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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 2: The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar


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Arnir fidgets nervously on the shore. Though he can swim, he doubts he would be in any position to cast spells if he was under water.

What is this thing...Why did it come here, and why was it imprisoned in the first place....and where in Mystra's name is that devil? Gods save us all.

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Seeing that Hrimr is having trouble, Torrent tries to assist once again. Still holding her breath, she braces one boot against the great stag and the other on the hilt of the sword. Signalling to Hrimr, she prepares to assist once again.


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Hrimr' your tentacles grip the sword and you can see that Torrent is struggling to assist you. You heave back and after a few moments of strained muscles and blood rushing to your eyes, you feel the sword give slightly and then quickly slide out of the lake bottom. The sword delivers images, messages, smells and sights that tell you a story of the forest over a thousand years: birth of the trees, the elves, the Seela, primordial beings and incomprehensible masses of energy that sear your minds' eye. However, before the whole tale of the sword is told to you, both you and Torrent slip off the grip. While stag is no longer pinned to the earth, the sword remains impaled within its body.

The stag kicks off from the bottom of the lake and speeds towards the surface, leaving a boiling contrail as it heads for shore. To those above the water, you see a massive stag emerge from the lake in a burst of water and steam. It stands in the shallows and rears onto his hind legs, displaying its crown of flaming antlers. A great wooden sword sits embedded in its clearly undead flesh and fire blazes along its body.

Indomitability screams within the minds of the party as it prepares to charge the Seela village:

"Yes! Freedom! Now to have my revenge and end this song forever!"


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Kirio looks at the monstrous new presence and sighs loudly as he shakes his head
I promised myself I would not do this sort of thing anymore... ah well...

Kirio screams out so that both Indomitability and the Seela can hear "STOP! Indomitability, we have freed you from the lake, you are free to go. Will you leave peacefully if the Seela cease their song? Were it not for us you would still be at the bottom of that filthy lake stewing in your own rage. Will you leave if the song stops?"


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The great stag lowers its head and stares its lifeless eyes into Kirio's. The entity contained within replies in your minds.

"You will cease their song, or I will. I have remained a prisoner within this lifeless cage for too long. I will stay my rage and leave this forest to the fires so long as they stop singing immediately."

Vuhl races to the shore and cries out: "Listen to the Elf you fools! End the Song of Forms! End it!"

While most of the Seela villagers are backing away or have fled to their caves and huts, the few singers in the tower have not ceased their song. Papuvin has joined them in the tower and is ignoring Vuhl. He joins in singing the song in order to encourage others.


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Kirio grinds his teeth at the stuburnous of the signers, he screams out to the tower "Papuvin listen to me! You must stop; only if you break the cycle will your people be free to live normal lives once more. If you stop this vile creature will leave, the fire will finally spend itself out and you and the forest can be renewed." he implores the other signers as well "Do you not wish to spend your existence once more caring for the forest and its creatures, do you actually crave an everlasting existence of pain and suffering surrounded by nothing but death and fire? You must STOP!"

To the spirit in the Stag and the Seela at large "The sword that bound you to the bottom of the lake is now bonded to one of my partners. So long as he survives, so will you. You must allow us to remove it if they stop their song..."
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The Bashar

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As Hrimr loses his grip on the sword he speeds away after Indomitability as quickly as a squid can go in water. When he reaches shallow enough water he turns back into a Dwarf and runs out of the water. As he hears Kirio plead to the Seela and Indomitability he adds his own voice.

"Timbre has bound the sword, the first tree, and the forest to me. I will be its caretaker. The cycle must be broken. The forest must be left to burn only to be reborn once again. Let me have the sword and we can all begin anew."


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Papuvin stares down at Kirio and Hrimr from his perch in the tower. At first he looks confused and hesitant to stop, but when he hears that Hrimr has become the caretaker of the branch of the first tree, he holds out his hands and urges his fellow Seela to silence the song. They close their mouths, one at a time and stare back at their village elder with fear and anxiety on their faces.

"We end the song for the caretaker, for he has bonded with Timbre's tree." says Papuvin, "But if the beast shows treachery we shall take up the cause again and sing forever!"

The Stag stares at the Seela for what seems like an eternity. Flames dance along its body as it considers its options. It raises a hoof, as if to charge the tower, but a voice cries out from nearby.

"We are free Brother, come let us flee!" You turn to see that the source of the voice is Vuhl, and he stands raising both hands into the air.

With a final rear and a snort of smoke and steam, the stag suddenly goes lifeless and topples into the ashen water with a large splash. The wooden sword sits impaled in its lifeless body. Likewise, Vuhl's body goes limp as a corpse and falls face-first onto the ground. Above you, two distinct ethereal shapes are drawn forth from the two bodies.

The first, drawn from the stag appears as a dragon, blazing with inferno-like flames. It stares down at you with eyes that reveal unmatched strength and inner will. The second, pulled from Vuhl's corpse appears as a strange black cloud of confusion. Dozens of squirming tentacles struggle to hide beneath the surface of this creature’s oily black body, giving its skin the appearance of a squamous underground sea. Though vaguely humanoid, with its four longest
tentacles having the impression of arms and legs, this creature’s head is expressionless, its intentions impossible to perceive.

Indomitability's voice rips into your minds:

"You have honoured our agreement and so may keep your lives and my boon. Perhaps we will meet again."

[sblock="for Lars"]Vuhl's voice slips into your mind as you stare up at his inconceivable form: "Your blood is blessed from our kind and your lineage is that of us. Of Trilla. Listen to your dreams, for that is where we are born. Remember my words human."[/sblock]

The two entities then vanish in a burst of energy and a blinding light. Papuvin, Tiljann and others look down at Vuhl's now dead body, and then towards Hrimr as if expecting the self-declared caretaker to produce an instant miracle.

Then light pierces through the smoke above the lake as a mighty wind sweeps across. The forest fire roars, and then the flames sputter and die as Hrimr draws the greatsword from the soggy dead body of the stag. For a moment the trees threaten to crack and fall, but with the blade in the dwarf's hands, life ever so faintly returns to them. Though injured and weak, none fall. It is possible to believe that, given time, the forest will heal. The constant thrum of the raging inferno is gone, replaced by the dim sound of leaves rustling in the wind.

Laughs and gasps of amazement come up from the villagers. Like the forest itself, the seela look ever so slightly more alive, their skin no longer ashen, their eyes less sunken. The song the fey have maintained for forty years
finally ends as the voices of the seela turn to cheers.


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Kirio's shoulders noticeably relax as tension he was not aware was there seems to ebb away with the parting of the spirits... "Well now, that is better! I dare say that worked out nicely for all concerned..." he looks down at vuhl's still form and smiles wryly "well, almost everyone at any rate. How long has he been acting ... different"

He concentrates for a moment, whistles a quick little tune; his cape, which was covered in soot and grime, seems instantly clean and turns a delightful shade of spring green, he looks down at himself and shrugs, "the rest will have to wait I suppose"

"Well, Seela friends, you are welcome, bestow any thanks you feel are appropriate and we will be on our merry way, yes? Should we return to the shrine and see if that soldier has awakened? No no no, what am I saying, away, away with us..."

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