grins* Just wondering!
Of course you can bring pets in, and play animal chars, too! The Sigil rooms (Bazaar and Hive) are both unrestricted settings, though we expect the characters to be generally RPG heroic-fantasy-related so try not to label them as Smurfs or Vulcan Star Fleet officers.

However, remember it's a combat room. If your cute little firelizard divebombs the nerdy mage, he might be the target of a 35th level fireball in return. Same goes for those throwing peanuts from the rafters. ;-)

Gladiatorial combat is also allowed. Someone's even suggested a magic-warded cage for that to keep spectators from getting singed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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